The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1997: Before this king, who can be immortal?

"Emperor Xiao Qing, you are dead."

The words of the God of Light and the God of Darkness made Xiao Qingdi look surprised, "It's interesting, this king is quite curious, why is this king dead?"

"Hey, want to know?"

The God of Light sneered, "You will know when you experience it yourself."

"I only hate that I knew you existed before. I should have come to Origin Star myself to capture you and capture everything in you, instead of letting those idiots deal with you."

The God of Guangming at this moment, don't mention how regretful he is.

He can be said to be the first strong man to focus on Emperor Xiao Qing. From the very beginning, he sent instructions to the strong man of the Bright Church to deal with Emperor Xiao Qing, especially to get the inheritance from Emperor Xiao Qing.

As a result, the Illuminati Church is too wasteful.

The dignified source star secular world can be called the most powerful force, and it has been destroyed by the weak Emperor Xiao Qing.

Later, the rise of Emperor Xiao Qing was simply out of control, and the God of Light could no longer deal with Emperor Xiao Qing. He also thought about getting off the court himself, but he did not dare.

There are more experts at his level who are staring at him. If he moves, he will be spotted immediately. Then, it will be even more difficult to deal with Emperor Xiao Qing.

Under such hesitation, he completely lost the possibility of dealing with Emperor Xiao Qing.

"In the beginning, you wanted to get the inheritance from this king?" Emperor Xiao Qing looked at the **** of light with a smile.


Having reached this point, he didn't care whether Emperor Xiao Qing knew.

"It's a pleasure to admit it."

Emperor Xiao Qing laughed blankly and looked to the dark **** on the side, "How about you, when you reached an agreement with that guy, did you ever want to deal with this king?"

"You still ask if you know."

The God of Darkness is actually the same as the God of Light. Both are birdmen with wings, but the God of Light controls the power of light, while the God of Darkness controls the power of darkness.

The faces of the two are even the same, but the energy and color of the body are different.

Both of them looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with disdain, "It was your luck that didn't handle you at the time, and let you run away. We were born from the origin of the light and darkness of the universe, and you cannot destroy us."

"Emperor Xiao Qing, don't think that your own strength can do whatever you want with us, even if you can temporarily kill us? As long as this universe is still there, we will appear again sooner or later."

Their words made Xiao Qing emperor very surprised and looked at the little holy emperor, "What these two guys are saying is true?"

Little Saint Emperor smiled bitterly and nodded, "It should be true."

"In this way, even if this king kills you now, your gods, who lived on the origin of the universe and are the power of light and darkness in this universe, will still appear in the future?"

Emperor Xiao Qing looked at the God of Light and Darkness in surprise, "No wonder the two are so calm, but they are sure that they can't die."

"Emperor Xiao Qing, you'd better let us go. From then on, we will close the light and dark God realms and stop opposing you. This is good for you and me."

The God of Light looked at Emperor Xiao Qing fearlessly, even if he was compressed into a small pudding by Emperor Xiao Qing, he was not afraid of anything.

What if it is now destroyed by Emperor Xiao Qing?

As long as this universe is immortal, he can be reborn.

Light and darkness are the foundation of this universe. For them, this universe not only limits them, but also gives them talents that others cannot match.

Death is only temporary for them.

How strong is Xiao Qingdi?

Unless the entire universe is destroyed, they will never completely die.

"So, it's kind of interesting."

Emperor Xiao Qing laughed softly, with a strange color in his eyes, "This king wants to see if it really can't completely destroy your consciousness."

He grabbed the two little puddings with his right hand, and then, a little bit, the flesh of the God of Light and the God of Darkness slowly collapsed.

Not only were these two guys not afraid, but they laughed out loud, "Emperor Xiao Qing, we are settled on this enmity, your strength is strong, and there will always be a day when you become a **** and leave this universe. After you truly leave this universe, It's over."

"We will let you know what ignorance is and will wipe out everything about you."

"In this universe, nothing is immortal. Only light and darkness are necessary for this universe. You can never kill us. I will be back soon, hahaha."

As the Gods of Light and Darkness laughed, their consciousness completely collapsed, but when all the powerful thought that everything of these two would be completely destroyed by Emperor Xiao Qing.

However, in the palm of Emperor Xiao Qing's palm, a little white light and a little darkness were circulating.

"That is..."

At this moment, the faces of all the strong men changed.

"The origins of light and darkness, this is the basis of the existence of those two guys. They didn't even blend into the universe, but were retained by him. In other words, as long as Emperor Xiao Qing merged these two things, those two guys would not May be reborn."


All the strong are inhaling.

The God of Light and the God of Darkness are so arrogant, isn’t it because they are the gods produced by the light and darkness of this universe. As long as the universe does not die, they will not be destroyed?

But now, their origins have been intercepted by Emperor Xiao Qing, that is to say, Emperor Xiao Qing can recreate a **** of light and darkness at any time, then how can they reappear.

The God of Light and the God of Darkness are indeed completely miscalculated.

With a faint smile on Xiao Qingdi's face, he wondered to whom the source of light and darkness should be given.

Although the person who has obtained these two things can become a powerful person who can coexist with this universe forever, he will also be restricted by this universe, and may stay in this universe forever.

"Wait back to Dragon King Island and see again."

Without thinking about it, he put away the source of light and darkness, his eyes were looking at the golden devil, one of the nine devils who were panicking.

Originally, this golden devil was also very disdainful of Emperor Xiao Qing.

Because he was able to be so powerful, it was precisely because he had swallowed the universe, the God of Light and Darkness in this universe, the Golden God Empress, and reached such a state.

Originally, he also felt that he could not be destroyed.

However, at this moment, he was completely panicked.

Powers such as the Light God and Dark God were directly destroyed by Emperor Xiao Qing, let alone him.

"Your Excellency Dragon King, I am willing to surrender. I have never done anything that hurts the world, just to survive."

He knelt down directly to Emperor Xiao Qing very simply, "I still know where the remaining nine demon are, as long as you can keep me alive, I will summon all the remaining nine demon, one And surrender to you."

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