The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 2128: Welcome to Dragon King!

"Zhu Rong, don't really burn people to death."

The other eleven witch kings are here.

They looked at Emperor Xiao Qing who was being wrapped in Zhu Rong's fire, and their faces showed curiosity.

Can you persevere?

Zhu Rong can rank in the forefront in strength among the twelve witch kings, especially the fire of Zhu Rong, which is extremely terrifying. Even their other eleven witch kings would not dare to be wrapped and refined by the fire of Zhu Rong.

"He doesn't seem to move."

At this time, Dijiang, who is most sensitive to the power of space, opened his mouth and said, "Zhu Rongqing did his best to use the fire of Zhu Rong, but he could not cause any harm to him. Even at this moment, there is a force in his body that is swallowing. I wish the fire of Rong."

"In other words..."

All the Witch Kings glanced at each other, and their eyes were shocked, "This guy really has the power of the Twelve Ancestor Witches."

"I'll test whether he has the power of Xuan Ming."

Among the Twelve Witch Kings, the only woman strode out.

It is the patriarch of the Xuanming tribe, the Xuanming Witch King.

She shook her body and turned directly into the water of Xuanming, and burst into the water of Zhu Rong.

In the next moment, the water and fire merged, the water assisted the fire, the fire fights the water prestige, the water and fire power, unexpectedly complemented each other, and attacked Emperor Xiao Qing together.

"The fire of Zhu Rong, the strongest flame in the world, burns everything."

The Houtu Witch King looked at Emperor Xiao Qing who was wrapped in the fire of Zhu Rong and the water of Xuanming, his eyes were shocked, "The water of Xuanming is the extremely cold water in the world, and even the power of co-working is impossible. In contrast, except for the water of the Nine Nethers, which contains the origin of the Nine Nethers, otherwise, no water can compare to it."

"The fusion of the two extreme forces of water and fire happens to be able to burst out the most terrifying power of destruction, can he persist?"

The ten powerful Witch Kings all returned to normal human size, their eyes fixed on Emperor Xiao Qing.

Even if they are powerful witch kings, no one has any certainty that they can survive the joint efforts of Zhu Rong and Xuan Ming, and if Emperor Xiao Qing can do it, it means that Emperor Xiao Qing’s strength has surpassed them. , Or in other words, it is certain that Emperor Xiao Qing has indeed mastered the power of the Twelve Ancestor Witch.


At this moment, Emperor Xiao Qing really felt two different attacks.

However, his physical body only quivered slightly to adapt to these two forces.

Even the power of the twelve ancestor witches must be used by him. It is integrated by him with a unified exercise method, and turned into a Taiji diagram, together with the source of the gods and the source of the nine nethers, not to mention the power of Zhu Rong alone. And the power of Xuanming.

"Since it is your own strength to deliver to the door, this king is not welcome."

At the beginning, Emperor Xiao Qing still had some reservations and didn't target Zhu Rong's Fire and Xuanming's Water, but seeing that these two guys were working so hard against him, if he hadn't done anything, he would look down on people a bit. Up.

At the moment, he was no longer polite, and directly sat down in a volley, the unified exercises started to work, and the Taiji diagram in his body was rotated.


In an instant, the horrible suction burst out from his body, and the fire of Zhu Rong and the water of Xuanming that enveloped him were continuously swallowed and refined by him.

"Do not..."

The power of the surrounding twelve ancestor witches all rioted.

Just like a whale sucking water, all the power of the infinite ancestor witch was submerged into Emperor Xiao Qing, and the same was true for the fire of Zhu Rong and the water of Xuanming. In an instant, most of the fire of Zhu Rong and the water of Xuanming were swallowed.

The two screamed in horror, "Are you going to swallow us?"

"you dare?"

This scene happened so fast that even the top ten witch kings who were watching the excitement had no time to react.

When they were about to make a move, this horrible suction instantly disappeared, and the power of the rioting Twelve Ancestor Witches stopped instantly, and the fire of Zhurong and the water of Xuanming instantly became like the Witch King Zhurong and the Witch King Xuanming. .

Their breath was weak, their faces pale, and their eyes looked at Emperor Xiao Qing still with a look of horror.

Emperor Xiao Qing stood up and bowed his hands to the two witch kings. "The two are really too polite. They just want to give the power you control to this king. This king has no choice but to be very polite."

"Asshole, you have swallowed nearly half of the fire of Zhu Rong, this is the original power of my Wu Clan."

Zhu Rong Wu Wang looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with tears without tears, and yelled, "You bastard, you can blast me with a punch, why do you want to swallow my power?"

Although King Xuanming did not speak, his eyes were fixed on Emperor Xiao Qing, his eyes flashing with anger.

The loss this time was too great for these two witch kings.

Even if they are powerful witch kings, although they can recover, it will take at least hundreds of years to make up for the power swallowed by Emperor Xiao Qing.

Emperor Xiao Qing looked at the two of them in surprise, "Isn't the power you gave me proactively unnecessary?"

As he said, an annoyed look appeared on his face, "I'm sorry, but this king misunderstood. I thought that you sent your power here in this way, intending to help me temper the power of the blood as the Witch King Zhu Rong said, no I thought it wasn't."

"What can I do now? After this king has swallowed your power, he can't give it back to you. Oh, if I trouble you in the future, if you do, please make it clear. Otherwise, I accidentally refine you completely. Yes, there is no place to reason even if you die."

He shook his head with regret on his face, making Zhu Rong Witch King and Xuan Ming Witch King furious, but these two had no way to refute.

They were indeed the first to deal with Emperor Xiao Qing. Their strength was not as good as Emperor Xiao Qing had swallowed more than half of their power. What can they say?

Did Emperor Xiao Qing spit out his power?

Don't say you can't vomit, even if you can vomit, they don't have the face to say it.

"The loss is too great."

Dijiang Witch King, who has turned into a normal man, looked at the two great Witch Kings and shook his head, "It will take at least several hundred years to recover."

"The current battlefield situation is very severe. Without Zhu Rong and Xuan Ming, how can we be able to hold it?" Hou Tu Witch King showed a worried expression on his face.

"Isn't this one more king who can master the power of the twelve ancestor witches and lead our witch race to the top?"

The Emperor Witch King laughed and looked at Emperor Xiao Qing, with a look of surprise in his eyes, and exclaimed, "I thought that the people in the Twelve Ancestral Witch’s prophecies would not appear so quickly, at least not at this time. I didn’t expect The thing is, you came here silently."

"Yeah, and you actually came from the outside world. It seems that in all this, it is indeed the Twelve Ancestor Witch that is blessing us."

"Dragon King Xiao Qingdi, our Twelve Witch Kings represent the Witch Clan, and you are welcome to return!"

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