The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 2129: I won't brag anymore

"Welcome the Dragon King to return to the Wu Clan!"

The Twelve Witch Kings all looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with a smile on their faces.

Even King Zhu Rong and Xuan Ming Witch King, who had just been refined by Emperor Xiao Qing nearly half of their power, also spoke.

The twelve ancestor witch left a prophecy that in the endless years to come, there will be a man of destiny who can simultaneously master the power of the twelve ancestor witch, lead the witch clan out of this world, and completely wipe out the strangeness that once destroyed the ancients.

The Witch tribe, the most important blood inheritance, follow any order left by the Twelve Ancestral Witch, each member of the Witch tribe is branded deep in the blood.

Since Emperor Xiao Qing really mastered the power of the Twelve Ancestor Witch, he was the one who wanted to speak in the legend.

As for the power that Zhurong Witch King and Xuanming Witch King lost, they can only admit that they are unlucky. Who left them to provoke Emperor Xiao Qing without having anything to do?

Emperor Xiao Qing had a surprised look on his face, "This king is not a member of the Witch Clan."

"No, you are a member of my Wu Clan."

Dijiang Witch King said in a deep voice, "The power of the Twelve Ancestral Witches can only be used with the blood of the Ancestral Witch. People without the blood of the Ancestral Witch cannot use the power of the Twelve Ancestral Witch. This is a fact and no one can change it. You don't need to deny it, even if you don't know whether you have the power of the ancestor witch, maybe it was uploaded to you by your ancestor, and it will not be fully activated until you are?"

"This is impossible."

Emperor Xiao Qing shook his head. The blood of the Xiao Clan was actually very ordinary, only a member of the ordinary human race. He didn't think his blood would have the power of the Witch Clan.

"But, this is the case. Otherwise, can you give us an explanation, why can you use the power of the Twelve Ancestor Witch?" Jumang Witch King stood up and said.


Emperor Xiao Qing touched his nose, this question is really hard to say.

Could it be that the twelve witch kings were told that by chance, the power of the twelve ancestor witches was just able to unify the origin of the gods and the origin of the Nine Nethers, and completely form a unified exercise?

I'm afraid no one will believe it.

"Don't worry, we won't force you to do anything, as long as you follow us to the Witch Clan Temple."

The Houtu Witch King stood up and said to Emperor Xiao Qing, "In the temple, there are things left by the Twelve Ancestral Witches. After you get them, you will know what you need to do. If at that time, You still have to leave the wizarding world. Not only will we not stop us, we will even try to help you leave."

"Yeah, now you, it doesn't matter if you don't recognize your identity, as long as you go to the temple and get the things left by the Twelve Ancestor Witch."

"Anyway, you can't leave the witch world now, so it's better to go back with us."

The Twelve Witch Kings dissuaded Emperor Xiao Qing together.

Their words silenced Emperor Xiao Qing.

He wanted to leave the witch world as quickly as possible, but he knew that all this was unrealistic. After all, with his current strength, if the power of the twelve ancestor witches could be mobilized at any time, his great If the unified exercises broke out completely, it should barely be able to stop the Witch King.

But, Rao is so, and he doesn't know that he should leave this world.

Looking at the appearance of the Twelve Witch Kings, it seemed that they didn't know how to leave the Witch Realm, so they could only go to the temple according to what the Twelve Witch King said to see what the Twelve Ancestor Witches left behind.

"Well, this king wants to see what the Twelve Ancestor Witches left behind. But, let me explain in advance that this king will not necessarily stay to help you deal with any enemies. As long as you find a way to leave, this king will leave the witch world. If you don't think it will work, it is better not to take this king to the temple." Xiao Qingdi said.

"It's okay, as long as you are willing to accept what the Twelve Ancestral Witch left behind."

The Twelve Witch Kings suddenly rejoiced.

They believed that as long as Emperor Xiao Qing agreed to go to the temple to accept what was left by the Twelve Ancestor Witch, Emperor Xiao Qing would stay and lead the Witch Clan out of this world and destroy their mortal enemy.

"Lord Dragon King, please."

The Twelve Witch Kings all looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with a smile.

Although Zhurong Witch King and Xuan Ming Witch King had to retreat for a long time to restore their cultivation base, they were very happy with the addition of a character that appeared in the prophecy.

After all, Emperor Xiao Qing is the existence of strange things that can lead the Wu Clan to defeat the world in the prophecy of the Twelve Ancestor Witch.

"Please lead the way." Emperor Xiao Qing nodded slightly. Since he decided to follow the Twelve Witch King to the Witch Clan Temple to see what the Twelve Ancestral Witch left behind, he naturally wouldn't shirk anymore.


The Twelve Witch Kings laughed and displayed their Witch Clan real bodies one after another, rushing forward at the fastest speed, disappearing in front of Emperor Xiao Qing in an instant.

With a thought of Emperor Xiao Qing, he first released his four feet from the soul of the soul, the power of the whole body space flowed, and the whole talent stepped out and disappeared in the same place instantly.

"Boss, how is it? Did you beat those twelve guys?"

As soon as the little guy appeared, he asked excitedly.

"Only two defeated."

Emperor Xiao Qing replied calmly.

"What about the other ten?" Four Feet asked.

"No hands." Xiao Qingdi said.

"Oh, it's a pity that I didn't even see this battle, but it doesn't matter, as long as we are still in the wizarding world, there will be a battle sooner or later, and it will definitely be a stunning showdown." The little guy pretended to be regretful. Said.

Emperor Xiao Qing turned his head and glanced at the little guy on his shoulders, just smiled and said nothing.

This laugh made the little guy a little embarrassed, and quickly explained, "I was not afraid of them just now, but thought that if our brothers were all there, people would say that the Dragon King was the main force to defeat them. , Your reputation is not so good."

"So, you are not afraid of them?" Xiao Qingdi smiled.

"Of course I'm not afraid. This Shenlong King is the Dragon King of the Nine Heavens True God Realm. How can I be afraid of them?" said with his head raised.

"you are great."

Emperor Xiao Qing couldn't help giving the little guy a thumbs up.

"Of course." The little guy was extremely proud.

However, before he could sigh with emotion, he saw that after Emperor Xiao Qing took a few steps, there were twelve horrifying witch kings on his way.

"Boss, we are in the wrong direction, and the twelve guys are ahead." The little guy suddenly became anxious.


Emperor Xiao Qing had a teasing look on his face, "Since you, the Nine Heaven God Dragon King, is not afraid of the Twelve Witch Kings, then this King will give you a chance to fight the Twelve Witch Kings."


This surprise is nothing short of trivial.

The little guy clutched Xiao Qing's shoulders tightly with four paws, and couldn't wait to turn his head and turn away.

The Twelve Witch Kings, if they were placed in the Nine Heavens True God Realm, they would probably be comparable to the existence of a God Realm giant, even if they were a powerhouse of the Nine Heavens God Dragon King level.

The little guy hasn't grown up yet, how to fight the Twelve Witch Kings?

"Don't, boss, I was wrong, I'm bragging, I'm not their opponent, I'm really afraid of them, don't go up, you can escape now, otherwise you will die..."

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