"It's over, it's dead..."

The four-legged begging for mercy didn't have any effect. Seeing Emperor Xiao Qing rushing directly forward, when he rushed towards the twelve witch kings like this, his eyes showed a look of despair, and he almost fainted with fright.

"It's over..."

"I'm going to die, ahhhh..."

Seeing the huge body of the Twelve Witch Kings getting bigger and bigger, the little guy was so frightened that he closed his eyes quickly.

It dare not move.

It's useless even if it moves.

After all, even if its strength reached a realm comparable to that of a god, it was still far behind this class of Witch King.

"Lord Dragon King, your speed is really fast."

The Twelve Witch Kings also did their best to display their speed, and the ones who lag behind were Zhurong Witch King and Xuan Ming Witch King who had been refined by Emperor Xiao Qing for more than half of their origin.

The two of them sighed and watched as Emperor Xiao Qing rushed past them. They could only feel sorry for themselves, "If my strength is not more than half refined by him, I will not be slower than the guy in Houtu."

Twelve Witch Kings, in terms of speed, the slowest one is naturally the Houtu Witch King.

However, now, with Zhu Rong and Xuan Ming at the bottom, Houtu Witch King's speed is much faster.

third from last.

This guy was running happily. Before, every time the Twelve Witch Kings drove together, he always bottomed out. This time, he finally didn't need to bottom out, and he was so happy in his heart.


Suddenly, a gust of wind blew over, and a figure rushed past the tens of thousands of Wu Clan's true body in Houtu.

Isn't it the Emperor Xiao Qing?

At this moment, Emperor Xiao Qing was walking at will, just like walking in a leisurely courtyard, and instantly surpassed Hou Tu, making the originally very excited Hou Tu Witch King’s smile solidified, "This guy is so fast..."

"Moreover, the power of Dijiang's space has not yet been used."

It was very obvious to him that Emperor Xiao Qing just used ordinary methods to drive the road, without even using the power of the 12th Ancestor Witch.

And their Twelve Witch Kings habitually use the power of the Twelve Ancestor Witches. Of course, their own power is also very strong, but the main thing they are strongest is the terror of their flesh.

In the past, Emperor Xiao Qing did not compete with Zhu Rong and Xuan Ming in the flesh, otherwise, with the horror of the flesh of these two witch kings, I am afraid that Emperor Xiao Qing might not be able to treat the two great witch kings.

Soon, Emperor Xiao Qing surpassed the witch kings one by one. Later, only two witch kings were faster than him.

One is the nine-yin candle that controls time. This guy cheats and extends the time within his own range indefinitely.

Even if his speed is actually not fast, but it takes less time.

It takes a fixed amount of time for one hundred kilometers, but he can expand this time infinitely on himself, allowing him to spend more time on the road.

As for Emperor Wu Wang, that is the king of real speed.

As the king of the space department, for Dijiang, almost no one can compare with him in terms of speed.

Of course, the means he used to hurry can actually be regarded as cheating.

Different from Zhujiuyin, Dijiang narrows the distance and directly uses the supernatural powers of space to fold the distance of tens of millions of miles into less than a million li. At the same time, it can also use the supernatural powers of space to cross infinity. Far distance.

In this way, the distance of tens of thousands of miles in front of him is like a hundred thousand miles, and the journey is simply too easy.

"Hey, although that kid has mastered the power of the Twelve Ancestral Witches at the same time, I don't believe it anymore. His spatial ancestral witch power can surpass me."

Dijiang Witch King muttered to himself proudly.

Suddenly, I felt something was wrong, and the space I was in seemed to be folded by someone with the supernatural power of space.

His expression changed, his four wings vibrated, and he instantly turned his head to look over. Under this look, his face suddenly changed.

Behind him, Emperor Xiao Qing, who was the size of an ant with his hands on his back, walked over slowly like a stroll in the garden.

However, the space of tens of thousands of miles, only less than tens of thousands of miles were left to be folded by Emperor Xiao Qing's supernatural powers.

Even if the pace of Emperor Xiao Qing's leaping was small and slow, his speed was extremely fast.

Slowly, Emperor Xiao Qing got closer and closer to Dijiang.

"Quickly, this kid's use of space supernatural powers unexpectedly surpassed me." While the Dijiang Witch King was shocked, he was reluctant to admit defeat, "No, I am the head of the Dijiang tribe. Emperor Jiang's magical powers, the power of space is unparalleled, how could it be surpassed by him?"

"I want to surpass him."

The four wings of Dijiang shook at the same time, erupting at the fastest speed.

At this moment, he urged Dijiang's supernatural powers to the extreme, and the surrounding power belonging to the Dijiang Zu witches merged into his body, making his speed extremely fast.

Suddenly increased the speed ten times.

At the same time, Emperor Wu Wang also sent an invitation to Emperor Xiao Qing, "Your Excellency Dragon King, your supernatural powers are really extraordinary, why don't we be faster than one?"

"If your speed is faster, Dijiang promises you one condition, you can do whatever you want."

He was afraid that Emperor Xiao Qing would not agree to compare with him, and even offered a condition.

"Comparation, what's to be afraid of."

The four feet on Emperor Xiao Qing's shoulders agreed first.

The four feet that had been so scared were absolutely no fear at this moment, it was still standing proudly on the shoulders of Emperor Xiao Qing, with four paws just grabbing Emperor Xiao Qing.

"Okay, that's it."

The Emperor Witch King didn't care whether it was Emperor Xiao Qing answered, since he had already agreed, he naturally did not hesitate at all, but rushed forward at the fastest speed.

"Since Dijiang is compared to you, why should I count as one candle nine shades?"

Zhu Jiuyin, who was originally at the speed of Emperor Xiao Qing, followed up and looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with a smile.


Four feet agreed, Xiao Qingdi naturally also agreed.

"The same conditions, if I lose, you can let me do something unconditionally, but if you lose, you have to do something for my Wu Clan, how about?" Zhu Jiuyin said with a smile.

"it is good."

Emperor Xiao Qing nodded and agreed.


As soon as Emperor Xiao Qing agreed, Zhu Jiuyin tried his best to display the supernatural powers of time. For an instant, time seemed to stagnate on his body, and his speed was extremely fast.

Others couldn't know how he used the magical power of time, but Emperor Xiao Qing could clearly feel the magical effect of the magical power of the time.

A smile appeared on his face, "The magical powers of time are indeed infinitely magical. The magical powers of space are equally extraordinary. If you simply compare the magical powers of space or time with you, this king is not as good as you, but both of you are compared with this king at the same time. This king can use the supernatural powers of space and time at the same time, and you will lose."


At the next moment, the terrifying space and time supernatural powers of Emperor Xiao Qing burst out, and the whole person instantly disappeared in place.

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