The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 2131: Win or lose


Time is reversing, space is folding, the combination of the two makes Emperor Xiao Qing's speed to the extreme.

In the blink of an eye, Zhu Jiuyin's only felt that he was retreating, and the time supernatural powers he controlled also retreated backwards. He couldn't help but stare wide, revealing a look of horror.

I saw that, in front of him, Emperor Xiao Qing was wrapped in the power of the Second Path of Time and Space, and he walked forward in such a big stride, disappearing in front of him in an instant.

The Candle Nine Yin Witch King stood there in a daze, sighing, "I wanted to help Dijiang, but I didn't expect to harm him."

At this moment, how could Zhu Jiuyin, a witch king-level powerhouse, fail to understand that his participation enabled Emperor Xiao Qing to use both space and time forces at the same time, and under the combination, the speed of the explosion was extremely fast.

As a result, if Dijiang, who had originally simply competed with the supernatural powers of space, might have won, there would be no chance of winning this time.

"Sorry, brother Dijiang."

Zhu Jiuyin muttered, waiting until the other Witch Kings also followed up, and then rushed forward together.

However, I saw that there were no traces of Di Jiang and Xiao Qing in front of them. Obviously, the speed of the two was so fast that they disappeared completely in the blink of an eye.

"It's so fast."

"Jiuyin, you promise him a condition, if he wants you to do something you don't want to do, what should you do?"

"Haha, in case he fancy Zhujiuyin, he wants to make Zhujiuyin his..."

All the powerful witch kings laughed and looked at Zhu Jiu Yin.

The latter's face became extremely ugly.

At the beginning, he didn't expect that he would lose so quickly, but if he were to go back on the experiment, it would obviously not work, but if Emperor Xiao Qing really made any excessive demands, he would be finished.

"Leave it to fate, I believe that the person in the Ancestral Witch's prophecy cannot harm me for no reason."

Zhu Jiu Yin was depressed, but his heart was extremely uncomfortable.

"Hahaha... let you die."

All the powerful Witch Kings laughed.

A group of people hurried on the road, but no matter how they chased them, they could not chase God Jiang and Emperor Xiao Qing.

At this moment, Emperor Xiao Qing and Dijiang's race had reached a fiery degree.

As the Space Witch King, Di Jiang used the ancestor Wu Di Jiang's space supernatural powers to the extreme. Even if Emperor Xiao Qing combined the two different powers of space and time, he was shocked to discover that it was only comparable to Di Jiang.

"Good skill."

The four feet on the shoulders of Emperor Xiao Qing couldn't help sighing, "Boss, the use of space magical powers by the Emperor Jiang Wuwang has really reached its peak. I am afraid that no one in the world can compare with him."

"It's not necessarily."

Emperor Xiao Qing smiled softly. As he observed Dijiang, his understanding of the supernatural powers of space became stronger. At the same time, he compared the supernatural powers of the dijiang ancestor witch with the space supernatural powers contained in his own **** realm. I just feel cheerful.

"Let you see what the real space velocity is."

He stepped out, the next moment, the boundless space actively gathered under his feet, the distance of tens of thousands of miles, instantly condensed into one point, and each step crossed countless points.

In other words, this time, he would have hundreds of millions of miles in one step.

Even Dijiang is not as good as him.

Di Jiang was doing his best to hurry, and suddenly felt that the void around him was compressed. He turned his head and saw that his face suddenly changed.

Emperor Xiao Qing unexpectedly reached the extreme speed, and in an instant he caught up with him very far from the original, and, looking at the trend, he felt like he wanted to surpass himself.

"Damn it."

Di Jiang yelled, his four wings shook frantically, and quickly rushed towards the distance.

He is the descendant of the witch of Emperor Jiang Zu, and he has reached the realm of the witch king. The use of space power is invincible in the world, how can he be surpassed?

However, no matter how he used his spatial supernatural powers, it was useless.

At this moment, Emperor Xiao Qing used both space magical powers and time magical powers, stepping out, and easily surpassed Dijiang with the wine, and smiled and nodded, "I have inherited."

After that, no matter Yiqi Juechen, no matter how the Emperor Witch King chases after him, it is useless.


The Emperor Witch King stared blankly at the direction of Emperor Xiao Qing's disappearance, feeling lost.

At this moment, his heart was empty.

He is different from the Time Witch King Zhu Nine Yin, he is the Space Witch King, and he is a powerhouse who has reached the peak state, and even only one opportunity from the ancestral witch realm.

Moreover, Dijiang believed that his understanding of the supernatural powers of space was no weaker than that of the ancestor witch, but because he was not as good as the ancestral witch born in the chaos of the year, he could not break through.

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, he was surpassed by Emperor Xiao Qing in terms of spatial supernatural powers.

"It turns out that I am still so weak."

He sighed. He originally felt that he could no longer break through. At this moment, he saw hope, "As long as my spatial supernatural powers can reach a higher level and truly reach the realm of the ancestor witch, maybe I can really break through and become an ancestor. witch."

"Cultivation is endless, and should not be restricted by my own blood. I must have the determination to transcend everything."

At this moment, Dijiang suddenly became clear, laughing and chasing after Emperor Xiao Qing.

It didn't take long to see Emperor Xiao Qing who was standing with his hand in front, waiting for him.

"I lost, I am convinced."

The Emperor Witch King laughed and bowed to Emperor Xiao Qing, "As expected of the figure in the prophecy of the ancestor witch, I am convinced of your ability."

"I just used all kinds of power. If I simply compete with the supernatural powers of space, this king cannot be compared with you." Xiao Qingdi said solemnly.

"Haha, the supernatural powers of space can contain all things, you can integrate other supernatural powers in it, which is also your ability."

Di Jiang laughed, he is not the kind of person who can't afford to lose, "What do you want me to do?"

"I haven't thought of it now. I will tell you when I think about it in the future." Xiao Qingdi said.

"Okay, as long as you think of what you want us to do, you can find me anytime."

Di Jiang laughed.

The two stood together waiting for the other Witch Kings to catch up. After a long time, the other eleven Witch Kings caught up with breathlessness. Zhu Jiuyin looked at Dijiang in surprise, "You won?"


Di Jiang shook his head, "I lost, I am convinced."


Zhu Jiuyin was stunned, and then he was relieved, "So I can rest assured, since you have all lost, it is normal for me to lose."

Turning to look at Emperor Xiao Qing, he said in a deep voice, "Your Excellency Dragon King will do whatever you want me to do."

"I'll talk about this later, let's go to the temple first."

Emperor Xiao Qing smiled softly. Seeing Dijiang, Zhu Jiuyin, and other witch kings, he suddenly felt that these witch kings were a bit interesting at this moment.

"Walk, go to the temple."

A group of people quickly moved towards the temple, but they were not far from the temple, they just blinked and arrived.

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