The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 2147: The source of disaster

"What, the new Dragon King of Dragon King Island requires our Tiandao Academy to surrender to Dragon King Island, otherwise we will destroy our Nine Clans?"

"Asshole, in the past hundred years, Dragon King Island and our Tiandao Academy have always kept the water in the well, so why did they suddenly attack us?"

"Also, who is the new dragon king?"

On an island of Yuanxing, Tiandao Academy stands tall in it.

As the source star's first holy place except Dragon King Island, within a hundred years, due to the rich aura of the source star and the convergence of the rules of the universe, Tiandao Academy has also cultivated many powerful talents.

However, it cannot be compared with Dragon King Island.

Even in the Tiandao Academy, apart from a deputy dean who broke through to the fourth stage of longevity, plus the original dean was a strong player in the fourth stage of longevity, the rest had no high-end combat power.

At this moment, the dean and deputy dean of the Tiandao Academy were all there, and they all looked at the strong man in the fourth stage of longevity from Dragon King Island with an angry face.

"You said, this is the request of your new Dragon King?" The dean of Tiandao Academy said coldly.


The immortal said indifferently, "Our Dragon King Island has elected a new Dragon King. His Majesty Dragon King is very talented and not inferior to the old Dragon King. Moreover, he intends to integrate all the practitioners in the entire universe and cover the power of Dragon King Island in the universe. More creatures in the universe can be sheltered by the power of Dragon King Island."

"I give you ten days. Within ten days, all immortals in the Tiandao Academy need to go to Dragon King Island to surrender, otherwise, my Dragon King Island millions of troops will come and destroy your Tiandao Academy nine clans."


The immortal left with a sneer, leaving behind the extremely angry people at Tiandao Academy.

"Master, Dragon King Island deceives people too much."

"Yeah, what a new dragon king from Dragon King Island actually wants to dominate the entire universe, it's **** it."

"We must go to Dragon King Island for an explanation."

At this moment, countless members of Tiandao Academy all angrily wanted to kill.

The dean of Tiandao Academy, who is also the brother of the Little Sage Emperor, had a solemn expression in his eyes, "Unexpectedly, a hundred years after Emperor Xiao Qing disappeared, the true gods on Longwang Island had soared to the God Realm, causing such a big mess."

"Dean, what do you mean is that the new Dragon King was not selected by the true gods, but those guys on Dragon King Island rebelled on their own?" The deputy chief of the fourth stage of longevity asked in a deep voice.

"It must be."

The dean of Tiandao Academy shook his head and sighed and said, "Emperor Xiao Qing is magnificent and majestic. He is full of attitude for the sake of Dragon King Island. He even bathes the people on the island with the blood of the gods. However, he did not expect Yes, in the end a group of tiger wolves were cultivated."

"This time, it is the disaster of Origin Star and the disaster of the universe."

He stood up, with a deep worry in his eyes, "I just don't know when Emperor Xiao Qing will come back. If he can't come back, then something really will happen."

He sighed, then turned to look at the powerhouses in Tiandao Academy, "Pack up, all the immortals, go to Dragon King Island."

"Master, are we really going to Dragon King Island to surrender?"

At this moment, everyone in Tiandao Academy was shocked.

I thought that their Tiandao Academy would definitely fight, and would never easily surrender to Dragon King Island. What I didn't expect was that the dean would agree to it all at once.

You know, their Tiandao Academy is a famous sacred place in the universe, let alone a small source star, even in the universe, no one dares to insult Tiandao Academy.

"If you don't surrender, do you want Tiandao Academy to be destroyed by the Dragon King Island powerhouse?"

The dean glanced at everyone and said calmly, "Do you know the strength of Dragon King Island?"

"Emperor Xiao Qing is not here, and those true gods have already ascended, no matter how powerful they are, there is a certain degree. I don't believe that our Tiandao Academy will be unable to stop Dragon King Island if we try our best to shoot.

"No matter how bad it is, we will unite with other powerful players to fight against Dragon King Island."

"President, we must not surrender so easily."

All the students of Tiandao Academy had grief and anger on their faces.

"Dozens of nearly a hundred strong men of the fourth stage of longevity, and nearly ten thousand longevity."

The dean of Tiandao Academy carried his hands on his back and said indifferently, "Which of you can block the nearly a hundred strongmen of the fourth stage of longevity, just treat me as if I hadn't said anything."


The faces of the members of the Tiandao Academy who were originally extremely angry changed.

In an instant, everyone looked at the dean of the Tiandao Academy, and found that the dean's face was calm, not like a joke, and the faces of these powerful men changed.

"Hundreds of strong men in the fourth realm of longevity, tens of thousands of longevity ones, there are not so many in the entire universe, right?"

The hearts of these powerhouses trembled, and even the deputy chief who had reached the fourth stage of longevity trembled.

The fourth realm of longevity, in the period of Holy Emperor Xuanyuan and Great Emperor Wild, that was the powerhouse of the emperor realm. Both of them were able to sweep the countless gods and demons powerhouses in the universe, forcing them to take vows. Cannot enter the human race.

Later, before the rise of Emperor Xiao Qing, in the universe, there were only the Dean of the Tiandao Academy and the Little Sage Emperor, two powerful men in the fourth stage of longevity, who had developed for infinite years.

But now, there are hundreds of Dragon King Island?

How to play this special?

"After ten days, go to Dragon King Island together."

The dean of Tiandao Academy sighed and shook his head and left.

As the human race is considered the oldest strong man, if he can, how could he be willing to surrender to the so-called new Dragon King on Dragon King Island?

You know, even when Emperor Xiao Qing was there, the master of the universe, who refined the origin of the universe, didn't let the dean of the Tiandao Academy surrender.

But now, the dean of Tiandao Academy is forced to surrender to the unknown Dragon King. How could he feel better in his heart?


At this moment, not only the dean of the Tiandao Academy was uncomfortable, but the strong men of the Yanhua Empire, the Holy Land of the Human Race, the Liangjie Mountain, the Wilderness and many other powerful forces were all furious.

However, they had no choice but to obey the words of the new Dragon King on Dragon King Island, and within ten days, they would go to Dragon King Island to surrender to the new Dragon King.

Otherwise, they will undoubtedly die.

Countless people cursed Dragon King Island, wishing that Dragon King Island would be destroyed by natural disasters, but they only dared to swear in their hearts, and never dared to let the strong of Dragon King Island know.

Because, after a hundred years, Dragon King Island has grown to a terrifying level.

Within the mountains of the two worlds, the new lord of the Sacred Sword Sect, Wang Mo, the old lord, the second ancestor Tianhuan, and the great ancestor Tiansheng all invited them out to talk about the Dragon King Island they just received.

Tian Huan, Tian Sheng and others shook their heads in silence, "There is no way, but to surrender, otherwise, the Holy Sword Sect will be destroyed, and no one can stop it."

"My elder brother does not know when he will come back. If he does not, the universe will fall into darkness."

"Dragon King Island, the source of disaster."

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