The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 2148: With respect to you, I agree?

Ten days passed in a flash.

After ten days of preparation, the new Dragon King of Dragon King Island, that is, the man with the scar face, will truly ascend the throne of the Dragon King on this day.

He will embark on the road to become the overlord of the universe under the common witness of all the powerful forces on Origin Star.

Wearing a dragon robe, the scarred man specially snatched the Emperor's crown from the Yanhua Empire, and stepped onto the throne suspended high in the sky with a smile on his face.

Below, the immortals of all forces stood and watched with solemn expressions.

On all sides of them, nearly a hundred strong men of the fourth stage of longevity released a mighty breath.

These hundreds of strongmen of the fourth stage of longevity were enough to shock all the immortals present, so that these immortals who had complaints in their hearts did not even dare to move.

The dean of Tiandao Academy, the Great Emperor, and the Great Emperor Yanhua are all there.

The powerhouses of the two worlds mountains also came, and they were dissatisfied one by one, but under the pressure of these hundreds of powerhouses of the fourth stage of longevity, they were not unable to move.

Ning Yuling and Ji Xinyao were also standing in the crowd, their eyes were fierce, especially Ning Yuling, holding the divine sword in his hand, there was an urge to kill at all costs.

"Can't move."

Ji Xinyao grabbed Ning Yuling's hand with a solemn look in his eyes, "By chance, he has swallowed the incarnation of the **** of heaven by chance. I suspect his body is comparable to a true god."

"How could it have swallowed the incarnation of the deity?"

Ning Yuling's face changed.

"Someone on the island secretly told me." Ji Xinyao said in a voice transmission, "This guy specially made a fake **** incarnation to paralyze everyone. I guess his purpose is to deal with Emperor Xiao Qing."

"What, how dare he?" Ning Yuling's face changed drastically.

"Since he dared to do such a thing to **** the position of the Dragon King, how could he have not thought about what will happen to him when Emperor Xiao Qing comes back?"

Ji Xinyao's eyes were still cold, and the voice was passed to Ning Yuling, "Even, I suspect that there are other strong people behind him, maybe the real god, otherwise, he should not dare to betray Xiao Qingdi."

"How can there be a **** in this world?" Ning Yuling was shocked.

"No one knows."

Ji Xinyao shook his head.

"Everyone, welcome to witness the king's enthronement ceremony."

At this time, the Scarlet man sitting on the throne in the volley spoke. He laughed and said, "This king knows how dissatisfied you are. You must think that this king is a traitor, but it is not true. This king has got his predecessor. The Dragon King Xiao Qing did this at the instigation, and even, in order for me to help him protect the Dragon King Island, Xiao Qing also gave me some beauties on the island."

"Today is not only the king's ascension ceremony, but also the day of his marriage. Now, please invite my beauties."

While the scarred man laughed loudly, he grabbed the distance from the air. Suddenly, accompanied by a roar, a sanding luxurious red sedan flew over.

With a wave of his hand, the top of the sedan chair was overturned, revealing the three women inside with extremely ugly faces and swearing.

"Why are they?"

The faces of Ning Yuling and Ji Xinyao changed.

Wei Zixuan, Li Xiner and Xu Yanping are three women.

Because of their relationship with Xiao Qingyan, they have been practicing in retreat on Dragon King Island. These years, they have also cultivated to the longevity state.

However, they are very low-key, and they have been practicing hard in retreat. Who can imagine that this scar man dug out these three women.

"Damn it, he knows that the three daughters are inextricably linked to Emperor Xiao Qing, and deliberately violated them."

"This bastard, **** it."

Ning Yuling and Ji Xinyao were furious at the same time.

"Haha, don't be angry, don't be nervous, today is only the day when the king takes a concubine first, but there will be more later."

If the scarred man glanced deeply at Ning Yuling and Ji Xinyao, grabbed them in the air, just grabbed the three women directly, and let them sit beside him in the sad and angry eyes of the three women.

"Scar, you deserve to die."

"Do you know who we are from Emperor Xiao Qing?"

"Do you dare to treat us like this, after Big Brother Xiao comes back, you will definitely be broken into pieces."

All three women scolded.

"Haha, scold me. The harder you struggle and the louder you scold, the happier I will be."

Scar laughed and didn't care about the three women's curses. Instead, he stood up in the air and looked at the many immortals, with regretful expressions on his face, muttering, "It's just a pity that the real ones Peerless beauties were taken away by him."

"But it doesn't matter, I will surprise you when you come back."

Scar laughed, looked at the many powerful men, and grabbed at random. One of the immortals was caught in his hand, and he smiled and asked, "Did you scold me?"


The face of the immortal changed drastically, and his heart was shocked. He was indeed scolding the other person, but he just scolded in his heart without saying it. How could this scar know?

"You scolded me in your heart, I heard it."

Scar was laughing, his big hand suddenly squeezed, and the strong man in the second realm of longevity was directly squeezed.

"Scar, you are bold."

Coincidentally, this immortal was a member of the Tiandao Academy, and the dean of the Tiandao Academy was furious, "So casual killing, are you going to be an enemy of the world?"

"Sorry, I just want to be the enemy of the world."

Scar laughed. This time, he no longer did it by himself, but waved his hand, "Take it for me."

In an instant, more than a dozen strong men of the fourth stage of longevity directly slew towards the dean of the Tiandao Academy.


At the same time, the other strongmen of the fourth realm of longevity also exploded with unparalleled strength and squeezed towards the dean of Tiandao Academy.

However, the dean of Tiandao Academy is a veteran powerhouse after all, and he is also a big disciple of Saint Emperor Xuanyuan. His cultivation base is earth-shaking. In a short time, even a dozen powerhouses in the fourth stage of longevity cannot take him. under.

"As expected to be the dean of the Tiandao Academy, this ability is really terrifying."

Dao Scar couldn't help but exclaimed, "This is the legendary Xuanyuan Holy Emperor's big disciple. Although he has not yet become a true god, he is not far behind."

"Scar, you are too much."

At this time, another immortal came forward.

It is the great ancestor Tiansheng and the second ancestor Tianhuan of the Holy Sword Sect of Liangjieshan.

Both of them are already worthy of stepping into the realm of the sword emperor. At this moment, the eyes looking at the sword scar are cold, and a terrifying sword intent is flowing.

"What a strong sword emperor, it's just that you who just become the sword emperor in the small world are not such a powerful existence."

Scar smiled, his figure suddenly appeared in front of the two of them, and blasted them towards them with a punch.


The two tried their best to resist, but they couldn't stop either.

Suddenly, the two people vomited blood and were directly blasted out of Origin Star.

"It seems that you have a good relationship with Dragon King Island. I temporarily spared your life. If you dare to show up next time, I will kill you."

Scar sneered, his figure appeared again on his throne and sat down.

Looking at the immortals in the field, he smiled and said, "Everyone, I don't know who else wants to talk?"

At this moment, no one in the field dared to speak, except for the dean of the Tiandao Academy who was fighting.

However, even the dean of the Tiandao Academy obviously couldn't last long.


Scar came out laughing proudly, he stood up again, opened his hands, a vast breath erupted, and said loudly, "From today, the entire universe, respect me!"

"You said, respect you, after I agree?"

At this moment, a calm voice came.

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