"Send you on the road."


The terrifying murderous intent suddenly broke out.

As soon as Emperor Xiao Qing raised his hand, the mighty sword aura rose into the air, turning into a hundred-zhang divine sword suspended above his head in the air.

Boom boom boom!

Amidst the roar, the sea water around Emperor Xiao Qing continued to explode, and a series of water columns rushed into the sky, turning into a earth-shaking water sword in mid-air around this nine-color sword energy.


There were no extra words, and with a thought, Baizhang Jianqi suddenly slashed towards the dark side.

"court death."

On the dark side, the black mist surged, and countless individuals shot out, shouting angrily.

"Dragon King Xiao Qingdi, since you are looking for death, don't blame us."

"Today, what if I wait for the Dragon King to be slaughtered and then to destroy the Dragon King Island?"

"Some time ago, you dared to make trouble in the dark place. Do you really think that the dark church I am waiting for is comparable to the waste of the William blood clan?"

"Even if we only came with a few people, it would be enough to kill you."


The anger sounded continuously.

There are a dozen people in the Dark Church. The weakest is the eighth-Rank pinnacle stage, and the strongest has even reached the level of the foundation stage.

Some of them rose directly into the sky with weapons in their hands, while others stood on cruise ships with scepters in their hands, casting dark spells.


The middle-aged man on the dark side who was talking to Emperor Xiao Qing was also furious. After drinking, a cloud of energy appeared in his hand. It suddenly twisted and turned into a large knife. The blade was dozens of feet long. He held it in both hands. The big knife was swiped up and cut towards Emperor Xiao Qing.

"Emperor Xiao Qing, take his life."

The dark side is most arrogant and fearless of anyone.

Although they have been suppressed by the Bright World for countless years, their strength cannot be underestimated.

Even if only a dozen people came, this strength has far surpassed the power of any one of the original twelve overseas kings.

However, at this moment, facing Emperor Xiao Qing, they still didn't look enough.

Hundreds of zhang sword auras were cut down, followed by the infinite water sword, erupting a terrifying sword intent, and in a sudden, indiscriminate attack, directly slashed all the strong men of dark power that rushed into the sky into the sea.

And that middle-aged man, even though he slashed towards Emperor Xiao Qing with a big knife of Baizhang, when he encountered Baizhang Jiucai Sword Qi, this black knife burst open instantly.

Then, a sword cut down, instantly smashing his whole person.

Bang bang bang!

In the blink of an eye, everyone had time to see these dark powerhouses rushing into the sky, and then they all screamed and fell downward.

The Egyptian pharaohs on one side were preparing to take action with the dark side to destroy Emperor Xiao Qing. Before they could organize the team, they saw their temporary ally, who was instantly wiped out.


At this moment, all the shriveled guys wrapped in white cloth were dumbfounded.

Do you still fight?

This question appeared in their minds, one by one at the same time looking at the oldest old guy with white beard.

"That's it..."

The old man shook his head. Although his face was dry, he sighed and said, "Your Excellency Dragon King is very powerful, and I am not an opponent even if I wait, so let's give up."

"The old man, as the elder leading the team this time, has to stand up since he admits defeat."

While he was talking, he turned his head to look at one of the shriveled guys, and said calmly, "Alpison, since you asked to refine the Lord Dragon King into a mummy, then you stand up and take the responsibility. ."


The guy named was dumbfounded.

Originally, he thought that this old guy took the initiative to stand up and take on everything. He was moved and guilty in his heart. What he didn't expect was that this old guy sold himself in the blink of an eye.


The guy was about to speak, so he listened to the old guy in the lead and continued to speak in a serious manner, "Alpison, the old saying is good, one person does everything, one person, you have killed one of your partners, are you still going to kill all Are all people killed? Go out and use it to take responsibility. It's a big deal."

"What am I..."

Alpison was completely dumbfounded.

This is obviously to kill his rhythm.

If he does not go out, he will become a sinner instead.

"Hahaha, that's so interesting."

Zhou Wang laughed loudly, "Old stuff, everyone thinks you are going to stand up and take the initiative to bear all your sins. Unexpectedly, you are just forcing others. A shameless guy like you is really not less."

"Oh, the older you are, the thicker you are. He is talking about this person, and he is still a corpse. He was originally a thick-skinned scary person."

"It's a long experience, hahahaha."

"That guy must be desperate."

Atari and Kong Shuai, you said every word, making the old guy tremble with anger, but he glanced at Emperor Xiao Qing, but he didn’t dare to move impulsively, so he could only look at it. To that hapless guy.

"I dont go."

"You want to go by yourself, I want to go back."

The guy named Alpison was originally reluctant to stand up. At this moment, after hearing the words of Kong Shuai, King Zhou and Atari, his heart was full of resentment towards the old guy.

He rose directly into the sky, turning into a ray of light and rushing in the direction of Fei Lu.


However, as soon as he moved, the old guy who had been prepared for a long time tapped the scepter. Suddenly, a terrifying force burst out, and in a crash, it directly blasted Al Pison to pieces.

After killing his own person with his own hands, the old guy turned his head to look at Emperor Xiao Qing, trying to show a smile on his shriveled face, "Your Excellency Dragon King, I have killed anyone who is rude to you. ."


Emperor Xiao Qing nodded slightly.

The old guy was overjoyed, "That..."


However, as soon as he said his words, he heard a terrifying sword groan, and the Baizhang Jiucai sword still hovering on the top of Emperor Xiao Qing's head slashed directly at the old guy in a sudden.

"no no..."

The old guy roared, the strongest resistance erupted from his body.

However, after Emperor Xiao Qing broke through to the foundation building period, his strength has undergone earth-shattering transformation. Even a Ning Yu who stepped into the condensing period is not an opponent, let alone this old guy.

Amidst the roar, Baizhang Jianqi cut down, directly smashing the old guy and everyone around him.

The blood mist drifted away and melted into the water. As soon as the sea washed up, it disappeared without a trace.

Until this time, Baizhang Jianqi completely dissipated.

Emperor Xiao Qing stood with his hand holding his hand and looked at the group of people who looked at the excitement with horror on their faces. Whenever anyone was swept by his gaze, their complexion changed drastically, and they bowed their heads and dared not look at him. .

The power of the Dragon King is invincible in the world.

Just ask the world, who would dare to grab its edge?

Even the pope of the Bright Church did not dare to look at Emperor Xiao Qing.

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