The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 728: Power touches people's hearts


"Asshole, Xiao Qingdi, I want your life..."

In the palace, Ning Yu frantically destroyed things, all kinds of really expensive ornaments, vases, antiques, famous paintings, etc., were all thrown to the ground by him.

He hissed and roared, wishing to rush out to kill.

Outside the door, a group of subordinates watched their noses and noses and were afraid to speak.

They were terrified, for fear of being killed by Ning Yu.

Since Ning Yu came back, he has been furious, which shocked everyone in their hearts. They also understood that their future supreme emperor Ning Yu seemed to have encountered something unsatisfactory.

Or, it should be said that Xiao Qingdi, the dragon king, made the emperor angry again.

A similar thing happened not long ago, but this time Ning Yu was even more furious.

"Come on."

At this time, a loud shout came.

The guard guarding outside the door rushed in, "The Great."

"Go, contact Ning Yuling, let her come to see the emperor right away."

Ning Yu roared.


The guards hurriedly used means to contact Ning Yuling.

At this moment, Ning Yuling was in the Wei's villa. In front of her, there were old men Wei, Li Xiao, and Xu, while Wei Zixuan and Xu Yanping were practicing swordsmanship.

Ning Yuling was talking and laughing with the three old men while watching the two women's practice.

Suddenly, the phone rang. She looked at the contact information above, her face changed slightly, and she smiled embarrassedly, "Several seniors, I will answer the call."

"Go ahead."

The three of them had a good impression of the disciple of the Sword King, and even Ning Yuling, the imperial princess, hehe smiled and let her go.

After Ning Yuling walked out of the Wei's villa and connected to the phone, a nervous voice came over, "Princess, the emperor wants to see you."

"What's the matter?" Ning Yuling frowned. She had just arrived in the East China Sea, and now she wants to let her go back. Is Ning Yu crazy?

"The Great Emperor, you may be in trouble. He is cursing the Dragon King Xiao Qingdi while destroying it in the palace... I, I can't tell you anymore, you can come back quickly."

The guard who contacted Ning Yuling obviously treated her as a princess very well. After reminding her, he quickly hung up the phone.

"What happened to that guy?"

Ning Yuling put down the phone weakly.

Looking at Wei's villa and Xiao's villa, in desperation, he could only leave at the fastest speed.

A few hours later, she returned to the main hall and saw Ning Yu, whose eyes were scarlet and almost cannibalistic.


As soon as they met, Ning Yu slapped it over.

Ning Yuling wanted to avoid, but found that Ning Yu, who was originally weaker than herself, had become even stronger than herself in this short period of one or two days.

The slap on her face made her complexion red and swollen, but she didn't seem to notice it, but looked at Ning Yu with a look of horror, "Your strength has reached the condensation period?"

"Asshole, bang bang bang."

After Ning Yuling's words fell, Ning Yu was furious.

If it weren't for Emperor Xiao Qing, how could his strength be only the condensing period, he had already broken through to a stronger realm.

He roared and flew Ning Yuling out with palm after palm.

Ning Yuling tried her best to resist, but she was just entering the stage of foundation building. She was not Ning Yu’s opponent at all. In the blink of an eye, she was slapped a dozen and hit the wall with her mouth Blood, looking at Ning Yu with a look of anger, "Ning Yu, are you going to kill me?"

"stand up."

After venting, Ning Yu recovered a lot.

He looked at Ning Yuling who fell on the ground with a cold expression, and said coldly, "Sword King disciple, but so."

Ning Yuling stood up, endured the pain, gritted her teeth, her eyes full of anger, "What are you going to do?"

She was an imperial princess, Ning Yu's half-sister, not a servant of a maid. Ning Yu called her back from the East China Sea just to beat her up?

Her eyes were full of endless anger, but her strength was not as good as Ning Yu, and Ning Yu was about to ascend the throne of God, what can she do if she is unwilling?

"Within three days, control Emperor Xiao Qing and bring him to see the emperor, otherwise, your mother will be rewarded by the emperor to his subordinates."

Ning Yu looked cold and clapped her hands, "Bring in."

In the blink of an eye, two big inner guards walked in with a graceful woman outside the door.


Ning Yuling's expression changed, and she rushed to hug her mother.

"Yulin, you..."

Ning Yuling's mother is just an ordinary person. At this moment, seeing her daughter being beaten, her face changed. She looked at Ning Yu angrily and shouted, "Ning Yu, she is your sister."

"younger sister?"

Ning Yu's mouth showed disdain, "What about my younger sister? If the emperor wants her to do things, if you can't do well, you will all be rewarded by the emperor to the soldiers in the barracks."

"At that time, the subordinates of this emperor's military camp, after playing with you, they will definitely boost their morale and kill all the members of the Sifang imperial family."

He was laughing.

At this moment, Ning Yu's mind was distorted.

Originally, all his hope was in his own strength. He knew that as long as he was given a few days, his strength could grow to a truly earth-shattering level.

It is even possible to surpass his fallen father and reach a more terrifying realm. At that time, the world was so big, no matter who he was, he could suppress all those who dared to resist him.

However, all this was destroyed by Emperor Xiao Qing.

At this moment, his character has completely changed in near despair.

"You, dare you?"

The expressions of Ning Yuling and her mother changed drastically.

"The emperor doesn't dare?"

Ning Yu's voice suddenly became cold.


His figure suddenly appeared in front of Ning Yuling and her mother. With a shock with his right hand, he directly flew Ning Yuling out, and he was holding Ning Yuling's mother back to his original position.

"Ning Yu, brother, what are you doing?" Ning Yuling was shocked.

"The emperor only gives you three days. After three days, if you fail to bring Emperor Xiao Qing, the emperor will send you the video of your mother being humiliated."

Ning Yu stretched out three fingers, with an evil smile on his face.

"You... dare you, I will sue you when I go to the clan elder." Ning Yuling roared.

"Oh, isn't it?" Ning Yu suddenly stretched out his hand to jam Ning Yuling's mother's neck, "You try to see if you sue me faster, or your mother died faster, and..."

He laughed coldly, "What if you go to sue me? This emperor is the great emperor, who can do to this emperor in the world? Even if the clan veterans can do to this emperor?"


He laughed loudly, waved his hand, directly blasted Ning Yuling out.

"Remember, in three days, after three days, if you can't complete the task that the emperor gave you, don't blame me for disregarding brother and sister, hahaha."

In the hall, Ning Yu could hear the loud laughter faintly.

"Ning Yu..."

Ning Yuling stood in place, eyes with endless anger.

The heavenly family has no relatives. Among the imperial clan, only power can move people's hearts. For his own position and to stabilize his power, Ning Yu can do anything that destroys humanity.

Even Ning Yuling had never thought that one day she would encounter such a situation.

"Ahhhh...why, why..."

She looked up to the sky and roared, her voice sad and helpless.

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