The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 911: Welcome to Dragon King Island

"Boss, what? The team leader said that if you can really help him break through, he is willing to do something for you."

Kong Shuai dialed Xiao Qingdi's phone, and he babbled casually as soon as he spoke.

Lin Kang, who was next to him, opened his eyes wide, and almost cut his palm. This **** really forgot his life-saving grace to give art to him. He even asked himself, the team leader and master, to be a cow for Emperor Xiao Qing. Be a horse.


However, his cultivation level has reached the peak of the Golden Core Stage, and it is even more difficult to break through. If Emperor Xiao Qing really has a way to make him break through, what if he is really a bull and a horse...

Thinking of this, Lin Kang resisted the urge to slap Kong Shuai to death, grabbed the phone, and said in a deep voice, "Emperor Xiao Qing, I am Lin Kang, I heard that you want my Super God power group to join Dragon King Island collectively? "

"Within three years, I will help you break through." As soon as his voice fell, he heard Emperor Xiao Qing's flat voice coming from the other end of the phone.


His heart beat, and he almost agreed to Emperor Xiao Qing, but his inner restraint made him hold it back, and continued to say, "Actually, it is not impossible to join Dragon King Island, but I have the conditions."

"If you don't want to break through."

Emperor Xiao Qing's cold voice came again.

"This **** kid..."

Lin Kang's eyelids twitched, and he said quickly, "It's not that I don't want to break through."

"Then what do you want?" Emperor Xiao Qing was surprised, and seemed to say very casually, "Oh, this king understands, Team Leader Lin doesn't want to go to Dragon King Island, it's okay, this king believes that Team Leader Lin's It should be possible for talent to break through to the Nascent Soul Stage, so this king does not need Ai Wen to prepare to refine Po Ying Pill."


When he heard this sentence, Lin Kang couldn't help it anymore, "Can your people refine Po Ying Pill? How is this possible?"

The legendary treasure, even in today's empire, no one can refine it. He does not believe that Ai Wen, whom Emperor Xiao Qing said can refine Po Ying Pill.

"So within three years, of course, if you don't want to believe in this king, then forget it, this king still has something to do."

Emperor Xiao Qing seemed to be a little impatient and planned to hang up the phone directly.


Upon hearing this posture, how can Lin Kang be reserved?

He quickly shouted, "I promise you, no matter what you do."

"Dragon King Island welcomes you all."

Emperor Xiao Qing on the other end of the phone smiled.

"I'll clean up and look for you right away."

Lin Kang breathed a sigh of relief, and then hung up.

"Hey, Captain, you are always..."

On the other side, Kong Shuai smiled and took the phone with a weird smile on his face.

"What are you laughing laughing."

Lin Kang glared at him, then turned to look at the other members, and said in a deep voice, "Well, you have heard my call. From now on, I am from Dragon King Island. In your case, there are two Choose, one is to do whatever you want, and the other is to follow me to Dragon King Island."

"Does this still need to be said? You are our benefactor of reconstruction. If you are not the team leader, where is our today? The team leader's decision is our decision."

"Yes, team leader, how can our super **** power team be separated?"

"Haha, great, I was thinking about what should be done if the super-divine power group is disbanded, now we don't need to be separated."


The others all showed excitement.


Lin Kang laughed, and all of a sudden, his arrogance suddenly came to life, "If this is the case, everyone will join the Dragon King Xiao Qingdi. However, the rules must not be abolished. When the time comes, everyone should abide by the rules. If anyone dares to go because Don’t blame me for being ruthless if you don’t follow the rules on Dragon King Island."

Speaking of the back, his face has sunk.

He knows the character of Emperor Xiao Qing very well. If a member of the Super God power group arrives on Dragon King Island, if they do not abide by the rules with their own force, they will anger Emperor Xiao Qing, and there will definitely be no end.

"Group leader, rest assured, we know what you taught us. As long as the people on Dragon King Island don't bully us, we will treat them as our own brothers."

Someone immediately patted his heart and said.

"Okay, just remember it."

Lin Kang nodded and glanced at the base of the super **** power group, with a hint of reluctance in his eyes. However, remembering what Susu had said to himself before leaving, he turned around resolutely, "Everyone, take you out The tokens, put down all your proofs and various rewards and glory, and we leave."



A group of people laughed, and all the various rewards and glory tokens, status symbols, etc. they had once received were suspended above the base, while a group of people left in a mighty manner.

It didn't take long for someone from the empire to come to see the proof that these super **** power groups existed, and they all sighed.

"Once, the super **** power group guarded Yanhua and suppressed the world super power world, so that super powers at home and abroad did not dare to make trouble in Yanhua. Now, the super **** power group has completely become the past."

One of the men sighed, "It's a pity that the emperor will agree to their departure."

"There are things you and I don't understand, but what the emperor is considering is definitely right."

Someone said solemnly.


Then, a group of people came and completely sealed the entrance of the entire super **** power group with grout. From then on, the super **** power group was completely a thing of the past.

After this, except for a new organization, the Yanhua Tianbu, the powerhouses were all selected from within the empire, responsible for guarding all directions, and even more powerful than the super **** power group.

All this has nothing to do with Lin Kang and the others. They went all the way and came directly to the Xiao family villa in the East China Sea.

"I have seen the prince!"

When Emperor Xiao Qing saw the ninety-nine members of the super-divine ability group, the ninety-nine super-divine ability groups headed by Lin Kang all respectfully worshipped Emperor Xiao Qing.

"Everyone, please."

Emperor Xiao Qing’s expression was gentle, and when he raised his hand, a burst of energy radiated and instantly lifted everyone up, “Since you are willing to enter the Dragon King Island, then everyone will be brothers of life and death from now on, but this king has a word first. The rules of Dragon King Island have to be broken. At that time, someone will tell you the specific rules, and please follow the rules."

"If relying on the strength of one's own cultivation base to stir up trouble for no reason, then this king will never show mercy."

The voice was cold and burst out with a murderous intent.

At this moment, everyone in the supernatural power group looked extremely serious, even Lin Kang also said in a deep voice, "Don’t worry, the members of the superhuman power group are absolutely impossible to cause trouble for no reason, and, I can guarantee this."

"What if the people from Dragon King Island first challenge us?"

At this time, an untimely word rang.

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