The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 912: Surrender, join

"If the people from Dragon King Island first challenge us, what should we do?"

A strong young man stood in the crowd, raised his head and looked at Emperor Xiao Qing, with a smile on his face, "Lord Dragon King, can we fight back?"


Lin Kang's face changed and he shouted, "Who made you talk nonsense."

"Team leader, Lord Dragon King also didn't say that he couldn't speak. Moreover, he only said that the rules shouldn't let us pick things, and he didn't say what should be done if the people from Dragon King Island pick things against us first."

The young man named Thunder was originally a thunder-type supernatural power, and his power level had reached the level of ninth level. His strength was strong and his temper was also violent.

At this moment, he felt that he had said the words in the hearts of all the brothers and sisters of the super **** power group, and he was extremely proud.

Glancing at the other members of the Super God power group, some were silent, some were clearly bright in their eyes, and some were smiling, obviously agreeing with their own ideas.

Suddenly, Lei Ming was even more bold, and he walked out directly to look at Emperor Xiao Qing, and said loudly, "Lord Dragon King, assuming this happens, the strength of the people on Dragon King Island is relatively weak, such as some of the top ten dragon guards. I look down on us and provoke us proactively. However, if we are injured by our counterattack in self-defense, whose fault is it, who should be punished?"

Lin Kang frowned and shouted in a low voice, "Thunder, you are enough."

However, originally he was very obedient to him, and even before he came to the Xiao’s villa, he repeatedly promised that he would never make trouble. At this moment, he raised his head and said loudly, “Leader, I think some things should be asked clearly first. When something happens, we are not happy, and it is even worse if we are awkward."

"Big man, you are looking for death."

Kong Shuai couldn't help sighing, "You will definitely regret doing these things if you are idle."

Liu Yi also discouraged, "Thunder, Brother Xiao will do things fairly. You don't have to worry about these problems at all."

However, no matter how they persuaded it to be useless, Leiming still raised his head and looked at Emperor Xiao Qing, as if he would not give up without giving an answer.

"What you mean is that your strength is stronger than the top ten dragon guards. Will the top ten dragon guards provoke you and then be injured by you?" Xiao Qingdi, who has not spoken, said.

His face was very calm, without the slightest joy, anger, sorrow, and joy, but this calm look made the hearts of those familiar with Emperor Xiao Qing jump.

Kong Shuai and Liu Yi winked at Lei Ming and told him not to speak any more, but Lei Ming pretended not to see it, and said, "Whether the top ten dragon guards will provoke us over and over, I don't know, but The Ten Dragon Guards are definitely not our opponent."

"Of course, it's just most people. If you meet Kong Shuai, Kong Shuai's strength is relatively weak, but his spatial ability is special. The means of escape is unparalleled in the world, and no one can do anything to him.

With that, he was quite proud.

Because Kong Shuai's strength is not very powerful in the super **** ability group, just because the space ability is special.

"Little Seven."

Emperor Xiao Qing didn't reply, but pointed to Xiao Qidao behind, "Go and teach him."


Xiao Qi couldn't help it a long time ago. If it wasn't for the prince who hadn't spoken, he would have rushed to educate this guy.

At this moment, he got the order from Emperor Xiao Qing, he thought for a while, took out a pair of white gloves from his body and put on them, hehe sneered and walked out, hooked the head of thunder, "Come, introduce yourself."

"what's your name?"

When Lei Ming saw Xiao Qi's appearance, he felt angry and snorted, "Is that the politeness of your Dragon King Island? Don't you know what your name is before asking someone else's name?"

"The weak are not qualified to know my name."

Xiao Qi said casually, "Don't tell me, I don't bother to know what your name is."

"What an arrogant fellow, do you know that I am a level 9 thunder system?"

Lei Ming was angry. As a thunder system, no one can beat him after the foundation period. Now, he is underestimated by others, which is too much.

"Thunder type super ability person? So amazing."

Xiao Qi sighed and shouted into the distance, "Then who, Atari, come and tell him what a real thunder system is."

"Hey, here it is."

Atari was squatting in the distance to watch the excitement. He was holding a handful of melon seeds and knocking. After hearing Xiao Qi's words, he suddenly became interested. His figure flashed, and his whole body exploded in place, turning into a flash of lightning. Appeared in front of thunder.

"Little guy, are you a ninth-level thunder system?" Atari looked at Thunder with a smile, "Not bad, good, a little skill."

As he said, with a flick of his finger, a thunder and lightning plunged directly into Thunder's body.


The next moment, Lei Ming thunder walked on his body, the whole person was straightened by the electric hair, and his whole body fell black...

"Oh, let me go, aren't you a ninth-level thunder system? Why did you get electrocuted instead?"

Atari looked shocked, "You're a fake. When I reached the level 9 thunder system ability level, I was not afraid of thunder or high voltage."

As he said, he looked happy, "Others dare not stand under the tree on rainy days. I just jump on the iron tower and wait for lightning strikes on rainy days. Others stay away from high-voltage electricity. I will touch it when I have nothing to do. what..."

Thunder, "..."

He was scorched and smoked from his mouth and nose. He was shocked in his heart, but he could not speak. Only after a long time, the thunderous force on his body dissipated, he could speak, and opened his mouth, " have exceeded A ninth-level thunder superpower?"

At this moment, he was completely shocked. He had never heard of such a person next to Emperor Xiao Qing before.

"Oh, it seems so, do you want to try again?" Atari said with a smile.

"No, no..." The thunderous scorched face turned green, and again, I am afraid that I will be really burnt.

His heart trembled, and he tried to turn his head to look at Xiao Qi, "You..."


However, before he could speak, Xiao Qi suddenly rose up with a breath of weather. It was beyond the Ninth-Rank realm, and it was only a little bit before he could become the foundation building period. It can even be called the quasi-foundation period strong. Go down.


Unprepared, Lei Ming's whole body was directly suppressed by this momentum and lay on the ground.

He was lying on his stomach in a big font, and he felt as if there was a mountain of ten thousand feet down on his body, and he couldn't move even when he moved. He even suffered from breathing.

He was shocked, "Who is this? Is it the top ten dragon guards of Dragon King Island? It's just that the ten dragon guards of Dragon King Island are all weak?"

Although Xiao Qi did not report his name, he had already guessed something.

"Seventh Young Master, don't do it, don't do it, it's all your own, just teach him as soon as you teach him, and crush him to death."

Kong Shuai on one side hurried forward and pulled Xiao Qi, "He will be his own from now on. This guy is fine except for his temper. As long as he gets his approval, he can make him give his life. He only needs to know Qi Shao's strength."

Xiao Qi dissipated, and shook his head, "Too weak, not as good as half of the previous Atari."

"Ahaha, that's of course." These words made Atari smiled with praise.

Lei Ming looked blank, shocked in his heart, raised his head, and stared at Xiao Qi blankly, "You are..."

"Long Wangwei ranked seventh, the last strength, the seventh calendar." Xiao Qi said calmly.


Lei Ming's expression changed again and again. At this moment, he was no longer unconvinced. Instead, he hurriedly bowed down to Emperor Xiao Qing, "I am ignorant. Please forgive the Lord, please forgive me."

"From now on, since Lei Ming is a member of Dragon King Island, he will definitely follow his life and death, and regard Dragon King Island as his own brothers."

There was a firm look on his face.

He was upright in nature, and even spoke out when he was not convinced, but since he was convinced and identified the other party, he would truly regard the other party as a brother of life and death.

"This king doesn't want to see similar things happen, otherwise, he will be conceited."

Emperor Xiao Qing spoke slowly, "However, now this king officially welcomes you, and next, I will host a banquet at the Royal International Hotel to meet you."

Ninety-nine members of a super-divine ability group joined Dragon King Island, which made the strength of Dragon King Island grow to a very strong level, even Emperor Xiao Qing was very happy.

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