The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 933: Temple island, a king comes from afar

"Wu Fan wrote to say that Emperor Xiao Qing, the dragon king, is coming to the temple."

Inside the temple, the three hall masters who had just been sucked up by the emperor hall were pale. They were sitting in the hall, looking at each other, and their eyes were full of excitement.

"My disciple, is there finally a way for him to help?"

The voice of the main hall master even trembled.

It was not wasted that he injected his own power into Wu Fan, and after he raised Wu Fan's cultivation to the foundation stage, he sent Wu Fan to follow Emperor Xiao Qing.

Now, he can finally regain his freedom.

"Wu Fan said he came to help us?" The Second Hall Master frowned, "I always feel that kid is not that easy to talk."

After these months of torture, the second hall master was no longer as domineering as before, and the whole person was smoothed out.

Moreover, he and Emperor Xiao Qing have an homicide, how could he believe Emperor Xiao Qing?

"Second brother is right, I also think that kid is not such a good talker."

The Lord of the Third Hall also spoke.

At the beginning, he felt very good about Emperor Xiao Qing, and he felt that Emperor Xiao Qing, the dragon king, was really a supreme arrogant, and even he was moved to accept his disciples.

It is a pity that the behavior of Emperor Xiao Qing really disappointed him.

Nearly all of the people in the temple were pitted by Emperor Xiao Qing, and they were tortured by the real Emperor Palace day after day.

In the past few months, they didn't know how many times they had recovered their cultivation base, and then they were sucked up by the Emperor Palace a little bit. It was simply too painful.

"We are like this now, people, ghosts or ghosts are trapped here, what can we do?" The main hall master sighed, with a bitter color on the corner of his mouth, "After a hundred years of calculation, once we become empty, maybe, This is our destiny."

"Big brother, I don't believe in fate."

Although the second hall master has been smoothed out the edges and corners, his nature is difficult to change.

Although his face was calm, there was a cold light in his eyes, "This time, no matter what conditions he proposes, we must agree, but as long as there is a chance, this hatred will definitely be repaid."

"Second brother, you need to be cautious when thinking like this, don't be shackled."

The elder sighed, "I don't think that kid is a fool."

"These are just the statements between our brothers. The three of us have been in the world for countless years. At any rate, they are also super masters in the Yuan Ying period. My junior is pitted, and I can't swallow this tone."

The second hall master’s voice was cold, "No matter how strong his inheritance is, no matter how great his background is, I can't help it. As long as I find an opportunity, I will kill him."

"If you don't tell me, I forgot."

The main hall master groaned, "Do you remember that the woman used to say that if we meet Emperor Xiao Qing, what we have to do is wait for Emperor Xiao Qing to pass the tests and give enough benefits. Otherwise, if If you dare to do anything to him, we will destroy our temple."

Thinking of that woman back then, the main hall master felt inexplicably sad and angry.

At the beginning, when he received the words from the white-clothed woman, he really wanted to give Emperor Xiao Qing enough benefits. Unexpectedly, the benefits were given out, and he even accepted Ai Wen as a disciple, Emperor Xiao Qing. Not satisfied, but cheated him.

"Remember, the other party is indeed powerful, but if it exists, can you really make a move in this world?"

The Second Hall Master smiled disdainfully, "Do you really think this world is the same as in ancient times? If the existence beyond the Nascent Soul Stage breaks out with all its strength, it will definitely die, and if she does not dare to explode beyond the Nascent Soul Stage, what can we do? fear?"

"Anyway, I think it's better to be careful."

The idea of ​​the third hall master is similar to that of the main hall master. Although he is also unwilling in his heart, he feels that he can't have any ideas, otherwise he will be bound by himself.

"Don't worry, I'm sure of it." The Second Hall Master had a noncommittal expression on his face.

The main hall master and the third hall master sighed when they heard the words, and did not say much.

For them, being trapped here for a few months can be said to be worse than death. If it weren't for a glimmer of hope in their hearts, they might even think it's better to die.

Looking at the other people who were also sitting in the outer hall, they were equally helpless.

At this moment, there are tens of thousands of people trapped in this island.

Some of these people are strong men cultivated by the original three hall masters, each of them is powerful and unmatched, and there are even many masters in the foundation stage and the condensing stage.

The remaining part is the last time the temple was opened, and the people who entered it to **** the chance, including all of the twelve overseas kings except the dragon king, the snake king, the rat king, and the monkey king.

Each of these guys is very innocent, and it is still unclear why they were trapped and become so miserable.

They, and even some of them, committed suicide directly without any hope. However, what is shocking is that after committing suicide, all their flesh and blood was absorbed by that palace.

In this way, other people would not even dare to commit suicide.

The never-ending day, the pain of the cycle of day and night, even made some of the strong men who were the dominant party crazy.

"If there is still no hope, we should go on the road."

At this moment, the Tiger King is looking at the big bald horse king, with a look of pain and regret, "I knew it was such a pit, and I shouldn't have chosen to accept this inheritance back then."

"It's okay to accept the inheritance. The main thing is that you have to be satisfied. Since you have the power of inheritance, you should not open the temple this time and want to get the benefits of the second time. Sure enough, everything should be enough." Ma Wang, a big bald head But the spirit is very good.

In his early years, he was a disciple of the Western Tu Buddhism, and he was used to sitting in dry meditation. Even if the suffering this time was more uncomfortable than doing dry meditation, he was the most perceptive of all.

After chanting once a day, the bald head becomes brighter and brighter.

"It's said that we were scammed by Dragon King Xiao Qingdi this time. Do you think it's that kid?" Tiger King looked puzzled. "That guy seems to be no different from us in terms of strength. How could he really pit us? Up?"

"Then who do you think it is?"

King Ma glanced towards the inner hall without a trace.

"You know it by yourself, you have to tell me, this is to cheat me." Tiger King whispered, "I always find this thing very strange, and I haven't figured it out until now."

"Nonsense, let alone you, everyone doesn't understand."

At this time, the other powerful twelve kings also came over, and they rushed to speak one by one, "Everyone is really unclear about what happened this time, but our current goal is not to pursue the truth, but to get rid of it. all."

"Yes, if someone can get me out of all this, even if I call him the master, I will."

"Oh, so do I, but even those three inside are as miserable as us, who else can save us?"


These guys sighed one by one, with a look of despair on their faces.


Suddenly, there was a roar, and a helicopter crashed and flew directly into the island.

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