The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 934: Monkey is king

"Emperor Palace is actually here, hahaha, I sensed it, Master, I sensed it."

As soon as the helicopter flew over the island, the four-legged snake standing on the shoulders of Emperor Xiao Qing exclaimed excitedly, "Unexpectedly, I did not expect it to be here. I have been looking for it for a long time. According to inherited memory, as long as Entering the emperor hall to accept the inheritance, I am destined to become the supreme nine-day dragon king, ahaha."

"Brother Qingdi, your little pet is so funny."

On one side, the women of Su Ruoyan looked at the four-legged snake curiously. Although they had known that the four-legged snake could talk, seeing the little guy was excited and laughing like a person still made them feel very strange.

Wu Fan on one side was even more shocked. He glanced at the four-legged snake and remembered some of the classics he had seen before. Even if the spirit beast could speak, he had reached a very powerful state, which made his heart even more shocked.

However, thinking of the various legends of Emperor Xiao Qing, he felt that everything was normal.

"Who comes to make trouble on the island of my temple?"

Accompanied by a long shout, the only elder in the condensing stage that exists in the temple and is not controlled by the imperial palace appeared in the air, his right hand stretched out, and a powerful force enveloped the straight rise. aircraft.

"Ignore the defense of the temple, run rampant, don't put the temple in your eyes, thinking that the temple can't help you?"

He squinted his eyes, his eyes gleaming with cold.

The opponent can rush in directly ignoring the defense of the temple, proving that he is no stranger to the temple, but no matter who the opponent is, he must teach the opponent a lesson so that the opponent knows who is in charge of the temple today.

Yes, in today's temple, the three major hall masters and other powerhouses are all in trouble, and he is the only elder in the condensing stage. It can be said that he alone controls the entire temple.

For a long time, it made him feel that everything on the temple island is his, and anyone who dares not to obey him should die.

"Elder Chen, don't do it, it's me Wu Fan."

Wu Fan hurriedly shouted.

"Wu Fan?"

Elder Chen was stunned, and then coldly snorted, "Even you can't ignore the protection of the temple and drive the helicopter into a rampage."


In the palm of his hand, the unparalleled power enveloped the helicopter. At this moment, no matter how the pilot controlled the helicopter, it was useless. The entire helicopter was directly fixed in mid-air.

"Elder Chen, I have invited the Lord Dragon King to help save the three hall masters. Please don't embarrass us."

Wu Fan emphasized again.

"Wu Fan, roll out quickly, no matter who it is, you can't break the rules of the island." Elder Chen snorted coldly. The power in his hand was even stronger and he wanted to control the helicopter to hit the ground.

If there is no one to stop it, the helicopter may directly hit the ground and crash directly.

"Elder Chen, what are you doing?" Wu Fan obviously didn't expect such a situation, he shouted repeatedly.

"Don't shout, he is the strongest on the entire island. He has already regarded this island as his domain. As for the three main halls, it is out of date."

Emperor Xiao Qing touched his nose and said with a smile.


After Xiao Qingdi’s reminder, Wu Fan reacted. He slowly stood up and took out the big bow with his back. His eyes flashed with cold light, and he shouted, "Elder Chen, I will say it again, I am Feng The Lord Dragon King was invited to come to the island by Master’s order. Everyone on the island needs to be polite. If you don’t stop, don’t blame me for being rude."


Elder Chen laughed contemptuously and stopped answering. He was about to throw the entire helicopter to the ground. However, what made him wonder is that the helicopter stopped in mid-air without any response.

call out!

At this time, an arrow shot out from the plane.

"Good boy, really dare to do it, and don't look at who is in charge of the temple today."

Elder Chen sneered, and stopped dealing with the plane, but suddenly grabbed it with his right hand, and grabbed it directly at the arrow.


However, the power of this arrow turned out to be extremely strong. Even if Elder Chen was a strong person in the condensing stage, even though he grasped this arrow with his bare hands, the whole person was directly affected by this powerful force. With the power of flying towards the rear for several kilometers.

Wu Fan stepped out and looked at Elder Chen indifferently.

The helicopter landed slowly and stopped on the ground.

"Good boy, Wu Fan, I haven't seen you for a few months. You have a lot of strength, but do you think you dare to fight against me even during the foundation building period?"

Elder Chen's face was gloomy, and the aura of his body burst out, and the momentum of the condensing stage was crushing towards Wu Fan.

Wu Fan's expression remained unchanged, and he drew the bowstring again. An arrow burst out with a ray of golden light, and said in a cold voice, "Elder Chen, get out, don't force me to shoot you."

"Haha, crazy kid, do you know who is in charge on the island now?"

Elder Chen laughed, looking at Wu Fan, his eyes were extremely cold, "It's me, Chen Yunfei."

"Come here, arrest these people who broke into the temple island privately."

With a loud shout, only hundreds of guards were left on the island swarming out, all of them surrounded the Xiao Qing and his party who had just walked out of the helicopter with cold expressions.

Emperor Xiao Qing raised his head and smiled thoughtfully, "Wu Fan, is this the welcome from the temple to this king?"

"Master, I will give you an account of this matter. Please wait a while."

While Wu Fan responded, he shouted angrily, "Elder Chen, if you still don't let go, don't blame me for being impolite and get out."


Elder Chen on the opposite side didn't talk nonsense, and shot directly, a powerful force that belonged to the condensing period broke out in an instant, and then, his whole person flashed in the air endlessly, rushing towards Wu Fan in an irregular route.


In the blink of an eye, Wu Fan drew the bow and shot three arrows in succession. However, the elder Chen on the opposite side was stronger than him after all, and he had been prepared for a while, and rushed over constantly.

Three arrows, not a single arrow hit the opponent.

Instead, Elder Chen rushed over and directly fought Wu Fan at close range.

Below, the hundreds of guards from the temple rushed towards Emperor Xiao Qing and his group with the same expression, "Catch it with your hands, otherwise, kill it on the spot."

The strength of these people is not strong, each with a weapon in his hand, the red laser dots enveloped the lethality of Xiao Qingdi's body.

Emperor Xiao Qing pinched his nose and sighed, "The power moves people's hearts, take it seriously."

With a wave of his hand, nine-colored rays of light diffused out, and all the guards of the temple that besieged them were frozen, and then raised his head to look at the battle between Wu Fan and Elder Chen.

In mid-air, the battle between the two has reached a fever pitch. Although Wu Fan is weaker than Elder Chen, his big bow is directly transformed into a big knife, holding the big knife forcibly and slashing, it is also very powerful. .

However, the archer was in a close fight and lost the strongest means. He was 50% of his strength unable to use it. For a while, even Wu Fan's ability was steadily defeated.


Soon after, Wu Fan was blown away by Elder Chen.

The latter stepped in the air, striding towards Emperor Xiao Qing, and sneered, "Dragon King Xiao Qing, it's been a long time, you are bold enough to go to the temple island again."

"Why doesn't this king dare to come here?"

A wistful smile appeared on Emperor Xiao Qing's face.

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