The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 935: Zhu Qiang return to heart (five more flowers)

"Emperor Xiao Qing, do you know who proposed the plan of the Twelve Overseas Kings?"

Elder Chen stood with his hands behind and looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with a sneer. Before Emperor Xiao Qing could answer, he said, "This is the elder."

A look of arrogance appeared on his face, "The so-called inheritance of the Twelve Kings is just something that the elders casually manipulated, so that you and other stupid people can fight for this, just to compete for a place in the inheritance."

"And you are just the dragon king among the twelve kings. As far as you are concerned, this elder is your creation god. It is this elder who gave you everything today, and I created you. How can you fight against me? "

"Now, this elder orders you, come over, kneel down, and recognize this elder as the master, this elder can spare your life."

Elder Chen laughed.

During this period of time, although the power of the temple was not as good as before, but since almost all people who entered the temple were pitted, no one publicized everything that happened to the temple last time. To outsiders, the temple is still so mysterious.

And he, who controls everything in the temple, still feels good about himself.

Facing the junior Xiao Qingdi, he was even more undaunted.

No matter how great your reputation is, what about incredible legends? This elder is your creation **** and can easily destroy you.

"Unexpectedly, the plan of the Twelve Kings was actually proposed by you. It is not ordinary."

Emperor Xiao Qing looked at Elder Chen in surprise. Although this guy was weak, his ability to propose the plan of the Twelve Overseas Kings proved that he was still very smart.

"Master, Chen Yunfei is a major disciple of the Second Hall Master. It is said that he did propose this plan back then, and he participated in it all the way." Wu Fan walked over with blood on his mouth.

"The so-called inheritance of the twelve kings has left behind the elders. If you are acquainted, come and kneel down and recognize the elders as masters, otherwise, when the elders start their backs, you will not have any chance. ."

Elder Chen smiled even more proudly.


However, as soon as his voice fell, he suddenly felt the top of his head sink, and a terrifying force suddenly descended on him, which directly knocked him down on his knees when he was caught off guard.


The knees of both legs burst open, and even the bones of his neck were broken.

"Really rubbish, the dragon king just stepped on his knees casually, and you dare to let my master call your master? You are really looking for death."

The four-legged little snake jumped angrily on top of Elder Chen's head, "If my master calls your master, what will the dragon king call you? Master grandfather?"

"Go to hell."

At this moment, this great dragon king was really angry.

Recognizing Emperor Xiao Qing as the master is because Emperor Xiao Qing was born as the emperor, and he was destined to become its master after receiving the inheritance of the emperor's seal. And this **** dares to let his master call the other master. .


Elder Chen was stunned. A little talking reptile was bouncing on top of his head?

He is a little suspicious of life.

Efforts to stretch out his hand to catch the four-legged snake, but the power on his head grew stronger and stronger, and even his whole body made the sound of "click", making his face changed greatly, and he kept exclaiming. "Do not..."


In a crash, this guy exploded directly, but instead of the blood mist splashing around, it turned out to be a flash of nine-color light all over his body and disappeared instantly.

"Master, this bastard, the Dragon King will solve him, I will go to the Emperor Palace to play a game first."

Then, the four-legged snake couldn't wait to turn into a light and disappeared.

"Everything around the prince is really not simple, even a small four-legged snake, it is so powerful."

On one side, Wu Fan was shuddering. He was no stranger to four-legged snakes, but he had never seen this little thing shot. This was the first time that he was shocked.

Too powerful, Chen Yunfei in the condensing stage, after being stepped on by this guy a few times, there was nothing left.

"Four feet are amazing."

"I thought it was just an ordinary little snake, but I didn't expect it to be so powerful."

"It says all day that it is a dragon king, is it really a dragon?"

The three girls showed curiosity, and were also shocked by the performance of the four-legged snake.

As for the picture just now, as far as the third woman is concerned, she has experienced many problems for a long time, so naturally she will not be afraid of it.

"Let's go, meet the three hall masters, and then go to the emperor hall."

Emperor Xiao Qing took the three daughters and walked forward first.

Wu Fan followed closely. At this moment, he didn't even dare to say a few more words, but his face was anxious. The temple was controlled by Chen Yunfei, and he was really afraid that his master would have trouble.

It wasn't until he saw the three hall masters sitting in the inner hall that he breathed a sigh of relief and hurried over, "Master, the prince is here."

"I'm going, why did he come?"

"Speaking of the Dragon King, the Dragon King will come. Is this coming to save us?"

"Dragon King, Emperor Xiao Qing, it's me, Tiger King."

At this moment, the twelve overseas kings were also stunned. They were still discussing Emperor Xiao Qing, but he did not expect Emperor Xiao Qing to come.

The Tiger King and Horse King were excited to greet Emperor Xiao Qing, especially Tiger King, walking towards Emperor Xiao Qing, looking at Emperor Xiao Qing with excitement, "Brother, I know you are the most For loyalty, don’t forget to save us after you leave, and I will treat you as a brother of life and death."

"save you?"

Emperor Xiao Qing looked at the Tiger King with a look of surprise, "Tiger King, right? Are we familiar?"


The Tiger King was dumbfounded, "We have known each other somehow, and everyone is the twelve king. You should always take care of us?"

"There are too many people who know Brother Qingdi. Seeing your fierce and wicked look, you are not a good person. If you want to be the brother of Brother Qingdi, you may be dreaming." Su Ruoyan said with a smile.

During this period of time, there have been so many things, even Su Ruoyan has become bolder.


The Tiger King was dumbfounded, watching Emperor Xiao Qing and the three daughters walking towards the inner hall, only feeling extremely cold, all hopes were gone, "I, I think they are full of malice towards me..."

The horse king on one side looked at the tiger king with pity, "I told you earlier, don't give him any hope, after all, you are really unfamiliar with him."

If it is an acquaintance, that’s all. The point is that the two parties have only met once. What kind of acquaintance is this? What are the qualifications to ask the other party for help?

"Your Excellency Dragon King, I am the Bull King. As long as you save me, I am willing to serve you as the master and be a bull and a horse for you without any regrets."


At this time, the bull king among the twelve kings, a seemingly simple man, knelt directly to Emperor Xiao Qing.

Emperor Xiao Qing's figure stopped.

"I am the Rabbit King, and I am willing to serve you as my Lord, so I only ask you to take me away from this ghost place."

"me too."

"I am willing."

Then, the other twelve overseas kings all knelt down towards Emperor Xiao Qing.

In the blink of an eye, except for the Tiger King and the Horse King, all the twelve overseas kings in the field knelt on the ground and looked at Emperor Xiao Qing respectfully, with a desire for freedom in their eyes.

Even if Emperor Xiao Qing took the lead, he would lose his freedom to a certain extent, but it was better than the fact that on this island, the sky was not seen, and the energy provided to the emperor hall in a continuous cycle was already better.

"These guys are too spineless." Tiger King murmured with staring eyes.


As soon as his words fell, the horse king on one side also bowed down very simply, "Your Excellency Dragon King, I would like to serve you as the master, and the masters of the old horse master eight thousand martial artists, each of which is a high-rank martial artist. All are your servants."

"You..." Tiger King tremblingly pointed at Horse King, "Don't talk about loyalty!"

Puff! Puff!

Before he could speak, the voices of kneeling and worshiping came one after another. The other strong men, who came to the temple from all over the world to participate in the assessment and were pitted, all knelt down one after another.

In the blink of an eye, only Tiger King himself was left.

He blinked and muttered in his heart, "Oh, these guys are so spineless. For freedom, they are willing to accept him as their master...puff!"

Then, he knelt down very resolutely, "Master, the tiger king gave you a kowtow."

Bang bang bang!

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