The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 936: You are not eligible

"Sure enough."

In the inner hall, when the three hall masters sitting cross-legged saw the crowds of people kneeling toward Emperor Xiao Qing, they couldn't help but shook their heads.

The centuries-old plan came to nothing. Originally, all of this should be theirs. These secular martial arts arrogances that gathered from all parts of the world should become the foundation of their rise.

However, now, all have become Emperor Xiao Qing's.

Not only that, but a large number of subordinates who have surpassed ordinary worldly powerhouses they have trained hard will also submit to Emperor Xiao Qing.

The eyes of the second hall master flashed with a vicious look, and he made up his mind that after he got out of trouble, he would use secret methods to deal with Emperor Xiao Qing. At that time, no matter what strength Xiao Qing had, he would let Emperor Xiao Qing die. The place of burial.

"Master, I hope that this time the prince can help you get rid of all this."

Wu Fan said excitedly on the side, "During this period of time, I followed him and saw too many magical things. I believe that he can definitely help you."

The main hall master glanced at Wu Fan and looked at the excitement in his disciple's eyes. How could he not understand that his disciple had already been convinced by Emperor Xiao Qing.

He shook his head. Although he had expected it a long time ago, he didn't expect it to be so fast. In just a few months, he would be able to convince a master archer in the foundation period.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Patting Wu Fan on the shoulder, he stood up and walked outside.

The other two hall masters also followed.

When they came out, they saw Emperor Xiao Qing standing on the spot with the three daughters, and everyone else in the court bowed down and bowed.

He is like the supreme **** king.

"Meet the little friend."

The main hall master groaned, holding a fist and saluting to Emperor Xiao Qing, and slowly said, "If the little friend can help the old man relieve all this, the old man is willing to recognize you as the master."

Although he didn't kneel down, there was a sincere look in his eyes.


The second hall master was stunned, "Big Brother, we didn't say that before, and we didn't say to recognize the Lord."

If their level of existence is to recognize the Lord, it is different from ordinary people. In case, Emperor Xiao Qing really understands some means of imprisonment and controls everything about them, even if he is strong afterwards, he would not want to deal with Emperor Xiao Qing. Possible thing.

And the Lord of the Three Halls sighed long, and also held his fist to Emperor Xiao Qing, "Me too, as long as you give me freedom, so that I don’t need to be the energy source of that temple, I will serve you as the Lord and use it for you. ."

As a result, only the Second Hall Master stared at Emperor Xiao Qing blankly, and then at the Great Hall Master and Third Hall Master, looking like crying without tears.

It is impossible for him to recognize Emperor Xiao Qing as the master. It is not possible to say that he and Emperor Xiao Qing already have murderous enemies, even if he has no grievances and no enmity, how can he be the great Second Hall Master? Do you recognize Xiao Qingdi as a mundane child?


Suddenly, the Second Hall Master looked at Emperor Xiao Qing, his eyes flashed, and his eyes were shocked, "This is..."

At this moment, Emperor Xiao Qing, although his aura was hazy after his cultivation reached the Golden Core Stage, covering up everything about himself, the Second Hall Master could clearly see that Emperor Xiao Qing’s strength was already very terrifying, even giving A sense of threat.

"In just a few months, his strength has grown so fast..."

The second hall master took a breath.

At this time, he seemed to somewhat understand why the arrogant Great Hall Master and Third Hall Master would even agree to recognize Emperor Xiao Qing as the master.

Just let him lower his head...

Nothing, bow your head.

"me too."

He said sullenly, and then lowered his head in shame.

The complexion was extremely ugly.

At this moment, Emperor Xiao Qing stood in the center, watching the crowd kneeling around, his expression did not change at all, nor was he agitated because Zhu Qiang returned to his heart, his subordinate strength would soar, but shook his head, "Everyone, this king There is no guarantee that you will be freed."


A group of strong men who were kneeling on the ground felt cold when they heard it.

"I believe that you definitely have a solution. Even if you can't solve it for a while, there will be a way to help us in the future. Just ask you to help us when you are able to solve it."

The Tiger King, who was originally a tiger with a head and a brain, seemed to be suddenly smart at this moment, and said loudly.

"Okay, this foolish guy, it turns out that he doesn't understand anything."

The horse king on one side glanced at the tiger king in surprise, as if he had known this product for the first time.

Others responded quickly, "Yes, as long as we have hope, we have the courage and strength to persevere."

Even the main hall master also looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with a look of desire in his eyes.

"You can try it, but you want to be a subordinate of this king?"

Emperor Xiao Qing glanced at the crowd and chuckled softly, "In the future, come under the jurisdiction of the Ten Great Dragon Guards."

With a flick of his finger, rays of light spread out, directly immersed in the bodies of these powerful men.

Even if Emperor Xiao Qing doesn’t think much of these powerful men, he knows very well that these people have been trapped during this period of time, and some of their mentality has been tortured and can’t stand it. If they are not restrained at all, let them leave safely. , Maybe, these guys will turn into demons and cause disasters everywhere.

When the three hall masters on one side saw this scene, they couldn't help but their eyelids jumped, and they only felt an unspeakable taste in their hearts.

However, when Emperor Xiao Qing controlled everyone with a secret method, but did not pay attention to them, instead, when he turned and walked towards the inner hall of the temple, these three were suddenly anxious.

"Lord Dragon King."

The main hall master and the third hall master hurried to catch up, "have you forgotten us, we are also willing to surrender, please leave a means on us."

"Regardless of any prohibition, we will not resist."

"Lord Dragon King, please do it."

These two are simply too positive. They don't want to endure the life of a pure energy supply source with no light day and night, and no hope, so they really want to invest in Emperor Xiao Qing's command.

The second hall master on one side looked more and more uncomfortable, just silently following behind.

"You guys, really want to join this king?"

Emperor Xiao Qing stopped suddenly and looked at the three hall masters with a smile.


The three lowered their heads at the same time.

"No, at least you have resentment towards this king in your eyes. You just surrendered." Xiao Qingdi shook his head and pointed to the second hall master. "You are a magnificent overlord. These two words, and your son died in the hands of this king, you will not give up revenge."

"Your Mightiness."

The second hall master suddenly became anxious when he heard that, if this is the case, wouldn't this guy not help himself?

With a sincere look on his face, he hurriedly said loudly, "If it weren't that I couldn't see hope, I would never surrender, but now we don't see any hope anymore, as long as you are willing to lend a helping hand to us, We are willing to pay any price."

He worked hard to make his expression a little more natural, "With your strength, I believe there is a way to put a ban on us. At that time, even if I don’t want to, I can only completely surrender to you. For you, it’s okay. It’s not a loss to have a strong man who has an infant stage."

He was very sincere, and in his opinion, Emperor Xiao Qing would definitely agree.

However, after he finished speaking, he heard Emperor Xiao Qing speak indifferently, "With you, are you qualified to be a subordinate of this king?"

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