The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 938: The palace is open!


The second hall master slid down to the ground, raised his head, and looked at the four-legged snake with a blank expression, "This guardian beast attacked me by itself?"

Shouldn't spirit beasts and sacred beasts be very friendly to humans?

And he also made a promise that as long as he followed himself, he would be able to get everything he wanted, which is simply huge to the spirit beast.

Moreover, even if you refuse to talk to yourself, you shouldn't just blast yourself off without saying a word.

His face was blank, and he didn't understand why when he was bombed out, the four-legged snake kept bombarding the ancient bronze door of the Emperor Hall, and found that the Emperor Hall still could not be opened.

It stopped furiously, its eyes rolled, and suddenly it jumped to the front of the second hall master, and looked at the second hall master from a high level.

"You are still moved by me, and you definitely want to recognize me as the master."

The second hall master was extremely excited.

He has seen in the classics that these divine beasts are often different from ordinary spirit beasts. No one in the crowd dared to provoke this divine beast, but he boldly stood up and would definitely make the divine beast look different.

Sure enough.

He is the true child of destiny, the destined master of the temple, and is destined to become a superior existence.

"If you sacrifice this guy, you should be able to reflect the goodwill of the dragon king."

But listening to the four-legged snake whispering.


The second hall master was stunned on the spot, "I, I..."

However, before he could figure out whether he obeyed, he felt the four-legged snake wave its claws, enveloping himself with a ray of nine-color light, and directly controlled himself towards the ancient bronze door of the temple. Bump into it.

"Me! @¥4..."


The second hall master suddenly panicked and hurriedly called for help, "Elder brother, third brother, help me, master, Lord Dragon King, help..."


However, not to mention that the main hall master and the third hall master were indifferent, even if they wanted to save people, it was too late.

With a soft sound, this guy slammed into the ancient bronze door. The ancient bronze door was as stable as Mount Tai, motionless, but he smashed his head and fell to the ground with despair.

"How could this be..."

At this moment, the second hall master was covered in blood, but he had not yet reached the point of death. His eyes widened, with an incredible color in his eyes, and he kept muttering, "Why..."

"Not effective yet?"

Then, the four-legged snake rushed over again, seeing that the ancient bronze door hadn't been opened yet, and couldn't help being furious, "You trash, you can't even use your blood to open the door of the Imperial Palace, you rubbish."

"I, my blood can't open the door of the temple, you say I'm rubbish?"

The second hall master almost cried aggrieved, can you blame me for this?

If my blood could open the ancient bronze door, I would have already opened the ancient bronze door and entered it. How could it still be like this?

"Maybe, it may take his life."

Then, the four-legged snake wondered if he didn't exert enough effort.

Ever since, it looked at the second hall master who fell on the ground with bloodshed, and let out an evil laugh, "Little guy, did you hit and die here by yourself, or let the great Dragon King pinch you to death?" "

The second hall master, "..."


Do you want to kill yourself?

Is this a beast? What's more, even more terrifying than the devil.

"If you don't speak, it means that you need the Dragon King to do it for you."

If the four-legged snake is a human, you can definitely see it frowning at the moment, showing dissatisfaction.

It waved its paw and was ready to do it.


The main hall master on one side finally couldn't help but call to stop, no matter how bad the second hall master was, he was his brother anyway, how could he watch the second hall master be killed?

"Well, here's another one, plus you might be enough."

The main hall master did not speak, but nothing happened. When he spoke, he immediately pulled himself into the water. At this moment, the four-legged snake's tone was excited, "Master, can I open the door of the Imperial Palace?"

"If you have a way to open it, naturally you can." Emperor Xiao Qing smiled lightly.

The reason why he brought the three daughters to the temple was to allow the three daughters to enter the imperial temple to gain some inheritance. If the four-legged snake could open the door of the imperial temple by himself, it was natural.

"Come here."

With the approval of Emperor Xiao Qing, his four feet directly waved his claws, and imprisoned the main hall master, and in a crash, directly slammed the main hall master towards the ancient bronze door.


The head of the main hall master directly came into close contact with the ancient bronze door. His head was battered and his whole body was stupid.

The Second Hall Master on one side only reacted at this time, tremblingly pointed at Emperor Xiao Qing, and said in an incredible tone, "You, are you actually the owner of this beast?"

The words carry endless despair.

At this moment, the second hall master is really desperate.

I thought that as long as I got the approval of this four-legged little snake **** beast, I would definitely be able to enter the temple and be inherited, and be able to possess the supreme power. At that time, the dragon king Xiao Qingdi would have to crawl under his feet.

Who could imagine that this beast turned out to be Emperor Xiao Qing's spiritual pet.


The four-legged little snake rang with a smile, and then waved his hand. Suddenly, the Second Hall Master slammed directly towards the ancient bronze door.


Not long ago, not long after a body of power was absorbed by the temple, the second palace master, who had not recovered even 10% of his power, vomited blood, his face was bloody, and the whole person was completely desperate.

"Not enough?"

The four-legged snake sighed, "Then don't blame me."


While speaking, it broke out completely, a powerful and incomparable nine-color light burst out suddenly, directly controlling the Second Hall Master to slam into the ancient bronze door.

At this time, if the collision is strong, the second hall master is absolutely dead.

However, the latter was already desperate, just staring at him, watching his head slam into the ancient bronze door without any response.


Suddenly, just as the Second Hall Master was about to be smashed to pieces, he heard a sound, the ancient bronze door of the Emperor Hall cracked a crack, and nine-colored rays of light diffused out.


A rough voice that hated iron and steel came out, "Little things, you know how to make ghosts. If you were not the patron saint of this generation, you would have been pinched to death."

A hand covered with dragon scales stretched out from the cracked door, grabbed the four-legged snake directly, and then quickly retracted.


After the catastrophe, the second hall master of the temple fell to the ground with his whole body, and he was dizzy, watching the ancient bronze door slowly closing, could not help showing shock, and shouted, "No..."

Trying to crawl towards the crack of the ancient bronze door with all his strength, before arriving before the ancient bronze door is closed, he will get into it. His eyes are filled with excitement...


However, life is always so desperate.

At this moment, a large hand of Jiucai energy stretched out, lifted him up, and threw it out towards the rear.


This time, with fright and anger, he vomited blood, and the whole person fainted completely.

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