The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 939: Human nature is changeable, first the master and then the brother

"He is so pathetic."

Seeing that the second hall master finally couldn't bear the pain and vomited blood and passed out, Fang Wanqing next to Xiao Qingdi whispered, "It's really miserable, I can't bear it anymore."

On one side, Wu Fan and the third hall master twitched their mouths, glanced at Emperor Xiao Qing quietly, and secretly said, "How can it be so miserable, don't you have any points? If it weren't for your lord, how could the second hall master be like this? So miserable?"

The second hall master is also a super master at any rate, the master of overseas temples, a majestic, invincible existence.

It was so miserable to be fainted with anger.


At this time, the main hall master wanted to sneak into the temple while others were not paying attention, but as a result, he was hit by a burst of energy. The whole person also hit the ground, vomiting blood, his face was extremely pale.


Wu Fan hurried forward to support the main hall master.

"I thought wrong."

The master of the main hall was pale and grinned sorrowfully, "This temple, just like the last time we saw it, has real living creatures inside, and this temple already has a master."

He looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with a look of despair in his eyes, "The temple of the Lord, ah, ah..."


Wu Fan was silent.

The temple does have a master, and it is Emperor Xiao Qing, but how can he comfort his master?

On the contrary, the Lord of the Third Hall was much more indifferent. He stood with his hand behind him, standing behind Emperor Xiao Qing, and said softly, "Isn't all this already expected?"

The three major palace masters, on the contrary, he was the smartest, so there was nothing.

"follow me."

Ignoring the situation of the three hall masters, Emperor Xiao Qing led the three daughters towards the ancient bronze door of the imperial hall, a ray of light flashed in his eyes, and when the ancient bronze door of the imperial hall was about to be slowly closed, he directly stretched out He shot the ancient bronze door against it.


The ancient bronze door trembled, as if it wanted to close, but it didn't dare.

"The king wants to go in."

Emperor Xiao Qing said calmly.

"Not yet time."

After a while, inside the ancient bronze door, a voice came out.


The emperor seal rose up, exuding incomparable majesty. At this moment, Emperor Xiao Qing's aura burst out all over his body. Although it was only in the Golden Core period, his aura was incomparable to a master of the level of the Great Hall Master.

The majesty is the world, and the emperor is vast.

He took the three daughters and stepped out with an indifferent voice, "This king is the lord of the emperor palace. What qualifications do you have to not let this king in?"

"The imperial palace has insufficient energy to give you enough inheritance, imperial seal, incomplete..."

Intermittent mechanical sounds came from inside the ancient bronze door.

The other party wanted to resist, but the Emperor Seal was directly in the crack of the ancient bronze door. If the ancient bronze door was to be closed, the Emperor Seal had to be crushed first.

At this moment, Emperor Xiao Qing was extremely overbearing, "This king does not have to go in, but the three women of this king must be inherited and must have sufficient strength."


This time, the voice in the emperor hall agreed very readily.


After the answering voice fell, a nine-color light swept out from the ancient bronze door, directly enveloping the three women, and bringing them into the palace.

"The inheritance of the imperial concubine will end in three years..."


Then, a powerful force surged out, rushing out the emperor seal, and the ancient bronze door closed again.

"Three years?"

Emperor Xiao Qing condensed his eyes and shouted, "Three years is too long."

"Master, the imperial concubine inheritance is not trivial, three years of inheritance, they can achieve supreme existence, they can have powerful and unparalleled strength, and do not lose..."

This time it was no longer the mechanical sound, but the voice of a four-legged snake.

Its voice is very excited, "I also need a while, but I don't need that long. I can get the inheritance of the dragon king in three months. At that time, the world will be so big that no one will be my opponent. ,Ah ha ha."

"Brother Qingdi, take care of my parents."

Then Su Ruoyan's voice came out.

"Help me to see my parents..." This was Fang Wanqing's voice.

"Wood, don't touch the flowers and grass."

This is Liu Pingting's voice.

Obviously, after they entered the emperor hall, they already understood all this.

"Okay, rest assured."

Emperor Xiao Qing frowned, looked at the ancient bronze door, hesitated for a moment, condensed his strength, and did not continue to break the door forcibly.


"This is the mark of these people. With this method, you can easily grasp their life and death. In the next three years, the emperor hall will leave to find the energy source to absorb energy. After three years, the emperor hall will reopen and the emperor can enter it. Accept the inheritance."

Then, a ray of light flew out of the ancient bronze door and merged into Emperor Xiao Qing's body, accompanied by intermittent voices ringing in Emperor Xiao Qing's mind.


The imperial hall suddenly rose from the ground. Amidst the shaking of the entire island, nine-colored rays of light flashed away, leaving only a large pit in place. Originally, the great temple that appeared in the middle of the island was actually here. It disappeared without a trace for a moment.

"Three years later..."

Emperor Xiao Qing pondered.

In three years, everything will be revealed.

"You return my temple, my heritage, my supreme chance..."

At this time, there was a sound of earth-shattering crying, but the second hall master who woke up saw that the emperor hall disappeared, and felt so painful that he cried bitterly.

The main hall master and the third hall master also looked at the big hole left after the emperor hall disappeared, with a dumbfounded look in their eyes, "Unexpectedly, it's really gone..."

The plan for a hundred years was to be able to enter the imperial palace and get its inheritance. However, all this was gone...

Even if they had already prepared in their hearts, they felt a sense of loss.

"Disappeared, then, have we completely restored freedom."

Suddenly, among the crowd, the Tiger King laughed excitedly, "Hahaha, from today onwards, the king is back again, and I don't need to be the energy supplier of this broken temple anymore. Great, hahaha. .."

"Is it really over?"

"Great, freedom is restored, hahaha."

After the other people were dumbfounded, they burst into excited laughter.

And Tiger King, after laughing, he looked at Emperor Xiao Qing and said with a smile, "Brother Dragon King, that’s great, this time I really want to thank you. If it weren’t for you, we wouldn’t be able to get out of trouble so quickly. In the future, you will be the life and death brother of my Tiger King."

He patted his chest with a look of loyalty, "No matter who dares to oppose you, he will be troubled with my Tiger King, my brother, no one can bully."

Come on, I just knelt on the ground crying to the master, now I am a brother.

Emperor Xiao Qing pinched his nose and slowly turned his head to look at him.

The corner of his mouth showed a ray of smile.

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