The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 951: Life and death have been signed, regardless of life or death

The same life and death status has been signed with Emperor Xiao Qing's name, just floating in front of the old man.

The old man raised his head and saw Emperor Xiao Qing looking at him calmly, and said, "After signing, let's play together."

"What a crazy boy, Dragon King Xiao Qingdi, although you are indeed in the limelight during this time, you should know that your reputation is only confined to the secular, facing the royal power such as me, you are not crazy at all. Qualifications." The old man squinted at Emperor Xiao Qing.

However, Emperor Xiao Qing was still very calm, "If you dare not, get out of the Xiao Clan."

"Well, I want to see what you can do after signing the status of life and death."

The old man also has a temper. He is a super master in the realm of Yuan Yingqi, who is so threatened by Emperor Xiao Qing. If he does not sign his name, it is equivalent to afraid of Emperor Xiao Qing.

At this moment, he directly picked up the pen and signed his name on the certificate of life and death, and then said coldly, "Boy, don't worry, the old man, as an elder, will never kill people easily, but he can't easily make you feel better. "

"Start a life and death battle."

Emperor Xiao Qing looked at Xiao Ding and said with a calm expression, "At the same time, it is announced that the two of the ancient Qin imperial family and the world have taken the initiative to sign my life and death status with me. The battle between the two parties is purely personal. Does not affect the relationship between the two races."

"it is good."

Xiao Ding seemed to have anticipated this a long time ago. He nodded and directly ordered a person from the Xiao Clan, "Has the video been recorded yet?"

"It's all recorded." The Xiao Clan man nodded and said.

"Very good, let's announce it together, and fax a copy to the ancient Qin emperor." Xiao Ding nodded with satisfaction.

The old man, "..."

Win the wind, "..."

At this moment, even the arrogant fellow, Win Wind, realized that something was wrong, and it seemed that the two of them had entered a pit.

The Xiao imperial family has prepared so well, is this planning to leave the two of them in the Xiao imperial family?

"In addition, I hope that Emperor Ji Huang of the Xuanyuan imperial clan can help to witness this battle. In this competition, although the prince of the ancient Qin imperial clan has spoken first and has been asking for the contest, both parties agreed to sign the certificate of life and death. Both sides try not to kill."

Xiao Qingyan was Ji Xinyao and other members of the Xuanyuan royal family who suddenly looked to one side.

This time, there were not many people from the royal family of Xuanyuan. Apart from Ji Xinyao's accident, there was also an old woman. The other party's breath was not obvious, very low-key, and it seemed that it was just Ji Xinyao's follower.

Ji Xinyao glanced at Emperor Xiao Qing with a smile, and stood up and said, "It is a great honor."

"Although I have not formally waited for you, as the future emperor of the Great Zhou royal family, I am also willing to witness this battle, and understand that both parties are voluntary. After the life and death certificate is signed, life and death will not matter. ."

King Zhou also stood up and said with a smile on his face.

"It's so good, thank you both for your testimony." Xiao Qingyan said with a smile.

"Haha, little things, little things, this time, everyone sees it, and we can be considered indirect to participate in it. Since we can witness this martial arts competition, it is also very honored." Zhou Wang laughed.

"Exactly." Ji Xinyao also appeared very enthusiastic.

They were happily talking here, but the old man and Ying Feng from the ancient Qin clan were dumbfounded.

"No, it's in the middle."

The faces of the two were extremely ugly.

Until now, how could they not understand that the Xiao royal family was waiting for them.

It's just that they couldn't understand in any case, what kind of confidence the Xiao imperial family had to deal with them, could it be because of Xiao Qing, a well-known dragon king in the secular world?


Outside, accompanied by a roar, the life and death ring of the Xiao royal family slowly rose up.

"Don't worry about what's going on with him, as soon as you get on stage, you can kill the dragon king Xiao Qing directly." The old man's eyes flashed sullenly and said to Ying Feng, "As for the other things, you don't have to worry about it. "

"I understand that after killing him, there is a state of life and death in hand, and the Xiao Xiao imperial family dare not use any means to keep us behind."

Ying Feng also flashed killing intent in his eyes, his body flashed, and his whole body instantly appeared on the arena of life and death. He looked at Emperor Xiao Qing and said in a condensed voice, "Emperor Xiao Qing, come on, this battle, life and death whether."

Emperor Xiao Qing ignored him, but glanced at the old man, "Respecting the old and loving the young are the traditional virtues of our generation, please come first."

"Boy, don't be too rampant. You are a junior, and you dare to challenge the old man and win the wind at the same time? If you really want to fight the old man, wait until you win the wind."

The old man's face is very ugly.

Even if Yingfeng had already killed Xiao Qingdi, the fact that Xiao Qingdi looked down on him so much still made him very unhappy.

"This king is afraid that you will run away."

Emperor Xiao Qing answered very honestly.

"Brother, what you can say is a little bit enough. Even if you kill Win Wind on the spot, this senior, as a strong man of the ancient Qin clan, can't run away. Besides, he signed the status of life and death. Under the testimony of the Xuanyuan royal family and the Dazhou royal family, even if he wanted to run, he couldn't."

Xiao Qingyan said with a smile.

All of her words were biased towards Emperor Xiao Qing.

After listening, the old man felt even more angry, but he didn't show it on the surface. Instead, he said in a deep voice, "Relax, since the life and death status has been signed, the old man will never retreat without a fight."

"That's good, I hope the strong of the ancient Qin imperial family will not let this king down."

Emperor Xiao Qing nodded reluctantly, and volleyed towards the arena of life and death.

His movements are very elegant. Although there is no very powerful aura revealed in his whole body, there is an atmosphere condensed in every move. It seems that he is the real supreme emperor, the only general in this world.

The old man’s complexion was solemn, and the more he watched Emperor Xiao Qing enter the ring so calmly, the more he felt uneasy, “What happened? Could it be that the three royal families of Xuanyuan, Xiao Huang and Da Zhou joined forces to prepare Has our ancient Qin imperial clan destroyed?"

He kept speculating about various possibilities in his heart, but he did not know that the reason Xiao Qingdi wanted to kill them so much was not because of other things.

On the contrary, the mouth of this guy Yingfeng is so cheap that he dared to hit Xiao Qingyan with his idea.

In this world, no one can replace the younger sister Xiao Qingyan's position in Emperor Xiao Qing's heart.

No one can beat the younger sister Xiao Qingyan's idea, not to mention that the other party is just a little prince of the ancient Qin imperial clan, even if the old emperor of the ancient Qin imperial clan comes, Emperor Xiao Qing will not miss it.


When Emperor Xiao Qing was standing on the arena of life and death, a powerful force burst out all over his body when the wind won, and the whole sword was united, turning into a golden sword and beheaded at Emperor Xiao Qing in the roar.

Although he is cynical, but after all, he is a strong player in the Golden Core Stage. This shot is so strong that even among the masters of the Golden Core Stage, he is considered a strong player.

"Today, this prince will let everyone from the four royal clans see how powerful my ancient Qin emperor is, hahaha."

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