The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 952: you are too slow

"Yes, the power to win the wind is enough to kill him." The old man breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

Fortunately, he had explained Win Wind in advance, and asked him to kill Xiao Qingdi with all his strength from the beginning, what problems did the province have.

"The ancient Qin imperial clan is indeed full of talents." At this moment, Elder Xiao and Xiao Ding also exclaimed.

At such a young age, he can become a master of the Jin Dan stage. Although there must be the support of the ancient Qin imperial clan, which is a powerful and unparalleled imperial clan, it is also related to the talent of winning the wind.

After all, even in Xiao Zhengjing's generation, there are many people who are only in the foundation stage, and even ordinary warriors.

"It's interesting." Ji Xinyao also smiled softly.

However, she is more concerned about Emperor Xiao Qing, "How would you stop it? Directly violently kill, or just like killing the dean of the fairy gate, leaving a sword aura, wait until the opponent leaves and then kill?"

In the eyes of everyone, the big golden sword with the supreme sword power was slashed towards Emperor Xiao Qing, and at the same time, the voice of winning the wind came over, "Boy, call grandpa obediently, maybe this prince can still Forgive you, otherwise, you are dead."

"is it?"

Emperor Xiao Qing touched his nose with a faint smile on his face. When the great sword was cut down, he directly stretched out his hand and grabbed it toward the edge of the great sword with his bare hands.

"court death."

There was a voice of disdain for the unification of humans and swords.

This sword, with an invincible edge, slashed directly towards Emperor Xiao Qing.

"Old Emperor Xiao, after this battle, I hope it will not affect the friendship between our two clans." The old man showed satisfaction on his face and turned his head to look at Father Xiao.

"No, of course not."

Elder Xiao squinted his eyes and smiled, and he didn't care how bad Xiao Qing emperor Xiao Qing was with his bare hands.

"Record the video."

Xiao Ding instructed, "When the time comes, send this sentence to the old emperor of the ancient Qin clan to let him know that it is their people from the ancient Qin clan who did it on us."

The old man, "..."

This seems a bit wrong.

Emperor Xiao Qing had bare hands, and he was clearly about to be beheaded. Why are the two old guys of the Xiao Emperor still so calm?


At this time, a roar came.

The old man breathed a sigh of relief, and the sword was finally cut down.

To be honest, while Yingfeng pretended to be so pleased in his heart, he also felt a little procrastinated. However, because of the nature of Yingfeng, he did not blame him.

"Do not..."

However, the next scream made the heart he had just put down instantly raised, "What happened..."

He fixed his eyes, and his expression changed drastically.

I saw the golden sword shattered, and the figure of Ying Feng was imprisoned in mid-air, and Emperor Xiao Qing raised his right hand as if he was holding up the sky with one hand, just like this, supporting Ying Feng in the air.

Winning desperately agitated his own strength, struggling to break out, but it was useless.

No matter how the Winning Wind broke out, he couldn't break free from the imprisonment of Emperor Xiao Qing, and could only roar constantly.

"too weak."

Emperor Xiao Qing sighed, and while the old man's eyes were about to split, he suddenly made a fist with his right hand.

"No no, don't..."


The old man's face changed drastically and he rushed forward, but it was too late.

With a roar, Ying Feng's whole person was directly crushed by a terrifying force.

A cloud of blood mist floated in the air like this.


At this moment, except for the members of the Xiao royal family who had anticipated this scene a long time ago, everyone else couldn't help taking a breath.

A prince of the ancient Qin imperial family in the Golden Core Stage was actually killed by Emperor Xiao Qing.

It is no wonder that Emperor Xiao Qing insisted on signing life and death with him.

"You, damn, boom!"

The old man roared, his figure instantly rushed to the ring, his eyes were red as he watched the blood mist gradually dissipating, and he almost went crazy.

Yingfeng is not his direct descendant, but this time he went to the Xiao imperial clan, but he promised the old emperor of the ancient Qin imperial clan that he must take good care of Yingfeng and take Yingfeng back safely anyway.

Who would have thought that Ying Feng would be crushed by Emperor Xiao Qing.

"Sorry, he is too weak, he doesn't have a good control."

Emperor Xiao Qing grinned.

There is no sense of sorry in the words.

"Damn it."

The old man was furious, and the breath of the Nascent Soul Stage erupted. He was extremely violent and rushed towards Emperor Xiao Qing angrily. "Today, the old man will definitely teach you this cruel little **** well."

"It just so happens that this king wants to pinch you to death."

Emperor Xiao Qing didn't feel nervous at all, but said slowly, "The life and death status has been signed, and you don't have to be responsible for killing you. I really want to thank you for your cooperation."

"Ahhhhh, to die."


The old man was extremely angry, and amidst his roaring figure, he threw a punch towards Emperor Xiao Qing.

The cultivation base of the Yuan Ying period broke out.

At this moment, all the people watching below showed dignified colors, even Xiao Ding and Elder Xiao, who had great confidence in Emperor Xiao Qing, couldn't help clenching their fists.

"The Xianmen Dean is a little weaker than him, but since Emperor Xiao Qing can kill the Xianmen Dean in seconds, he should not be afraid of him."

Ji Xinyao whispered to herself.

"Mao, who do you think can win?" asked the old woman who had been following Ji Xinyao in silence.

"Naturally it is Emperor Xiao Qing, he is my destined person." Ji Xinyao smiled, she was already beautiful, and this smile was able to overwhelm all sentient beings.

"Your destined person?" The old woman's face changed, "has it been confirmed?"


Ji Xinyao's eyes narrowed.

"Unexpected, unexpected." The old woman sighed again and again, and her eyes were different when she looked at Emperor Xiao Qing on the ring.

Before, it was an attitude of indifferent and irrelevant to oneself, but now his eyes are as if he is looking at himself.

"The emperor kills!"

At this moment, facing the old man's bombardment, Emperor Xiao Qing also punched to greet him.

A punch blasted out, and the overbearing punch burst out.

At this moment, the emperor Xiao Qing's aura was vast, and his whole person was like a supreme **** of war.

The two fists roared together, but Emperor Xiao Qing, who had used his physical power, trembled, and his whole person was directly blown out.

"It's a little capable, it can block the old man's punch." Even if Xiao Qing emperor was blasted out, the old man was not satisfied, but opened his mouth and spit out a three-inch flying sword directly from his mouth.


The flying sword was like lightning, slashing across the void in an instant, and slashed towards Emperor Xiao Qing.

"My ancient Qin imperial clan's flying sword skill is absolutely amazing, even if the strength is higher than mine, I will definitely die." The old man stopped, holding the sword tactics in both hands, the flying sword **** came out of ghosts, tracing a series of mysterious traces, towards Emperor Xiao Qing cut over.

With this sword cut, even Xiao Ding's face changed, "No, this kid is careless, he will suffer."

Others also showed nervousness.

The sword light is ethereal, the flying sword method is nowhere to be found, and it is a real supreme magic technique to take the enemy's head from thousands of miles away. Even within the Xiao clan, there is no such secret method.

Only the ancient Qin imperial clan has such a profound and long-standing power that flying swordsmanship can be used.

"Even if you can see the trail of sword light? Can you stop it in time?"

The old man's voice was cold, he no longer changed the trajectory of the flying sword, but cut directly from the top of Xiao Qingdi's head.

He is so confident.

However, the next moment, his pupils suddenly shrank.


Two fingers appeared abruptly, and just clamped the flying sword.

Feijian struggled, but he couldn't break free of those two fingers. The invincible edge was unable to cause any damage to those two fingers.

Emperor Xiao Qing carried the flying sword in his left hand and held the flying sword in his right hand. He looked at the old man, shook his head, his face was disappointed, "Your flying sword skills are too slow and too weak."

The old man, "..."

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