The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 955: Use friendship as a guide? court disaster

"Lord Dragon King, it's been a long time."

As soon as Emperor Xiao Qing returned to the Xiao family villa, he heard a light smile and saw a middle-aged man walk out from under the shade of the tree.

"Gao Jian?"

When Emperor Xiao Qing saw this middle-aged man, a ray of joy appeared on his face. Then, his eyes flashed and his face returned to calm, "Unexpectedly, after years of absence, you have already entered the dark side."

The middle-aged man named Gao Jian in front of him had a dark aura looming, even though he had tried his best to restrain himself, he could not hide it from Emperor Xiao Qing.

"People of the Dark Council?"

Xiao Qi and Xiao Wu, who were following Emperor Xiao Qing, changed their expressions, and they locked their killing intent on the middle-aged man in front of them.

"The two kids around you are a bit unfriendly." The middle-aged man smiled and looked at Xiaoqi and Xiaowu.


Xiao Qi shouted sharply, "Dark creatures dare to appear in front of the prince, are you looking for death?"

"Tsk Tsk, Dragon King Ten Guards, ranked seventh, the seventh in the calendar, yes, a little skill, but unfortunately it is just an ordinary warrior." The middle-aged man named Gao Jian still smiled.

"Do you want to try it?"

Xiao Wu stood up calmly and looked at the middle-aged man.

She has broken through to the foundation building stage, her strength is already very terrifying, even if Gao Jian sees it, her expression can't help but change, "Strong, the foundation stage."

Then, he raised his head to look at Emperor Xiao Qing who was silent, and said with a smile, "I haven't seen you for a few years. The scary little kid on the battlefield back then has grown to this level. I really sigh. ."

"The upright tall hero back then has already joined the dark side, which surprised this king." Xiao Qingdi looked calm.

The two met seven years ago.

At that time, Emperor Xiao Qing had just left his teacher, and even though the children of ordinary people had experienced major changes in life and death, how could he compare with the veterans on the battlefield when he was just on the battlefield?

Gao Jian was called Gao Daxia, and he was a man of righteousness, and he even enlightened Emperor Xiao Qing specially at that time.

However, he has been missing for many years, and now he has entered the Dark Council again and transformed into a dark creature.

"It seems that you have a strong misunderstanding of the dark creatures, but it doesn't matter, I am not here to change your opinion, this time I came to you, I came to borrow something from you by the order of the president."

Gao Jian looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with a smile.

"What?" Emperor Xiao Qing stood with his hand in hand.

Dao is different and not conspiring, even if there was a little friendship in the past, Gao Jian has now turned into a dark creature, and has worked for the dark council, and is no longer the tall hero of the year.

Both Xiaoqi and Xiaowu on one side have targeted Gao Jian with murderous auras.

Feeling the killing intent of the two, as well as the murderous intent that bursts out from the surrounding infinite killers, that can tear himself to pieces at any time, even if Gao Jian had been prepared long ago, he couldn't help but trembled.

"President of the Dark Council, I want to see you."

He swallowed a sip of water, barely showing a calm look on his face, "It's not the previous counterfeit, and it has nothing to do with the fact that the counterfeit was killed by you. It's just because the president treated you very much after hearing about you. Interested and want to meet you."

"At the same time, I want to borrow the Holy Grail of the Church of Light from you."

As he said, Gao Jian looked at Emperor Xiao Qing, "Now both the light and the darkness know that the Holy Grail of Light is in your hands, and, as far as I know, the light and power side is already preparing to find you to take the Holy Grail back here. In this case, your best course of action is to give the Holy Grail to the Dark Council. When that happens, you don’t have to worry about the light forces asking you to settle accounts."

"Oh, then, did you ask this king for the holy grail, or did you help this king?" Xiao Qingdi wore a playful smile on his face.

"Of course, the guild leader values ​​you very much. This is just a way for the guild leader to protect you. Otherwise, you should know that the Holy Grail of Light has no effect on the Dark Council." Gao Jian said.


Xiao Wu sneered, "I clearly want to **** the treasure, but I still say so shamelessly. Do you think the prince can be deceived by you? Hurry up and don't waste time."

She was very direct, stepping out, her whole body burst out, and she looked at each other coldly.

"I haven't seen you in a few years, did you treat old friends like this?" Gao Jian's expression changed slightly, but he turned to look at Emperor Xiao Qing.

"It's my fault."

Emperor Xiao Qing showed a hint of apology and waved his hand to Xiao Wu, "Xiao Wu step back first."


Xiao Wu hurriedly responded, stepping back a few steps, but with murderous eyes locked on Gao Jian.

After Gao Jian saw it, he smiled in his heart, and on the surface he was happy. "It's so good. It's not in vain that you and I met when we were on the battlefield."


But never thought that as soon as his words fell, Emperor Xiao Qing stepped out, a violent aura locked him in.

"Sorry, since I met you back then and dealt with you, I should let this king throw you away." Xiao Qing said.

Gao Jian, "..."


However, as soon as Gao Jian opened his mouth, he felt his neck tighten. A big hand had directly pinched and lifted his neck. The dark power he was so proud of could no longer be used.

He flushed and looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with a look of horror in his eyes. He didn't expect Emperor Xiao Qing to be so unrelenting and directly act on him.

"Go back and tell the Dark Council not to mess with this king. This is the last time, otherwise the king will directly enter the Dark Council headquarters and destroy the entire Dark Council completely."

With a wave of his hand, Gao Jian was thrown into the sky and disappeared.

Although they met Gao Jian back then, they were far from being compared with the brotherhood of life and death between Luo Xia, and the two could only be regarded as acquaintances at best.

The president of the Dark Council was able to find Gao Jian, thinking that he could come to Emperor Xiao Qing based on the two people's acquaintance, which was really wrong.

"Lord, the dark and the light are starting to make small moves again."

Xiao Qi and Xiao Wu looked at Emperor Xiao Qing at the same time, with an angry look in their eyes, "It's better to let Dragon King Island take action and clean the dark place again."

"No hurry, Dragon King Island is not strong enough."

Emperor Xiao Qing waved his hand.

The dark side has existed for endless years, and the strength is really not comparable to ordinary people.

Although Dragon King Island has joined the super **** power group, its strength has greatly increased, but it still cannot be compared with it.

"If there are any more minor actions, this king will go directly to the dark place and behead the true president of the Dark Council."

Waving his hand at will, Emperor Xiao Qing did not put the president of the Dark Council in his eyes, "As for the light power side, the holy mountain is destroyed. What can they cause if they lose their foundation?"

"Send Ling Baiying, continue to reward the bright side's head."

Emperor Xiao Qing's indifferent order came out, but it was full of boundless killing intent.

At this moment, the Guangming Pope, who was far overseas, would not have thought of it anyway. He was thinking of what method he would use to **** the Holy Grail back from Emperor Xiao Qing's hands. He had not acted yet. The killers of the world were crazy again.

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