The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 956: Some people want to destroy him, some people want to win him

"It's boiling, all the killers in the world are boiling again."

"Report, something big happened again."

"Our people, in the strongholds that have just been built, many leaders have their heads cut off."


The headquarters of the Light Force, in the palace of the small country transformed by the Light Force, originally the Pope of Light was anxious a group of people was discussing how to retrieve the Holy Grail, and then opened the altar to offer sacrifices to the gods.

Suddenly, an anxious sound of intelligence came.


At this moment, the Pope Guangming and the others were dumbfounded, "Something happened again?"

Last time, when Emperor Xiao Qing attacked the sacred mountain, countless subordinates of the Light Force under the secular arrangement were wiped out by the killers, reducing the control of the Light Force over the secular to the lowest point in history.

After re-entering the WTO, they spent countless time and energy, and finally arranged it again.

Unexpectedly, there was another problem.

"Who gave the order?"

The Pope's face was extremely ugly.

"Also, it hasn't been found out yet, but after they killed people, they all left blood."

The intelligence officer said, and quickly handed over a photo. It was exactly what happened. A person's head was separated and blood shed all over the ground. On one wall, it was written, "Light will eventually be replaced by darkness, only darkness is eternal. ."

"Dark power."

Pope Guangming changed his face and shouted angrily, "It turned out to be them, bastard."

"Does the dark side really want to start a war between light and darkness? They dare to send a killer to kill our people, they deserve to die."

"Pope, I am waiting for the request to destroy the dark side."

"For so many years, it is time to start the war again and destroy those dark creatures."


Suddenly, the strong men of the light forces who were in the meeting all spoke in indignation.

The power of darkness is simply deceiving.

"The holy mountain has been destroyed. If you really want to destroy the dark power, you must first retrieve the Holy Grail, start the sacrifice, and ask the God of Light for instructions."

Pope Guangming slowly said, "Pope Harud, you will take the people to retrieve the Holy Grail from Emperor Xiao Qing, and everyone in the church will let you use it."

"You can use any method."

emphasize again.

Every time I tried to retrieve the Holy Grail from Emperor Xiao Qing's hand, but failed, this time, the Pope Guangming was really ruthless.

In any case, no matter what method is used, just take the Holy Grail back.


An old man saluted slowly, a ray of killing intent flashed in his eyes, "Pope rest assured, within ten days, I will definitely put the Holy Grail of Light in front of you."

"Don't underestimate him, Emperor Xiao Qing, the dragon king, is no small thing." The Pope said quickly.

After the last battle, he realized that although Emperor Xiao Qing was only a junior, he was not so easy to deal with.

You know, there are many outstanding talents in this world, but the only good person who can really fight against the power of light and darkness at the same time is still alive, and there is only Emperor Xiao Qing.

"You only need one thing to retrieve the Holy Grail of Light."

Grand Pope Harud saluted, "Please also ask the Pope to lend me the Scepter of Light. When that happens, I can directly kill the Dragon King Xiao Qingdi and use the Scepter to summon the Holy Grail."

"it is good."

Seeing this guy's confident look, even though the pope felt a little too confident, he still agreed.

Soon after, the Grand Pope Harud, holding the Scepter of Light, walked with confidence and walked directly to the East China Sea.

And when he arrived in the East China Sea, the leaders of various forces around the world also issued their orders to clear the light-related forces in their respective fields.

"Some of the people that the Light Force deployed in our country during this time have all been annihilated. Well, there are still a few strongholds for people to disguise and clear them."

"Hey, send them to see the God of Light. They are God's messengers. How bad it is to stay in this mortal world, we are really good people."


Originally, these people were hidden very deeply, even the assassins of Bai Ying's men were not found.

However, after the strongest forces everywhere took action, the Pope Illuminati almost cried.

The century-old foundation was almost destroyed.

Since then, except for the small country controlled by them, the light forces have almost become blind in other places, and there are almost no sources of intelligence.

"Dark and dirty creatures, we are at odds with you."

Even the Pope of Light couldn't help but roar again and again.


"It was the subordinates of the Dragon King Xiao Qing who issued a reward order. Almost all the killers in the world were dispatched, and the forces that deployed the light forces in all parts of the world were almost destroyed."

At the same time, in the dark council, the person in charge of intelligence is reporting to the real president.

The guild leader Mingbodil, who died the last guild leader, was just a fake, just a substitute for the dead the real guild leader threw out.

This one is the real master of the dark power.

Shrouded in darkness, the mysterious guild leader heard the message from his subordinates and said happily, "Dragon King Xiao Qingdi is really a good talent. If he can be pulled into our side, it will definitely be of great use. ."

"But, but the man sent to find him was thrown back by him." One of his men looked angry, "That kid is too rampant."

"It's okay, talented people will be arrogant. As long as there are enough benefits, no one in this world will not be tempted." The chairman of the Dark Council chuckled. The elixir and magic weapon needed by practitioners."

"As far as we are concerned, these things have little effect. Coincidentally, we have obtained a lot of treasures that Eastern practitioners need over the years."

"Send him some past, let him see our sincerity, and tell him that as long as he is willing to join the Dark Council, all the treasures needed by Eastern practitioners collected by the Dark Council for endless years can be given to him."


Light and darkness, the two giants overseas, are truly the longest existence. They have faced each other for endless years, and no one can kill each other.

Originally, the bright side is stronger, but the dark side understands the human heart better, and they can use their own advantages to bring the strong in the world into their subordinates.

Under the circumstances, the bright side is strong on the surface, but in fact, after the collapse of the holy mountain, it has become weaker and weaker.

On the contrary, the dark side occupies the dark place, and his subordinates do not know where they are, and they are constantly drawing up the strong in the world.

What will happen in the long run is already predictable.

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