The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 962: The ignorant and rampant tend to die the fastest


The three elders of Blood Wolf who were talking suddenly condensed his eyes, staring closely at the distance high in the sky.

In their eyes, a nine-colored ray of light magnified from far to near, like a meteor piercing the sky, and it came to them in the blink of an eye.

"Quick, this kid is not easy."

These three people were very powerful, and they didn't follow the fake Mingbodir when they went to the holy mountain last time. After all, those who followed to the holy mountain were almost cut off by Emperor Xiao Qing.

However, only those who are alive are the real elites of dark power.

At this moment, it was the first time they felt the power of Emperor Xiao Qing.

Feeling it, it makes their faces a little ugly.

It seems that Emperor Xiao Qing, a human kid with a false name, really looks like a little skill.

But what about this?

The three of them sneered again and again, waved their hands, and all the people who were playing on the surrounding beaches, even seeing their special dress ready to come over to see the excitement, flew out.


With a wave of his hand, countless innocent people vomited blood and fainted on the ground, recklessly.

"You are very bold."

Emperor Xiao Qing appeared, and he looked calmly at the three guys who had just knocked out the ordinary people on the beach.

Those ordinary people didn't die, they were just fainted, so he didn't take action.

However, the three have been convicted of death.

Although he just stood there casually, he had a very extraordinary temperament, as if he was the center of this world, and he was like the whole world.

"It's said that these human beings in the East are the most pretending to be fools, and that's true." The old blood wolf smiled disdainfully.

The one on the left sighed, "A hundred years ago, I had swallowed a few Eastern cultivators, and I also pretended to be like this. When I saw me, I said that I wanted to eliminate demons and defend Dao. As a result, I just swallowed them all. Yes, but don’t say anything, it tastes really good..."

The black mist on his head dispersed, revealing a blood-colored wolf head.

Human body wolf head.

The blood wolf tribe has not yet complete evolution. The so-called werewolves have only evolved the parts below the neck, which on the surface looks similar to humans, but in fact they are still wolves.

"Blood wolf."

Emperor Xiao Qing looked at them calmly, not surprised by the three werewolves.

In the dark side of the overseas, there are cows, ghosts, and snakes. If a normal human appears, it is more special.

"Boy, don't you pay respect to seeing the great blood wolf three elders?"

The three of them were so calm when they saw Emperor Xiao Qing's appearance, thinking that Emperor Xiao Qing was afraid of them, and all raised their heads, looking at Emperor Xiao Qing with a deep chill in their eyes.


Emperor Xiao Qing smiled, and suddenly asked, "Do you know Harrod?"

"Isn't that guy the great pope of the power of light?" said the one among the three blood wolf elders. "That guy's strength is not bad, barely comparable to one of our three blood wolf elders, but if it is our three When people come out together, that guy will be eaten by us in an instant."

"Ask him what he did, is he also in the East China Sea?"

The words on the right were filled with excitement, "If this is the case, we seem to be able to swallow Harud this time, and then take this kid back."

"good idea."

The other two nodded in agreement.

Then, the three werewolves all looked at Emperor Xiao Qing, "Boy, where is Harud, take us to him."

"You will see him later."

Emperor Xiao Qing said seriously, "This king will personally send you to see him."

"Not bad, very witty."

The third blood wolf nodded very satisfied, "They all say that Emperor Xiao Qing, the dragon king, is very rampant. It seems to be okay now, but this is also the reason why the strength of the third elder is too strong to scare this kid. ."


From the rear, Xiao Wu who followed up couldn't help but smile, "I really am three silly wolves, so narcissistic."

When they appeared in the East China Sea so rampantly, their fate no longer belonged to them, but they didn't know it, and they dared to speak out in front of the prince.

In the world, the ignorant do not know where, but these three are the stupidest.

"This woman..."

The third blood wolf was stunned when he saw Xiao Wu, then his eyes burst into light, "It seems to be a body of pure Yin, and it is still a very pure and flawless physique."

"Oh my god, our chance is here."

"After eating her, we can completely evolve into the wolf king."

The three wolves all had their eyes bursting with scorching rays and staring at Xiao Wu behind them, and their eyes seemed to be staring at the same delicious food.

Such behavior caused Xiao Wu and Xiao Qingdi's eyes to sink.

In his eyes, killing intent surged.


Xiao Wu walked to Emperor Xiao Qing, looked at the three werewolves, and said angrily, "Their eyes are too nasty, I want to kill them."

"Go ahead then."

Emperor Xiao Qing smiled softly, and patted Xiao Wu's body with his right hand, and a nine-color light sank into Xiao Wu's body.


A sudden sword roar came from Xiao Wu's hand, and a three-foot nine-color sword qi came out, vomiting endlessly.

"it is good."

Xiao Wu had a look of surprise in his eyes, stepped out, looked at the three blood wolves on the opposite side, and said coldly, "Now, this girl will send you to see Harud."

"Harrod is dead?"

Although the three wolves were not so good at their brains, they heard it at this time. Harud seemed to have been killed by Emperor Xiao Qing.

"It's no wonder that the president will be attracted and let us send you something, but we are not comparable to that waste."

The three blood wolves looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with shocked eyes.

However, he still didn't treat Emperor Xiao Qing as a powerhouse of the same level. After all, they were the three elders of the blood wolf. If the three of them worked, they could also easily tear Harud into pieces.

"I'll talk about the woman who has eaten this pure yin body first."

The three-headed wolf looked at Xiao Wu with fiery eyes, the wolf in the middle stood up with a cold look, "I'll catch her, tear it into three pieces, one for each person."


With a loud roar, the wolf's hand was lifted up and instantly turned into a huge wolf claw. The sharp nails were like the blade of a knife, shining with cold light in the sun.


Xiao Wu took a step, holding the sword energy in his right hand, and directly swung the sword down.


In the next moment, Jian Qi and the wolf's claws were cut together.

"We blood wolf three elders want to eat you, it is your honor, you dare to resist, really recklessly."

The other two wolves in the rear shook their heads, with teasing in their eyes.

At this moment, they had forgotten that the president of the Dark Council had solemnly confessed to them before they set off. They must not start with Emperor Xiao Qing, and they had to send things politely, and then send the letter from the president of the Dark Council.

They just thought, after swallowing Xiaowu first, help them break through, and then capture Xiao Qingdi back.

Acting on the dark side is simple and violent.

Where is a kind invitation?

If you want Emperor Xiao Qing to work for the dark side, you can directly capture Emperor Xiao Qing back, and force this guy to surrender.


"Do not..."

However, when they thought about it, they heard a roar, accompanied by the terrified cry of the wolf who had just shot.

Looking over, they saw a scene that changed their complexion.

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