The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 963: The greater the hope, the more despair


A burst of Nine-Colored Sword Qi suddenly burst into brilliant light, just like cutting tofu, directly splitting the claws of the blood wolf three elders, which is comparable to a **** soldier, and then straight down all the way, directly splitting his whole person in two. half.

Even if it had been split in half, his corpse in two halves was still constantly fighting.

This scene deeply shocked the other two blood wolves.

At this moment, they were completely dumbfounded, "This... she she she..."

"Damn it, how dare you kill the second child? You want to fight against my blood wolf tribe."

"Damn, you are dead, you must be dead."

They roared again and again.

However, there was a panic in his eyes.

The blood wolf three elders are all about the same strength. One of them was cut in half by Xiao Wu so directly. Even if the other two rushed to fight Xiao Wu, the consequences would be similar.

"You are all going to eat this girl. Is this girl afraid of being an enemy of you?"

One of the blood wolves was smashed and killed with a single sword. Xiao Wu was very excited and looked at the other two roaring guys with a smile.

"Dragon King Xiao Qingdi, are you completely going to be an enemy of our dark side?"

The blood wolf on the right roared, "The president specially asked us to send you gifts and bring our friendship, and you, as soon as you met, killed the second child, you **** it."

"This matter, after we go back, we must report it to the president, so that the president will personally kill you completely."


Faced with the two blood wolves who were already panicking and roaring over there, Xiao Wu was speechless, "Master, are these two guys stupid? It's clear that they did it first, but we are still to blame."

"However, what guild leader from the dark side sent them to give gifts?"

Xiao Wuyi looked surprised. In the Battle of Sacred Mountain, Emperor Xiao Qing killed many people in both the dark and light. Later, the chairman of the Dark Council, Ming Bodier, was beheaded by Emperor Xiao Qing. Now, The new president even gave gifts to Emperor Xiao Qing?

Could it be that he was a little bit silly and was beaten up well?

"I want to win over this king to deal with the power of light."

Emperor Xiao Qing smiled indifferently.


At this time, the other two blood wolves directly attacked Xiao Qingdi and Xiaowu without warning.

Amidst the roar, their bodies directly changed into two blood-colored giant wolves with a height of more than ten meters, one end toward Xiao Wu, the other toward Emperor Xiao Qing.

"Looking for death." Xiao Wu yelled, his sword energy swept across, and he slashed directly towards the opponent.

This blood wolf didn't dare to face Xiao Wu head-on, but after avoiding Jian Qi, he fought against her.

The third blood wolf is comparable to a strong person in the Golden Core stage. Although Xiao Wu cannot compare with it, she holds a sword aura and possesses invincible power. As long as she can slash the blood wolf, the opponent will not die or be seriously injured.

In this way, Xiao Wu faced a blood wolf alone, with ease.

As for Emperor Xiao Qing.

When the desk blood wolf pounced on him, his expression was indifferent, he stepped out in one step, and grabbed it with his right hand.


The next moment, in the horrified gaze of the blood wolf, its figure was directly imprisoned by a terrifying force, no matter how hard it struggles, it is useless.


This blood wolf roared again and again, but as time passed, it was discovered that it couldn't even make a sound, so he could only look at Emperor Xiao Qing with his pleading gaze.


The other blood wolf in the duel with Xiaowu was stunned.

I thought that although Emperor Xiao Qing was powerful, it was impossible to make them desperate. Who could have imagined that the boss of the three blood wolf elders was directly and easily imprisoned by Emperor Xiao Qing.


After being stunned, it didn't hesitate to get rid of Xiaowu and rushed towards the distance.

At this moment, what was going to teach Emperor Xiao Qing, what was going to eat Xiao Wu this pure yin body, were all forgotten by it. It just wanted to run, and immediately ran back to the dark side to hide.

"Want to run?"

Xiao Wu yelled, his figure rose into the air, the sword qi in his hand shot out, and he shouted, "Cut!"


The sword energy flickered in the air and turned into a hundred-foot-long nine-color sword energy, as if it could open up the sky and the earth, directly cut down.

"No... forgive me."

"Roar... forgive me, Lord Dragon King, forgive me... scoff..."

The third of the three blood wolf elders who were running away let out a horrified cry. It kept begging for mercy, but it was useless. This sword aura smashed it down and exploded directly.

At this moment, it has rushed to the surface of the sea, and the blood is raining down, and it is diluted by the sea in the blink of an eye, disappearing invisible.

"The youngest..."

The blood wolf that was imprisoned by Emperor Xiao Qing roared, with a sad look in his eyes.

It never expected that Emperor Xiao Qing, the dragon king, was really as powerful as the legend. Even their blood wolf three elders were directly beheaded by Emperor Xiao Qing, and he was killed by Xiao Qing. The emperor catches it.

"Dragon King Xiao Qingdi, we brought gifts on behalf of the president, but you treated us this way. Are you going to die with us in the dark side?"

He could only turn his head and roar at Xiao Qingdi.

"Don't die?"

Emperor Xiao Qing looked at it with a smile, "You don't have that qualification yet."

"The werewolf clan is also a big clan on the dark side. My blood wolf tribe is an extremely powerful member of the werewolf clan. If you kill me, the wolf clan will definitely swear with you."

The boss of the three blood wolves roared.

"Since this is the case, you can call the chairman of the Dark Council and ask him, what are you?"

Emperor Xiao Qing said with a smile.

While speaking, he was not afraid that this guy would run away, and directly released his restraint.

The more casual he was, the more this blood wolf trembled, and he really didn't dare to escape.

"Give you a cell phone."

Xiao Wu smiled and threw a mobile phone at the opponent’s feet. Seeing this blood wolf turned into a wolf head and picked up the mobile phone, he was hesitant and asked in surprise, "How can you make calls without knowing how to call? Right?"

"No, it's not..."

This guy shook his head, very bitter.

Before leaving, the president of the Dark Council specifically asked them to contact him at any time if they had something to do, but at the same time, he specifically explained that they would treat Emperor Xiao Qing with politeness, and asked them to speak nicely and give gifts.

As a result, as soon as they appeared, the gift and letter had not been given to Emperor Xiao Qing, but they were cut two by Emperor Xiao Qing first. How should this be explained?

"This, this..."

This guy carefully took out a ring and a letter, and looked at Emperor Xiao Qing at a loss, "This is what the president asked us to give to you. The ring inside is what we have kept in the dark for infinite years. Treasures of Eastern practitioners, how about you first take a look?"

"What treasure, a broken ring would dare to say that it was a treasure you collected. It's so funny." Xiaowu Liu raised an eyebrow and said coldly, "I think you want to reunite with your brother."

"No, no, this is really a treasure. It was specially handed to me by the president. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it. Or, you ask the president."

The guy chuckled and handed the phone to Xiao Wu, "I have entered the president's phone number, you can dial it..."

"I would like to ask what your chairman said." Xiao Wu snorted, and was about to pick up the phone.


Just as she stretched out her hand, it rang out with a roar, and the abnormality arose.

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