The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 974: What a man can do

"Send you on the road."


As Emperor Xiao Qing's voice fell, a sword groan sounded, and the **** sword fetus was directly separated from Emperor Xiao Qing's hand and turned into a **** light to kill the black fire dragon.


The black fire dragon roared, and the threat of death in his heart became stronger and stronger. Even before that, it had tried the sharpness of the sword fetus. Knowing that the sword fetus could not smash its defenses, it felt that it would never let the sword fetus close body.


With a roar, black flames spurted out, trying to stop the sword tire.

However, no matter what energy hits the sword fetus, it is all absorbed by the sword fetus.

Even, the sword fetus was getting stronger and stronger, and a terrifying edge burst out, making the black fire dragon's mind shake.

It could only struggle desperately, while breathing fire to block the sword tires, and at the same time lifting the skyfire furnace on top. Seeing that it was about to lift the skyfire furnace, suddenly, it discovered a very terrible thing.

Xiao Qingdi, who was standing right in front of it, disappeared.

"Do not..."

There was a look of horror in his big eyes.


Sure enough, the Skyfire Furnace, which was only a little overthrown by it, suddenly sank, and a terrifying coercion broke out, just like that, directly suppressed it.

At this moment, this black fire dragon was completely stunned, and all his hard work had been in vain.

Suddenly, it even forgot to breathe fire to block the sword tire.

call out!

A ray of light flashed by, becoming the most brilliant ray it had seen in this life.

This ray of light instantly submerged in its eyes, and then, all its movements stopped, and its body instantly stiffened in mid-air.


The people below watched the black fire dragon suddenly straightened up and didn't move anymore, suddenly showing surprise.

"That sword seems to have been cut directly into the eyes of the Black Fire Dragon. Has Elder Xiao succeeded in slaying the dragon?"

"No, no..."

The great elder of the Zhou imperial clan was also shocked, "This is an existence that our clan’s ancestors cannot slaughter, and these thousands of years of suppression, logically speaking, it must have become stronger, and it is absolutely impossible to be killed by others. Beheaded, at least, it is not an existence that Yuan Yingqi can deal with..."


When the voice fell, there was a roar full of pain.

Then, the originally stiff black fire dragon struggled in mid-air.

"I just said, how could he slaughter this fire dragon so easily." The great elder breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that it was normal to think that the black fire dragon was still alive.

"Look, all the black flames on this fire dragon's body seem to have been absorbed by something."

At this time, someone from the Zhou royal family exclaimed.

Everyone looked up and saw that although the black fire dragon was struggling endlessly, the violent force shattered the void, causing the entire Dazhou royal family secret realm to become unstable and shake.

However, all the black flames on the surface of the black fire dragon were all converged into the body at this moment, no, not actively, but as if something had absorbed all its flames.


The black fire dragon roared again and again, and even began to beg for mercy, "Spare, forgive me, I am willing to surrender, I am willing to surrender to be your spirit beast, don't kill me..."


It really panicked.

Obviously, I felt that the sword in the body was absorbing its power frantically. In the blink of an eye, most of its invincible flame power was absorbed, and even that sword began to absorb its flesh and blood.

After thinking about it, Emperor Xiao Qing, who was standing on the furnace of the sky fire, controlled the sword fetus in the black fire dragon so that it did not continue to swallow everything in the black fire dragon.

"You have ten breaths of time to surrender, otherwise, you will die in the next moment."

The indifferent voice came into the ears of the black fire dragon. At this moment, the black fire dragon with its head high and terrifying strength was extremely pleasantly surprised. He quickly opened his mouth and spit out a bead full of a meter in diameter that was burning with black flames.

"This is my dragon ball, as long as you put your mark on the dragon ball, you can control me."

Dragon Ball, the root of the dragon clan, as long as Emperor Xiao Qing puts a brand on it, unless the black fire dragon is dead, otherwise, Emperor Xiao Qing is his master and can control it.

However, this kind of control is not without conditions. If the Black Fire Dragon is strong enough, it can even shield the connection between Dragon Ball and Emperor Xiao Qing.

Emperor Xiao Qing didn't want this kind of control.


With a thought in his mind, the emperor seal flew directly from his body, and in a crash, nine-colored rays of light burst out, causing everyone to close their eyes.


Then, the emperor seal was branded on the dragon ball, and a nine-color color imprint appeared on it. At the same time, the emperor seal was shocked in the sky again, and another imprint appeared on the black fire dragon's head.


The overall movement was really fast, and there was a nine-color light that blocked everyone's sight. When the nine-color light dissipated, everyone only saw the scene that shocked them extremely.

Emperor Xiao Qing was holding a **** and violent sword in his right hand, which was so powerful and sharp and sharp, and his left hand was holding the Heavenly Fire Furnace, just standing on the head of this black fire dragon.

Under his feet, the black fire dragon lowered its head, looking very respectful, even if it was afraid of shaking Emperor Xiao Qing, it would not even dare to move.

"That's it?"

Everyone was stunned.

Especially the powerhouses of Zhou's royal family, it feels like hell.

This terrifying black fire dragon, which was suppressed for endless years by the ancestors of the Zhou royal family, was so easily surrendered by Emperor Xiao Qing and became Emperor Xiao Qing's mount?

"The boss is the boss, it's really amazing."

Zhou Wang whispered, his eyes filled with excitement.

Emperor Xiao Qing surrendered the black fire dragon, saying that the secret realm of the great Zhou royal family was preserved, and the countless old and weak women and children of the great Zhou royal family who had not had time to retreat would also not die.

"Great, finally solved, hahaha."

"Ancestor bless..."

"We are all right."

The strong men of the Great Zhou royal family around, all excited tears in their eyes.

"Your ancestors bless you, this is the contribution of my boss Xiao, if it were your ancestors of Da Zhou, then your Da Zhou would have been destroyed."

Atari said disdainfully, "This black fire dragon was left to harm you by your ancestor who picked Dazhou. I also bless you, hehe..."


When everyone heard it, they were all speechless.

It really makes sense.

However, everyone is used to it. Nothing happens because the ancestors are blessed in heaven.

At such a moment of excitement, the powerhouses of the Great Zhou not only did not blame Atari, but nodded very excitedly.

Immediately afterwards, the great elder looked at King Zhou and Zhou Feng. After the three nodded to each other, the great elder knelt down and bowed to Emperor Xiao Qing. The benefactor of the Zhou royal family, I must remember this in my heart."

"Thank you."

"Thank you!"

Then, around the Great Week, everyone bowed respectfully!

"Boss Xiao, he is a god."

Kong Shuai couldn't help sighing.

Stepping on the dragon, holding the divine sword, and holding the skyfire furnace in the other hand, even if there is no strong breath erupting, it is like a **** descending.

Dare to ask this world, can a man like him be found somewhere?

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