The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 975: Things in the world are rarely satisfactory

Two days later, the inauguration ceremony of the new emperor of the Great Zhou royal family was held as usual.

Although the volcanic eruption of the Tianhuo line caused a lot of damage, it took less than a day for the Dazhou royal family to restore all the damage to the original.

As for the Heavenly Fire Furnace, although it was of little use to Emperor Xiao Qing, the Emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty did not want it anyway, and directly gave it to Emperor Xiao Qing.

He threatened that, as far as Da Zhou was concerned, this Skyfire Furnace had no effect, and after Zhou Huo died, no one could control it. It was only a scourge to keep it. He sincerely asked Emperor Xiao Qing to help his men and must not let this scourge remain in the Da Zhou. Within weeks.

In the end, Emperor Xiao Qing had to reluctantly agree to transform the Skyfire Furnace into his own treasure.

As for the black fire dragon, after being surrendered by Emperor Xiao Qing, he directly let Xiao Qi drive to Dragon King Island, and the black fire dragon guarded Dragon King Island.

Therefore, from now on, Dragon King Island truly deserves its name.

Within the Zhou imperial clan, the excitement was extraordinary. Among the four-party imperial clan, the Xuanyuan imperial clan and the ancient Qin imperial clan still only sent the princes of the clan to participate, while for the Xiao imperial clan, it was the new emperor Xiao Qingyan who personally brought Xiao Zhengjing to Da Zhou. The royal family gave enough face to the great Zhou royal family.

As for the Ning clan, the great emperor Ning Yuling did not come, but sent someone to send a gift box to congratulate him.

There are also royal families and wealthy families from all sides who have brought great gifts to Daoxi.

Inside the secret realm of the Great Zhou imperial clan, there was so much excitement. Emperor Xiao Qing and Xiao Zhengjing were walking on the active volcano that was destroyed two days ago. At this moment, the ground has been trimmed and even planted with flowers, trees, and dragons and phoenixes. Rockery and fish pond.

Here, it has become a beautiful garden.

"I heard that this was originally an active volcano?" Xiao Zhengjing said with a smile.

"It's not anymore." Xiao Qingdi replied.

"I really can't see through you more and more."

Xiao Zhengjing looked at the newly paved ground under his feet and couldn't help but sigh, "I have also seen the legend of the black dragon in ancient books. Back then, the black dragon should have existed at the peak of the Yuan Ying period, but this Thousands of years of suppression has absorbed the energy of the Earth's core fire within this active volcano. It should have surpassed the Nascent Soul Stage. You can surrender it. It's incredible."

At this moment, even Xiao Zhengjing deeply doubted that even if he had refined four magic beads and had a cultivation base beyond the Nascent Soul Stage, if he fought against Emperor Xiao Qing, he would probably die.

"It's just a coincidence."

Emperor Xiao Qing smiled softly, and surrendered to the black fire dragon, relying on the merits of the sword fetus. If it were not for the sword fetus, with his strength, even if he could eventually kill the black fire dragon, it would never be easy.

Xiao Zhengjing didn't say much, but chuckled softly, "Do you know why I called you here at this time?"

"What's the matter?"

Originally, the grand ceremony of King Zhou's inauguration had continued. It was the most lively time when Xiao Zhengjing suddenly took Emperor Xiao Qing over for a walk, obviously there was something to say.

"Recently, I merged with the Sifang Magic Orbs, and after my cultivation base broke through that limit, I had a lot of insights, so I took this opportunity to pass on my insights to you."

While Xiao Zhengjing was speaking, he took out a ball of light that had been prepared long ago and handed it to Emperor Xiao Qing.

"You just want to pass on your insights to me?" Emperor Xiao Qing looked at Xiao Zhengjing in amazement, even if he didn't expect that he, an honorary uncle, specially found himself to pass on to himself he is the most precious. Breakthrough experience.

You know, this kind of experience is extremely precious to a cultivator, and under normal circumstances, even the master, apprentice, father and son cannot pass it on to each other at will.

After all, everyone’s breakthrough perception is different. On the one hand, it is possible to lead the other party in the wrong direction. On the other hand, the person who gets this perception and inheritance can completely get the other party’s perception from this perception. Weaknesses are very dangerous for those who pass on their perceptions.

Xiao Zhengjing stuffed the beam of light on Emperor Xiao Qing, looked at Emperor Xiao Qing, and smiled in his eyes, "You must grow up quickly. There are still many existences in this world that you can't imagine."

"Work hard."

He patted Xiao Qingdi on the shoulder and paced away.

Standing alone, Emperor Xiao Qing looked at the light that contained Xiao Zhengjing's sentiment, with a look of surprise on his face.

Then, with a soft smile, he directly absorbed that group of Xiao Zhengjing's sentiments, and for a while, various mysteries were revealed before his eyes.

If he regards spiritual practice as a road, after he reaches the golden core stage, there is thick fog in front of him, and he can open the way, but it is not so easy. Now, the dense fog is dispersed, and a broad road is in front of him. Ken, you can move on.

"It's good to learn from one or two."

Smiled indifferently, turned around and went to strength. But when I was walking halfway, I was blocked by a person.

"Emperor Xiao Qing, we meet again."

Ji Xinyao, the emperor of the Xuanyuan imperial clan, a career empress, last time I hurriedly saw her, she was still wearing a professional suit, but this time she put on a set of graceful and luxurious long skirts, giving her extraordinary imperial power.

She looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with a smile, "What a coincidence."


Emperor Xiao Qing touched his nose. Before, he had seen Ji Xinyao's eyes in the meeting place, looking around, obviously looking for himself.

"This girl got a piece of news, and I came here to tell you, do you want to listen?" Ji Xinyao was very smart and didn't say much about the'coincidence', but with her hands on her back, she looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with a smile.

"I don't want to."

Emperor Xiao Qing ignored Ji Xinyao, but turned around and left cleanly.

"Are you really not listening?" Ji Xinyao followed with a smile on his face.

"If you want to say it, just say it directly. If you don't say it, this king doesn't have the slightest interest in asking." Faced with a stunning beauty, Emperor Xiao Qing did not have the slightest politeness.

"You, you really don't understand the style."

Ji Xinyao followed Xiao Qingdi with his hands, pretending to sigh, "I really don't understand why there are so many women around people like you."

However, Emperor Xiao Qing ignored her and walked straight ahead. Seeing that Emperor Xiao Qing was about to go far, she hurried to catch up, "Hey, don't run, I'll tell you that."

"Because you won the wind and won the release, the ancient Qin imperial family decided to challenge you at the Sifang imperial meeting. At that time, some of the imperial heritage will be used. You must be careful."

"The elder prince of the ancient Qin clan is very strong and has reached the peak of the Golden Core Stage. If you really do it, you can fight the Yuan Ying stage. Even if the older generation meets, they are not necessarily opponents."

"At that time, if you need it, you can tell me that I will let someone help you... alas..."

However, before she could finish her words, she saw Emperor Xiao Qing had gone far.

"Is this guy not afraid of death?"

She was so angry that she stomped her feet on the spot.

However, remembering the means of the ancient Qin imperial clan she had inquired about, the corners of her mouth rose slightly, "When the time comes, you will definitely come to this girl to help you."

Although the ancient Qin is not as old as the ancient royal family like Xuanyuan, it is not comparable to the two royal families that have only risen for three thousand years, the Great Zhou and the Xiao.

If the ancient Qin imperial clan really wanted to avenge the wind and the beheaded, even if the revenge was fair and honest, it would by no means be blocked by the Xiao imperial clan.

"He is different from ordinary people."

The old woman appeared silently.

"He is very arrogant." Ji Xinyao chuckled softly, and no longer looked like annoyed into anger when facing Emperor Xiao Qing. "But, if the person this girl likes is the same as an ordinary man, then It's boring, isn't it?"


The old woman wanted to say something but stopped, and finally turned into a sigh.

Things in the world are often the most confident people at the beginning, but in the end, they will lose everything in the end.

However, it is useless to say too much, only when she has experienced it herself will she understand.

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