The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 976: The king beats you, dare to object?


"Boss Xiao, thank you very much."

At the banquet, King Zhou held a wine glass with excitement on his face, and drank three glasses in succession before he solemnly said, "No matter what happens in the future, you will always be my boss."

"Thank you, Lord Dragon King."

At this moment, Zhou Wang wears a crown on his head and a yellow robe. Since he has officially taken over the throne, he has a vast imperial prestige around him. He is a bit less dignified and a bit more majestic, and looks a little bit more like.

Standing next to him were the Great Elder and Zhou Feng, who also looked at Emperor Xiao Qing gratefully.

"Both brothers, why say more."

Emperor Xiao Qing smiled softly.

"Haha, I'm the one who's been out, I'll punish myself a glass." Zhou Wang laughed and drank the wine before he went to greet others.

"Brother, with you, you can suppress the power of my emperor," Xiao Qingyan said with a smile on one side.

"Sister Yan'er, that's because you are the emperor of the Xiao family and your status is too high. They dare not approach you. Otherwise, with your appearance, I'm afraid all the men in the field will lose their souls." Xiao Wu on one side joked with a smile.

"Little Five Sister, you teased me." Xiao Qingyan gave her a white look.

The two chatted happily, but there were not many people on the table. Except for Xiao Qingdi brother and sister and Xiaowu, as well as Xiao Zhengjing, they were gone. As for Atari and Kong Shuai, they have been in the Great Zhouzhi for the past two days. Wandering inside, it's pretty good to mix with some of the younger generation of the Zhou royal family.

Emperor Xiao Qing and Xiao Zhengjing toasted and bumped into each other. It was the first time that the two brothers and nephews had a real drink together.

But, not long after, Ji Xinyao, who came up with a red wine smilingly, destroyed the atmosphere. She smiled and looked at Xiao Zhengjing, "I have heard about the name of Prince Jing of the Xiao imperial family for a long time, and today I see it as a real person. Extraordinary, Ji Xinyao of Xuanyuan clan offers you a cup."

"I'm afraid what you have heard is not a good reputation, but I still thank Princess Xuanyuan." Xiao Zhengjing smiled softly and clinked glasses with him.

"Where, everything about you can be like a mythical legend, and with your current strength, I am afraid that almost no one among the four royal families can rival."

After drinking a glass of red wine, Ji Xinyao looked at Xiao Zhengjing with deep meaning.

Although he smiled on the surface, in fact, he was shocked.

Since she was a child, she has exceptional talents, her cultivation speed is more than a hundred times faster than her peers, and at a young age, her cultivation is extremely powerful.

Among people of the same age, it has reached a level that almost no one can compare. However, when facing Xiao Zhengjing, he was shocked to find that Xiao Zhengjing's breath was terrifying to the extreme, even her grandfather, Emperor Xuanyuan could not compare with it. compared to.

The old woman next to her was inseparable. Although she didn't say much, she glanced at Xiao Zhengjing and was also shocked.

"The Xiao imperial family is really at its peak. The older generation has the old emperor and the wise martial arts, the second generation has characters like Prince Jing, and the third generation has the dragon king Xiao Qingdi brothers and sisters far beyond their peers. Really extraordinary."

Ji Xinyao really admired and smiled and raised his glasses to Emperor Xiao Qing and Xiao Qingyan.

"Sister Ji has a good reputation." Xiao Qingyan clinked glasses with a smile.

Emperor Xiao Qing also raised his glass.

"Yao'er, is this the dragon king Xiao Qingdi of the Xiao imperial family that you highly respect?"

However, before the glass of wine in Emperor Xiao Qing's hand was drunk, he heard a disdainful question.

I saw two young people approaching Ji Xinyao, looking at Emperor Xiao Qing with a smile, but with faint disdain in his eyes.

When looking at Xiao Qingyan, their eyes showed a dignified and strange look.

"As the prince of the Xiao imperial family, but what kind of king does it mean that you think the Xiao imperial family can only become a royal family, not worthy of being a royal family?" The young man on the left smiled disdainfully, "It's kind of self-knowledge."

"Oh, win my brother, that's a bad remark."

The young man on the right chuckled, "This great prince is not weak, otherwise, how could the winning style of your clan be cut by him?"

"It's just relying on the place where the Emperor Xiao Clan is, bullying and winning the wind with coercion. If you meet me, hey, I can stab the opponent to death with one finger."

The young man on the left raised his head pretentiously while he was speaking, and then as if thinking of something, he showed a kindly smile to Emperor Xiao Qing, "You mean right?"

"You are presumptuous."

Xiao Wu on one side glared at these two people and was about to do something, but was stopped by Emperor Xiao Qing, "Don't be impulsive."

"That's right, great beauty, impulse is the devil, do you know that it will kill people? Tsk tsk, this'big prince' is sensible, hahaha."

When the two young men met, they smiled happily.

When Ji Xinyao on one side saw this, his face showed helplessness, and said to Emperor Xiao Qing, "Please be merciful..."

Emperor Xiao Qing didn't hear anything. He stepped forward and looked at the two young people with a smile, "The two speak quite reasonable."

"Ah ha ha."

The two laughed unscrupulously, "Really, haha, this is the arrogant dragon king Xiao Qingdi, I think it is the snake king, no, it should be the insect king, hahaha."

Especially the young man surnamed Ying on the left stretched out his finger at Emperor Xiao Qing, "Winning the wind is really a waste, it will be killed by your rubbish..."


Emperor Xiao Qing nodded, with a look of approval, "Winning the wind and winning the release are indeed waste."


Seeing Xiao Qing's cooperation in this way, the young man with the surname Ying smiled happily.


However, as soon as his voice fell, the smiling Emperor Xiao Qing suddenly stretched out his hand and slapped his face with a slap.

He didn't expect Xiao Qingdi, who had always cooperated with him, to dare to act on him so boldly, even if he was a master in the condensing stage, he could not escape.

The crisp sound rang, making everyone around him heard it.

For a while, everyone looked at this side in surprise.

"You, do you dare to hit me?" The young man covered his face and looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with wide eyes, "Do you know who I am?"

"Oh, forgot to ask, what are you." Xiao Qingdi smiled indifferently.

The young man roared, "Lao Tzu is the prince of the ancient Qin emperor, and he is a prince in a direct line. There is a kind of prince who can hope to compete for the throne in the future. If you dare to beat me, you will die."


However, his voice hadn't completely fallen yet, and two successive applause sounded.


These two slaps were vigorous and slapped Ying Ling's entire body directly, knocking down the table next door, spilling the liquor and soup all over.

Emperor Xiao Qing stepped forward with a smile, "It was you who beat me. If there is any objection, I will not only beat you but also kill you, how about?"

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