The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 977: The king is killing, do you have an opinion?


When the people around saw it, they all gasped.

This person, who represented the ancient Qin emperor to participate in the imperial integration ceremony of the great Zhou emperor, was so embarrassed that he was directly fanned out in public.

Moreover, not only did Prince Yingling lose his own face, but also the face of Emperor Ying of the ancient Qin clan was slapped by Emperor Xiao Qing.

There are a lot of people who just saw Emperor Xiao Qing cut Yingfeng and Yingfang not long ago, and saw that Emperor Xiao Qing was confronted with Yingling again, and couldn't help shaking their heads.

To be smaller, it's just that Emperor Xiao Qing did not know whether he lived or died, and the power of one person provokes the ancient Qin emperor. If it is bigger, the Xiao emperor behind the Xiao Qing will fight against the ancient Qin emperor.

If you are not careful, it will cause a battle between the two clans.

Moreover, everyone who is familiar with Emperor Xiao Qing knows that Emperor Xiao Qing will definitely not aimlessly. Since he dare to say that he will kill Prince Yingling, it is really possible to do it.

"Something happened..."

How terrible the encounter between the two royal families is.

Ying Ling also seemed to be frightened by Emperor Xiao Qing's words. After a long pause, he looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with an incredible color, "You still dare to kill me?"

He didn't believe it, Xiao Qingdi dared to act on him openly.

You know, the reason why Emperor Xiao Qing dared to kill Win Wind and Win Release was because he signed the status of life and death, and there was a fair and honest reason.

What about Yingling and Xiao Qingdi?

Nothing at all.

If Emperor Xiao Qing dared to move him, it would be a real opposition to the ancient Qin emperor.

"You do not believe?"

Emperor Xiao Qing looked at Prince Yingling who fell on the ground with a smile.

Prince Yingling stood up, clutching his flushed face, and said angrily, "This prince is standing here today. If you have a kind, you will do it to me, but if you do it, you will be an enemy of my ancient Qin emperor. , After the prince returned, he told the emperor that he led the army to defeat your Xiao imperial clan... sneer..."

Before the words fell, a nine-color sword air swept across, and his words instantly solidified.

Ying Ling's eyes widened, his hands pressed hard to cover his neck, his eyes stared at Emperor Xiao Qing firmly, with an unbelievable color.


He opened his mouth and wanted to talk, but blood was constantly spraying out, and he could not say anything.


Behind, an old man saw this scene, his expression changed drastically, he instantly appeared beside Yingling, and quickly stretched out his hand to cover Yingling's neck, and shouted, "Don't move, I'll help you heal."


However, just as he approached, Ying Ling's head suddenly exploded.

In an instant, the rain of blood fluttered.


The old man was originally the protector of Yingling. This time, he was the one who protected the prince Yingling to attend the ceremony at the Dazhou royal family. He thought that as long as he didn't meet with the Xiao royal family, he wouldn't what's the matter.

Who would have thought that in such a blink of an eye, the object of his protection, Prince Ying Ling, would be killed.

Boom boom boom!

At this moment, his aura as a Jin Dan stage powerhouse burst out with all his strength, and a terrifying coercion was released without reservation.

Slowly turning his head, looking at Emperor Xiao Qing with ferocious eyes, he said every word, "You, damn... die!"

When the voice fell, his figure had disappeared in place.


However, the next moment, Xiao Zhengjing stood calmly in front of Emperor Xiao Qing, pinched the old man’s neck with one hand, and said plainly in the horrified gaze of the other party, "The old man dares to deal with my nephew. Son, when my Xiao Clan is unmanned?"


This old man was originally a super master at the pinnacle of the Golden Core, and his strength in the ancient Qin clan was very expensive. It stands to reason that even in the Xiao clan or the Great Zhou clan, he was also a real master.

Among the two royal families, few can compare with him.

In this world, who would dare to say that the strong at the peak of the Golden Core Period are the weak?

Even in the Yuan Ying period, he dare not speak like this.

However, Xiao Zhengjing was like holding an ant, just like that, pinching his neck and lifting him in the air.

This situation really shocked everyone around him.

"I recognized, this old man is named Ying Shisan, one of the thirteen guardians of the ancient Qin imperial clan 50 years ago."

Someone whispered, recognizing the identity of the old man.

Fifty years ago, the ancient Qin imperial family had thirteen Taibaos, each of whom was a young Tianjiao, an invincible powerhouse.

At its peak, almost no one can compare.

But today, fifty years later, Xiao Zhengjing, a man who can only be regarded as a junior in front of the Thirteenth Taibao, is pinched with one hand, and he doesn't even have the power to resist.

"Thirteen Taibao of the ancient Qin imperial clan, win thirteen?" Xiao Zhengjing looked at the person in front of him with a smile.

"Yes,, dare...I, the clan will not let you go..." Xiao Zhengjing pinched the neck of Ying Thirteen. He couldn't speak clearly, but he was still not subdued.

"Ancient Qin imperial family, one generation is really inferior to one generation."

Xiao Zhengjing shook his head, and then, amidst everyone's shocked eyes, his right hand pressed hard.


A crisp voice came.

This voice not only crushed Ying Thirteen's neck, but also crushed the golden core and all the vitality in his body.

At this moment, the strong man of the ancient Qin imperial clan who crossed the world fifty years ago fell softly to the ground, and all the breath of life disappeared.


Everyone was shocked when they saw this scene, and they all gasped.

The Xiao royal family is really stronger than one.

Emperor Xiao Qing is famous for being strong. After all, he is young, full of enthusiasm, and a little skill, so it is normal to kill someone if he doesn't agree with him.

However, Xiao Zhengjing, the acting emperor who has been in charge of the Xiao imperial family for 30 years, did things so recklessly...

"The ancient Qin imperial family and the Xiao imperial family must have a battle."

"I knew that sooner or later this world would be messed up."

"Ma De, when the ancient Qin imperial family is angry, even if we are present, these guests may not be able to take care of themselves."

Everyone sighed helplessly and was even frightened.

"Sorry, I disturbed the ceremony of Emperor Zhou." Then, Xiao Zhengjing put his hands on his back and looked at the people of the Zhou royal family who had the same complexion on one side, with a hint of apology on his face.

"No, nothing..."

When Zhou Feng said these words, his voice was trembling.

If it wasn't for too many people around, he would have knelt down with two tremors.

Are all the **** lunatics of the Xiao royal family?

Making trouble everywhere, killing people everywhere, and then Da Zhou will be hated by the ancient Qin emperor...

He was full of resentment, but he could only greet him with a smile.

So hard, I want to cry.

"Emperor Xiao Qing, you really are so bold."

At this time, an angry voice rang, but it was the other young man.

I don’t know if it’s angry or what, he was trembling, but he held out his finger at Emperor Xiao Qing and shouted angrily, “Brother Ying didn’t embarrass you. He just said a few words to you. You actually killed him. You butcher, executioner, too much."

"Oh, what's your opinion?" Emperor Xiao Qing turned his head, revealing a faint smile.

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