The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 981: Dark sea, light shrouded


Then, Emperor Xiao Qing stepped forward and stepped directly on him, still smiling, but a little cold, "My sister is the emperor of the Xiao family, you know?"

"Know, know..." Jiang Liuer covered his face and looked at Emperor Xiao Qing tremblingly.

Even if he thought that Emperor Xiao Qing was able to destroy Prince Yingling because of Zhou Wang's help, he did not dare to be arrogant at this moment.

In any case, the person in front of him is the prince of the Xiao imperial family, and he is also the brother of the current emperor of the Xiao imperial family.

Taking a step back, if Emperor Xiao Qing wants to kill him, he doesn't need to do it himself, just tell King Zhou, and King Zhou will kill him, an insignificant person.

"You just said that you want to squeeze the sect master behind Miss Bai Yan?" Xiao Qingdi asked again.

"Yes, yes... yes, sorry, I was wrong."

A trembling apology, but with a dazed eye, I really don't know what was wrong with the sect master who said he was going to pinch to death the sect behind an ordinary actor.

"What's wrong?" Emperor Xiao Qing was reluctant.

"I, I..." Jiang Liuer was dumbfounded.

"Girl Bai Yi, please tell him, who is your Sect Master?" Emperor Xiao Qing beckoned to Bai Yi.

This action made Jiang Liu'er feel extremely shocked, "No, no, is he the Sect Master behind this woman? But, isn't he the Dragon King of the Twelve Overseas Kings?"


With a look of excitement on Bai Yan's face, he came to Emperor Xiao Qing's side, looked at Jiang Liu'er who fell on the ground with a look of horror, and pointed to Xiao Qingyan, "This is the master of my Xiaoyaomen, Xiao Qingyan. "


It was tantamount to thunder, and the whole person was stunned.

He thought it was Emperor Xiao Qing, and it was enough to shock him. What he didn't expect was that the answer turned out to be more cruel and terrifying...Xiao Qingyan.

This is the emperor of the Xiao imperial clan, and he dare to say that he is going to pinch the other party to death. This is the old birthday star hanging himself to death.

"Sorry, I was wrong, please forgive me, bang bang bang."

After that, Jiang Liu'er shuddered all over, got up quickly, and kept kowtow to Emperor Xiao Qing and Xiao Qingyan.

His head collided with the ground, and the banging sound continued. In the blink of an eye, his forehead was bloody, but he didn't seem to notice it, but he kept knocking his head.

"What to do with him is up to you."

Emperor Xiao Qing looked at Bai Yi.

At this moment, Bai Yi was looking at Emperor Xiao Qing stupidly, with shock and softness in his eyes. When he saw Emperor Xiao Qing looking over, like a frightened little rabbit, he quickly lowered his head.

"I, I'm fine, just let him go."

Bai Yi's voice was small, but Emperor Xiao Qing and Jiang Liu'er, who was kowtow, heard clearly.

"Don't get out yet."

Emperor Xiao Qing glanced at Jiang Liuer indifferently, and the latter quickly thanked him, "Thank you, Lord Xiao, thank you Lord Dragon, thank you girl, I will never dare anymore, thank you..."

After the disaster, the river stream ran far away.

At this moment, he didn't have the face to stay at the banquet. He was lucky to escape his life.

After watching this scene, everyone in the field dared not say much, but they sighed constantly in their hearts, "It is true that once they have gained power, they will be rampant. This Xiao royal family fell into the hands of such two young people, and it will be true in the future. I don’t know what it will look like."

"Relying that my sister is the lord of the Xiao imperial clan, he will make trouble everywhere and kill people everywhere. As everyone knows, no matter how powerful the Xiao imperial clan is, there is a limit, and something will happen sooner or later."


Of course, these words can only be thought of in my heart.

Some people are like this. Seeing that someone is powerful and cannot compare with them, they are jealous and dare not show it. They can only slander in their hearts.

Next, seeing the miserable guests of others, it was a lesson, and I would never dare to do anything to provoke Xiao Qingdi, and even be polite to the waiter, for fear of just a waiter. It has something to do with Emperor Xiao Qing.

Xiao Qingyan invited Bai Yan to their table and asked about Xiaoyaomen in a soft voice.

Since he became the sect master of Xiaoyaomen, he hasn't managed much of Xiaoyaomen, but since Li Xiao, the former sect master, was there, she didn't need her.

However, during this time, Li Xiao, Mr. Wei and others all went to the parade, and there was no time to pay attention to Xiaoyaomen.

"Everything in the door is okay, it's in normal operation, and after receiving the treasures and exercises sent by the door master, the disciples in the door practice even more rapidly." Bai Yi replied, thinking of Xiao Qingyan today. His identity is still shocking.

Who could have imagined that the junior sister from the same school in 1978 had become the emperor of the Xiao family.

Life is so wonderful.

Ups and downs, ups and downs.

Emperor Xiao Qing smiled while watching the dialogue between Bai Yan and Xiao Qingyan, clinking glasses with Xiao Zhengjing from time to time.

After the banquet was gone, the other guests naturally left, but the Xiao imperial family stayed and rested for a day within the Great Zhou, because, the next day, everyone will rush to the Xuanyuan imperial clan to participate in the Xuanyuan imperial clan. Quartet Royal Conference.

Next, within the Great Week, nothing happened, but there were turbulent waves overseas and strong gatherings.

In the dark place, there is no light all year round, the sun can not shine, and the darkness is extremely dark, but at this moment, an extremely holy light blooms.

The Pope Guangming brought two great popes, with a brilliant light all over his body, and came to the edge of this dark place, standing volley on the surface of the sea, covering the sea with the light for thousands of miles, making countless marine creatures accustomed to the darkness. Do your best to drill down towards the seabed.

"Old man, how dare you bring two people to my dark place, you really don't know how to live or die."

Accompanied by an icy voice, the chairman of the Dark Council whizzed out from a distance. He was covered with black mist, and all the holy light was dissipated by the black mist wherever he passed.

"I'm here, not to fight with you, but to cooperate with you."

The Pope of Light smiled and looked at the president of the Dark Council, "Mingbodir, this time should be your real body, right?"

"It's your shit, if you have something to say, if you can't persuade this president, you don't want to leave." The president of the dark council sneered.

Behind him, strong men from the Dark Council continued to rush out, each bursting out with a powerful and unmatched aura, covering the Pope of Light and others with a brutal murderous aura.

In the blink of an eye, the Pope of Light and the two great popes were all surrounded by powerful dark creatures, three layers inside and three layers outside, really terrifying.

Pope Bright still smiled, calm and calm, but the clothes behind the two great popes beside him had already been soaked with sweat.

"I heard that you used to win over Emperor Xiao Qing a few days ago, and even sent the three elders of the Blood Wolf to carry a great gift. Unfortunately, the three elders of the Blood Wolf were beheaded and the treasures of those Eastern practitioners were also taken by Emperor Xiao Qing Up."

The Pope Guangming sighed, "Mingbodir, all your kindness is in vain."

"What about it? Do you think that because of this, this guild leader will help you deal with him?" The president of the Dark Council, Ming Bodil, said with disdain.

He is not stupid. From the opening of Emperor Guangming, Emperor Xiao Qing understood that Emperor Guangming intends to use his hand to confront Emperor Xiao Qing, but so what, why should he help the enemy deal with the enemy's enemy?


The Pope of Light stretched out his hand, and in the palm of his hand, there was a ray of light flowing. In that light, countless runes emerged, and then, these runes rushed directly towards the president of the Dark Council.


Everyone around was furious and blocked them, but they couldn't block the information.

Mingbodir wanted to resist, but he sensed something. As his expression changed drastically, he did not resist, but let the runes fall into his mind.

Then, the whole person stood there blankly.

"What's wrong with the president?"

"Asshole, Bright Birdman, dare to attack the chairman and kill him."

"Yes, kill him."

Boom boom boom!

The people in the surrounding dark council were all furious, and they were about to behead the Pope of Light and the two great popes.


However, just as the pedestrian was about to do it, Mingbodir suddenly opened his eyes, looking at Pope Bright with a complicated look, "Where did you get it?"

"Naturally is above." The Pope Guangming pointed to the top of his head.

"In that case, I will destroy the Dragon King Island with you and kill the Dragon King Xiao Qingdi." Mingbo Dier said.

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