The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 982: Cooperation in pairs, only for the dragon king


On the Dark Sea, a group of dark powerhouses all looked at the president of the Dark Council, Mingbodir, with shocked faces.

This one is not a fake president, but a real one.

Having been in charge of the Dark Council for countless years, the Dark Council has become stronger and stronger under his management, and there is even hope that the Church of Light can be destroyed. He even agreed to cooperate with the Light Force?

"I will give you an explanation for this matter."

Mingbodir said solemnly.

While speaking, he turned his head to look at Pope Bright, "When will you do it?"

"Naturally, the sooner the better." Pope Guangming wore a happy smile on his face.

Although he knew the result a long time ago, he was still very happy to see Mingbodier agreeing so readily.

Light and darkness have been enemies for many years. Although there have indeed been times of cooperation in history, it is the first time that light and darkness have truly reached a cooperation under his control.

"In that case, we will set off in a day, first destroy the Dragon King Island, and then destroy Emperor Xiao Qing." Mingbo Dier said solemnly.

"No no." The Pope Guangming shook his head.

"How about that?" Mingbodier sneered. "Mr. Guangming, don't assume that the president of the guild leader will listen to your orders when he agrees to cooperate. The president of the guild leader just informs you. If you don't agree, that's it. "

"Dragon King Xiao Qingdi is very cunning. I agree if you kill Longwang Island first, but I don't think this is enough. You need someone else to catch him and threaten Xiao Qingdi first."

Pope Guangming said with a smile, "This time, we have to be more comprehensive to prevent him from escaping.

The bloodthirsty blood clan has just recently received a new disciple named Luo Xia, and he has experienced in the dark place. You only need to investigate a little to know that he was once the life and death brother of Emperor Xiao Qing, even if he became a blood clan, The relationship has not changed. "

"Are you trying to catch him and threaten Emperor Xiao Qing?" Mingbo Dier frowned.

"Exactly." The Pope Guangming looked at Mingbodir with a faint smile, "Are you afraid of the one?"

"This guild leader doesn't need you to excite the general." Mingbodir snorted coldly, and then said coldly, "Tomorrow at noon, Dragon King Island will exchange foreign exchanges. At that time, this guild leader will naturally take people there.

"see a visitor out."

With a sigh, the other powerful men of the Dark Council stepped forward, looking at the three Pope Bright with cold expressions.

"Happy cooperation." The Pope of Guangming laughed, and the holy light flashed across his body, leading people to disappear.

Seeing this scene, even Mingbodir's pupils couldn't help but shrink. The Pope Guangming dared to come to the dark place to look for him to cooperate, and he was prepared, so he took this hand, even Mingbo. Dill didn't have the slightest assurance that he could keep him.


On the dark sea, the lights of a cruise ship flickered, and it was moving slowly.

"Everyone, this is the finale of today's auction. It is a woman from the East. As we all know, other women in this world are very good. It is almost impossible for people of Eastern descent to catch them. Don't talk nonsense. , The starting price of this high-quality beauty is 10 million, and the price increase is not less than 100,000. Now the auction starts."

In the auction hall inside the cruise ship, accompanied by a fiery uproar, a beautiful woman detained in a cage was carried out.

The beautiful face, bleak eyes, that thin clothes can't hide her perfect figure.

This is a standard oriental beauty, which everyone is struggling to pursue.

"Fifteen million."

"16 million."

"One Thousand Two Thousand Two Thousand..."

Suddenly, these people who were auctioning all bid one after another, one higher than the other, and the price reached 30 million in the blink of an eye.

It is incredible that a woman who was auctioned was sold for thirty million in the first place.

However, the atmosphere in the field remains the same.

There was only one person sitting in the corner, looking at the crowd competing with that woman, his expression was cold, "A group of tigers, leopards and wolves, dare to bid for my fellow members?"

A murderous aura slowly spread, making the fiery crowd obviously feel a chill.

This person is Luo Xia.

This ship is not the Prince, but a cruise ship that gathers dark creatures of various races that drifts all year round on the Dark Sea. Luo Xia has lived here for a long time.

Usually live on a cruise ship, enjoy the drunkenness of the cruise ship, go out hunting from time to time, and improve cultivation.

After a few months, Luo Xia's cultivation level has risen to a level that shocks him.

The Marquis of the Blood Race is comparable to the strength of a practitioner in the Eastern Qi Condensation Stage.

Thinking of the news from Emperor Xiao Qing that he had just received not long ago, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, revealing a smile, "You are growing up very fast, but I am not slow. When the time comes, it is not certain who surpasses whom. "

"Fifty-five million for the first time, fifty-five million for the second time, and fifty-five million for the third time!"


At this time, the auction has officially closed.

I saw a middle-aged man of blood came forward with a smile on his face and looked at the pitiful Eastern woman in the cage, hehe sneered, "I look pretty good. Let's have fun first, and then eat you."


However, as soon as his voice fell, there was a roar, and a strong force struck him.

The middle-aged man without the slightest preparation was directly shattered by this force.

Luo Xia's icy figure stepped onto the stage, waved his hand, and fainted all the security guards who had rushed over, and then directly opened the cage and carried the woman out.

"I want this woman."

The killing during this period of time made him look cold and almost emotionless.

After a word fell, he directly hugged the woman and walked outside.

Everyone in the field was shocked when they saw him waving mercilessly and directly shattering people.


"Shhh, he is not a simple person, he is said to be a descendant of that line, just don't mess around."

"A disciple of the owner of the Prince."


Among the crowd, someone was furious and wanted to teach Luo Xia, but was stopped by someone who knew Luo Xia, and could only watch Luo Xia holding the woman and walking outside.

Moonlight shines down.

When Luo Xia hugged the woman out of the auction, she was just shining on her body by the moon's brilliance. He and the woman were like wearing a hazy silver suit.

The woman leaned against Luo Xia's arms and whispered in a trembling as if she was afraid, "Thank you for saving me, me, how can I repay you..."

Luo Xia's expression remained unchanged, and he walked out towards the deck of the cruise ship with the woman in his arms.

When he stood on the deck, breathing fresh air, the woman seemed to have recovered. She hugged Luo Xia tightly, and her voice faintly sounded in his ears, "You made an irreparable mistake. "


As soon as her voice fell, a **** light flashed across.

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