The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 985: Twists and turns, mad light and darkness

"President Dark, how about we make a bet?"

On the surface of the sea, Luo Xia watched the powers of both the light and the dark simultaneously kill the Dragon King Island, and then suddenly spoke.

"What bet?" Mingbodier looked at Luo Xia with interest, "The only bloodthirsty descendant, you are very calm, not worried about your brother, it is interesting."

Anyway, there is nothing to do, Mingbodir doesn't mind having fun with Luo Xia.

"I bet not only that you will not be able to destroy Dragon King Island, but even those people will be wiped out." Luo Xia smiled, "If I lose, then I will let my master not care about you arresting me."

"What if I lose?" Mingbodir looked at him with interest.

"If you lose, I want something from the Dark Council." Luo Xia said.

"Well, if I lose, I will give it to you no matter what you want, and I promise you will not worry about your life."

Mingbodir smiled very happily.

Although he let people stop the owner of the Prince, the owner of the Prince is a powerful bloodthirsty clan, and he is extremely powerful. It is absolutely impossible to be beheaded. If you trouble him afterwards, it will really cause trouble. endless.

As for his loss, this is non-existent.

"Mingbodir, watch out for capsize in the gutter." Pope Bright said with a smile.

"You mean, your people can't attack an ordinary island?" Mingbodir sneered.

"How is it possible?" The Pope Guangming smiled disdainfully.

"Do not..."

However, as soon as his voice fell, he heard a scream. In the distance, a cardinal of light power rushing behind was suddenly caught by a werewolf. The size of the werewolf was several tens of feet. Bite it in half and swallow it in the mouth.

"you dare!"

The Pope Guangming was furious, "Mingbodir, your people dare to kill my cardinal, **** it."

"I have already confessed that they are a cooperative relationship this time, but they don't listen, and I can't help it." Mingbodir pretended to sigh.

Boom boom boom!

"No no, dare you?"

"Damn vampire, you dare to attack me."


After Mingbodir's voice fell, he heard roars, and those bishops who rushed to the light side behind the Dragon King Island were attacked by more than a dozen strong men from the Dark Council at the same time.

This is a premeditated killing.

At the same time, countless of these bright powers screamed and were torn to pieces by a group of dark creatures and swallowed on the spot.

"Damn, do you want to start a war between light and darkness?"

The three great pope masters and the other popes and archbishops suddenly turned their heads, and shouted at the powerful ones on the dark side.

"Swallow you first, and then destroy the Dragon King Island." The powerhouses on the dark side, all murderous, prepared to fight with the light and swallowed them all.


From the back, seeing that light and darkness are about to fight first, the Pope of Light angrily wants to tear himself up, Mingbodir finally speaks, "Don’t deal with the people of light power anymore. They are our allies. To Dragon King Island."


Mingbodir had a very strong prestige on the dark side. After he spoke, the dark creatures who were eager to move all reduced their killing intent.

"This is the last time. If this happens again, even if you don't follow the divine will, I will kill you dark creatures."

Pope Guangming looked cold, and his uncontrollable killing intent broke out, but in order to take care of the overall situation and deal with Dragon King Island, he still suppressed his killing intent.


The two sides rushed to Dragon King Island again.

However, before rushing past, ten guard knights with a size of several hundred feet tall rushed out of Dragon King Island.


"Guardian Knight of the Bright Holy Mountain!"

"How can there be a guardian knight of the Bright Holy Mountain on this island?"

Both the light and dark side of the strong are stunned, even the Pope of Light and Mingbodir stared at the ten powerful knights blankly.

He is tall, with wings on his back, holding a holy sword, and holy light flowing all over his body. This is a standard guarding knight of the holy mountain of light.

You know, even Guangming Sacred Mountain has only ten guarding knights, and now, there are ten on Dragon King Island, which is incredible.

"How is this going?"


When everyone was shocked, the ten guard knights did not show any mercy at all, but directly rushed into the strong side of the light.

All of a sudden, the Holy Light Sword continued to cut down, and the incomparable holy light burst out in flames.

As soon as they fought, a dozen or so experts from the Bright Church were beheaded.

"This is really welcome."

This scene made the dark powerhouses who had thought that the Bright Church and Dragon King Island conspired to deal with the dark side laugh.

They were not in a hurry to do it, but stepped aside and watched the strong man of the Bright Church fight with these ten guarding knights.

"Don't let your people do it?" The people of the bright side were beheaded again and again, and the Pope of the bright was furious.

"This is the guard knight of your holy mountain. Maybe you gave it to Dragon King Island to entrap us. Do you think we will fall into this trap?"

Mingbodir smiled disdainfully, "Don't explain, it's useless to explain, unless you behead the ten guard knights to prove that all this has nothing to do with you."

"it is good."

The Pope Guangming was furious and directly issued an order, "Bomb and kill these ten guard knights."

Boom boom boom!

The three great pontiffs attacked together. Their strength was terrifying, and they were definitely not comparable to the ten guard knights. Each of them smashed three guard knights with a sword.

However, during this period, the other seven guarding knights were not afraid of death, and replaced their lives with injuries, and beheaded two strong men from the bright side.


Seeing this scene, all the powerhouses on the bright side broke out, bombarding the remaining guard knights together.

Fortunately, although these guard knights were powerful, they were not truly invincible. Under their bombardment, they finally destroyed all the remaining ones.

"It's too weird, isn't it just that there are some ordinary mercenaries living on this Dragon King Island? How come there are guard knights of the holy mountain?"

"What's happening here?"

After killing these guard knights, the strong man on the bright side also looked at a loss, wondering why ten guard knights of the holy mountain of light suddenly appeared.

"Everyone, please keep going."

The strong man on the dark side looked at them with his arms folded, "Otherwise, if we go in first, in case there are some paladins from the sacred mountain of light in this island, what kind of pope or the like. "

"Get in."

The voice of the Pope Bright behind was extremely cold, "I don't believe that kid has any other means."

Obviously, after the appearance of ten guard knights of the Holy Mountain of Light, if the light side does not take the initiative to take the initiative, I am afraid the alliance between the two sides will be directly destroyed.

Under the leadership of the three great popes, the bright side burst out with powerful forces and directly slew towards Dragon King Island.

"This time, no matter what appears, kill them directly and then destroy Dragon King Island. Even if the important people on the island cannot be captured alive, they will be completely destroyed and Emperor Xiao Qing will come over."

Pope Guangming reappeared with a smile, "Now, pass the video to that kid."

"At that time, catch the dragon king Xiao Qingdi alive."

Mingbodir's eyes also showed expectation. If the Emperor Xiao Qing was captured alive, would those existences really come?


However, when the three great popes of the Bright Church were about to rush into the Dragon King Island, a roar sounded and the mutation happened again.

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