The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 986: Enter Xuanyuan

At the same time, Emperor Xiao Qing didn't know that light and darkness attacked Dragon King Island together, but came to Xuanyuan imperial clan together.

Ceremonial music played and fireworks filled the sky.

This is the fairy island where the royal family of Xuanyuan is located.

Unlike the Xiao and Dazhou imperial families, it opened up a secret realm. The place where the Xuanyuan imperial family is located is a fairy island far from the inland. However, this fairy island is different. Usually, the fairy island is free to visit. Go, unless it takes the initiative to make it visible, it is absolutely impossible for anyone to see it.

This time, Emperor Xiao Qing and the others were able to find Xiandao precisely because they had a search method attached to it when they received the invitation from the Emperor Xuanyuan.

When they set foot on the fairy island, they only felt refreshed and full of spirit, just like a fairyland.

"What a Xuanyuan imperial clan, it is truly extraordinary. With such a holy land on this earth, with such abundant aura, even if a pig stays here for a hundred years, it is estimated that he will be able to become a strong man in the Golden Core period."

Next to Emperor Xiao Qing, Atari exclaimed.

The person who just happened to lead them was an old man who could break a hundred years old. His gray hair and agile actions did not look like a hundred-year-old man, but more like an eighteen-year-old man.

As for the strength...

Just at the peak of the condensing period, it has not yet entered the golden core period.

After this old man heard Atari's words, his old face turned black in an instant with a smile on his face. Doesn't this **** say that he is not even as good as a pig?

However, you can't be angry, but the emperor has confessed that these people are all distinguished guests and come from the same four-party royal family. If you offend them, it won't be easy to deal with.

The old man recites the Qingxin Mantra silently in his heart to calm himself down.

"Don't talk nonsense."

However, when the old man finally calmed down, Kong Shuai next to Atari stabbed Atari’s arm and taught, “A pig, who doesn’t know how to cultivate, can become a golden age in such an environment. The strongest person is at best the peak of the condensation period."

The old man, "..."

Anger, it burned again.

A mouthful of old blood almost came out.

He suddenly turned his head and glared at Kong Shuai, "You..."

"what happened?"

Kong Shuai looked at the old man with an innocent look, "Old man, am I wrong? Are your Xuanyuan imperial pigs really so powerful? Not only can they live for a hundred years, but they can even become masters of the Golden Elixir?"


The old man almost exploded with anger. Seeing Kong Shuai's innocent look, he could only turn his head depressed, took a few breaths, and reluctantly said, "No, you are right, there is no problem. .."

"Let me just say, a pig can become the peak of the condensation period in a hundred years." Kong Shuai looked at Atari with a smug look.


The old man blocked his ears with energy and stopped listening to the voices of the two. It was too much.

He swears that if the two people in front of him hadn't been with the Xiao Royal Family and the Great Zhou Royal Family, and seemed to have a relationship with the two royal families, he would have already started to teach these two people severely.

"Okay, stop making trouble."

Emperor Xiao Qing screamed at the two of them and said to the old man, "They are naughty, please don't take offense to seniors."

"it's okay no problem."

Upon hearing Emperor Xiao Qing's words, the old man quickly smiled.

He can ignore Atari and Kong Shuai, but Xiao Qing's words cannot be ignored.

In fact, Ji Xinyao's little ancestor had personally confessed to him that he must treat Emperor Xiao Qing well.

As a direct subordinate of Ji Xinyao's line, the elder knew very well that it was definitely not easy to make Ji Xinyao give such a solemn account, or, it was very likely that this young ancestor liked the man.

"The son, Miss Yao ordered the old slave to take you directly to the attic to see her after seeing you."

The old man hurriedly saluted Emperor Xiao Qing.

"What about us?" Xiao Wu frowned and asked.

"According to an example, some of you should go to see the emperor first." The old man said.

"Then why doesn't the prince go to see your emperor, but to see Ji Xinyao alone?" Xiao Wu frowned, and quickly hugged Emperor Xiao Qing's arm and did not let go.

"This, this is Miss Yu's request." The old man whispered.

"Then I will also go to see her with the prince." Xiao Wu naturally refused to let Xiao Qingdi go to see Ji Xinyao alone, but instead held Xiao Qingdi's arm.

"This..." The old man looked embarrassed, "However, Miss Key only saw this young man alone."

"I don't care, the visitor is a guest. Anyway, I won't be separated from the prince." Xiao Wu still refused to give in.

"Since I have come to the Xuanyuan imperial clan, I should first meet the emperor, rather than see the emperor Ji first." Emperor Xiao Qing smiled slightly, showing his tolerance.

"Thank you Lao Zhang to tell Princess Ji that I will see her after I see the emperor."

The old man naturally dare not refuse to agree, "Yes."

Then, the group continued to walk forward.

As they followed the old man towards the island, everything they saw around them shocked their hearts. "In the legend, the Xuanyuan imperial clan is an ancient imperial clan that has existed in ancient times. Even the sect holy land in those places cannot Compared with that, it's really extraordinary."

It was Xiao Zhengjing who said this.

He looked at the spiritual energy emitted by some spiritual grass growing on the roadside, and sighed again and again, "These spiritual grasses were rare even thousands of years ago, but within the Xuanyuan imperial family, they can be seen everywhere on the roadside. It's extraordinary."

"This is a star flower and grass." Emperor Xiao Qing glanced at it, and explained to the curious Xiao Wu and his younger sister Xiao Qingyan, "The star flower and grass grows by absorbing the power of Yuehua stars, and its growth rate is extremely slow. It can grow an inch taller. If it is used as medicine, it will have infinite magical effects, even the main medicine of the legendary star pill, which can cultivate the star **** body."

"The tallest star grass is seven or eight inches tall, which is at least seven or eight hundred years old."

"Not bad."

Xiao Zhengjing smiled slightly, not surprised that Emperor Xiao Qing understood this.

On the contrary, the old man was amazed, "The son has such an understanding of the elixir, which really makes the old slave admire."

In the recent Sifang imperial meeting, the people of the ancient Qin imperial clan also came early, but even the ancient Qin imperial clan, no one recognized the star flowers and plants, only Xiao Qing and Xiao Zhengjing did, showing the extraordinaryness of the two.

"What is it to recognize some weeds."

At this moment, a sneer came from not far away.

A young man with a bandage around his neck was sitting in a wheelchair and was pushed over. Behind him was a group of people looking at Emperor Xiao Qing with grim expressions and endless resentment, "Hey, waited for a day and a night, this prince finally waited. You are here."

"After hurting this prince, you dare to come to the Xuanyuan imperial clan, you really are not afraid of death."

It was Ji Ming whose neck was crushed by Emperor Xiao Qing in the Great Zhou Dynasty and yet to die.

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