The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 996: A man of seven feet is not as good as an eighteen girl


Accompanied by a huge roar, a vicissitudes, quaint arena slowly rose, just suspended in the air.

This is the arena left by the ancient Xuanyuan royal family.

Carved dragon and phoenix on all sides, the dragon is mighty, and the phoenix moves the sky.

In the ears of everyone, the sound of dragon and phoenix could be faintly heard.

At this moment, everyone was shocked.

"According to the legend, the Xuanyuan imperial clan's ring is very likely to be made from dragon bones and phoenix feathers. Is it true?" The prince of the ancient Qin imperial clan showed a fine light in his eyes.

"Everyone, this time the ring is only a friendly match, not a life-to-death battle. Please restrain yourself and not cause death."

The eldest prince of the Xuanyuan imperial family stood on the ring with two simple faces and old men who looked like farmers. "These two are the clan elders of my Xuanyuan imperial family. They are responsible for guarding the ring. If life or death occurs, they will stop them. ."

In other words, as long as there is no life and death situation, these two old men will not be able to make a move, and will open one eye and close the other.

After hearing the words of the great prince of the Xuanyuan clan, all the princes of the ancient Qin clan showed sneers on their faces.

At the same time, coming from a distance, Ji Ming, who was still sitting in a wheelchair, looked at the Xiao imperial clan and sneered. "Wait a moment, all the princes and princes of the Xiao imperial clan must be crippled, and all of them will be abolished. Because, as for the emperor of the Xiao imperial family, she is the emperor after all.

He ordered a young man around him.

The young man was named Ji Changwu, who was the disciple of Ji Ming's grandfather, Ji Tiandi. He was young but already possessed very terrifying strength.

Even, according to the words of Ji Ming's grandfather, Ji Tiandi, if Ji Changwu were not a direct line of the Xuanyuan imperial clan, he could even compete with the prince for the throne.

It can be seen that his strength must not be underestimated.

Ji Changwu looked indifferent, nodded, and looked in the direction of the Xiao imperial clan. When he found that they were all weak, he frowned, "Without a strong, such a team can become a royal?"

Looking in the direction of Da Zhou again, he was even more disappointed when he realized that the same was true. "Sure enough, the Sifang imperial clan, except for the Xuanyuan imperial clan and the ancient Qin imperial clan, are truly worthy of their names. The other two imperial clans are all deceived."

"They are indeed weak, but the strength of Emperor Xiao Qing is very extraordinary." Although Ji Ming looked down on the Emperor Xiao Clan on the surface, even if he thought that Emperor Xiao Qing was able to beat him down, it was because of the help of the Emperor Zhou. Did not dare to underestimate Emperor Xiao Qing.

"Where is Emperor Xiao Qing?" Ji Changwu asked.

"I saw him before, but I don't know where I went." Ji Ming was puzzled.

Emperor Xiao Qing left suddenly, even if the Xuanyuan imperial family, except Ji Xinyao and the eldest prince, everyone else didn't know it. This made Ji Ming, who wanted to humiliate Emperor Xiao Qing, feel very upset.

"Wait, he should appear. If he doesn't appear, everyone in the Xiao imperial family will be abolished." Ji Changwu was full of confidence.

His talent is really terrifying. Even while practicing with Ji's natural enemy, he has also reached the ancient middle sect holy places to challenge, and competed with those ancient holy places.

These so-called descendants of the royal family from the outside world had actually long been ignored in his eyes.

"Wait a while, I will challenge the people staring at the Xiao imperial clan to abolish all of the Xiao imperial clan, and then challenge the people of the great Zhou imperial clan, and the people of the great Zhou clan, are also abolished." The same, Gu Qin Among the royal family, Ying Tie and a group of princes and princes are discussing countermeasures.

"The waste of the Xiao royal family only has two condensing periods. I will directly abolish them when I go up. Everyone will take turns to go up the remaining people, and abuse them one by one without killing them."

Ying Tie sneered at the corner of his mouth, "Dare to deal with the people of my clan over and over again. I really don't put my ancient Qin imperial clan in the eyes. Today, let them know the consequences."

"Don't worry, this time, people from the Xiao and Dazhou clan must cry back." The others were also full of confidence.

The ancient Qin imperial clan, thousands of years ago, used to be the emperor that ruled this land.

Even if they can't be compared with the Xuanyuan royal family, their background is not comparable to the two'rising stars', the Xiao royal family and the Great Zhou royal family.

"Boss Xiao is not coming back. I feel that this time I'm in a lot of trouble."

"Neither the Xuanyuan imperial clan nor the ancient Qin imperial clan looks good."

"Now, Da Zhou and the Xiao Royal family are a little dangerous."

At the same time, Atari and Kong Shuai got together and whispered.

The younger generations of the Xiao Clan and the Great Zhou Clan were also a little nervous. Originally, their strength would definitely be very powerful if they were placed elsewhere.

However, it is incomparable with the two ancient royal families, the Xuanyuan royal family and the ancient Qin royal family.

"It's a bit troublesome this time." Zhou Feng, the great elder of the Great Zhou imperial family and others all sighed.

As for Xiao Qingyan, she also frowned and looked at Xiao Zhengjing, "Uncle, where is my elder brother?"

"Dragon King Island is attacking at the same time when the light and dark forces are encountered. Although all the enemies will be destroyed in the future, he has to preside over the overall situation on the island, and it will take a while to come back."

Xiao Zhengjing frowned.

He also saw the malice of the two great imperial families towards the Xiao imperial family. If it was aimed at his level, he would naturally be fearless, and his power would be sufficient to suppress everything.

However, the two imperial families both let younger princes and princes enter the ring, which was a great disadvantage for the Xiao imperial family.

"I hope he can come back in time." Xiao Zhengjing sighed.

If Emperor Xiao Qing did not come back, for the Emperor Xiao Clan, this competition would definitely suffer a heavy loss.

"Everyone, let the Xuanyuan clan start with the arena competition now."

At this time, following the voice of the eldest prince of the Xuanyuan clan, an emperor of the Xuanyuan clan who was about seventeen or eighteen years old stood on the ring holding a long sword that was clear and lingering, and looked at the three emperors under the stage, "This emperor" Ji Xinfei, 18 years old this year, I don't know who came to the stage to fight me?"

Her aura spread out, her strength was so great that she reached the stage of foundation building.

Among the princes and princes, she is relatively weak, but the key is that she is only eighteen years old.

"So strong."

At this moment, everyone was shocked.

The royal family of Xuanyuan had a terrifying and powerful background. It was incredible that an 18-year-old girl who came out with such a terrifying strength was really incredible.

However, none of the people in the audience moved. The ancient Qin imperial clan aimed at the Xiao imperial clan and the Great Zhou imperial clan, and they did not want to embarrass the Xuanyuan imperial clan.

As for the people of Da Zhou and the Xiao imperial family, they don't want to be on stage at this time.

"Did no one dare to come on stage?" Ji Xinfei frowned when he saw that no one came on stage, and hummed, "A group of big men are all daring courage."

"I will fight you."

When this sentence fell, someone suddenly couldn't help it.

It was a prince of the ancient Qin imperial clan, and his cultivation was also in the foundation period, but he had reached the peak of the foundation period.

He entered the ring and looked at Ji Xinfei with a smile, "Little sister Ji, if I hurt you later, don't cry."


Ji Xinfei didn't say a word, and directly killed him with a sword.

All of a sudden, the sword light danced wildly, and the sword spirit was cold.

As soon as she shot, the prince of the ancient Qin clan on the opposite side suddenly changed his face, even if he was stronger than Ji Xinfei, but after ten moves, he was hit by a sword and fell off the ring.

"Is there anyone else?" Ji Xinfei looked at the people below with a well-behaved smile on his face, "His realm is higher than mine. I thought he would be very strong. I didn't expect to be killed by me all at once. It’s boring."

"But, let's do this, the emperor has set a rule. If someone can defeat the emperor in this ring in the same realm, how about the emperor who is willing to marry him as his wife?"

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