The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 997: I really don't want to be in the ring...

Ji Xinfei's words made many people in the audience glow, "There is such a good thing."

However, thinking of the opponent's fierce sword spirit, and immediately knocking down the princes of the ancient Qin imperial family who were at the peak of the foundation building period, those who were also in the early stage of foundation building hesitated.

"Why, are you afraid that this emperor lied to you? Brother, you come to be a witness." Seeing that no one was on stage, Ji Xinfei looked at the prince of the Xuanyuan family.

"What the little girl said is quite true."

The eldest prince flew before him and looked at the crowd with a smile, "Even though the little girl is young, she is also an adult. Everything she says counts. If anyone can defeat her in the same realm, it is her husband. Brother-in-law of this prince."

With that, he touched Ji Xinfei's little head, with a look of love and pity on his face.

Such words and actions made everyone's eyes slightly change.

Ji Xinfei turned out to be the relative sister of the great prince of the Xuanyuan royal family!

No wonder, at a young age, he has such strength.

If the elder brother can stand out and become the first prince of the Xuanyuan imperial family, will his sister's genes be bad?

However, if he could become the eldest prince of the Xuanyuan imperial family, that is, the brother-in-law of the future emperor, this would also be a very good thing.

At this moment, all the princes who reached the early stage of foundation building were all eager to try.

"I come."

He was also the prince of the ancient Qin imperial clan, his cultivation base in the early stage of foundation construction, and he entered this realm for a long time, and was about to break through to the middle stage of foundation construction. In the early stage of foundation construction, he was almost invincible.

He held a long sword, looked at Ji Xinfei politely, bowed and said, "Emperor Ji is very powerful, and I admire her, but after this battle, if I win you by chance, please keep your promise. ."


Before he raised his head, Ji Xinfei slashed over with a sword, and the sword energy directly penetrated his shoulders, blasting him out of the ring.

"Next." Ji Xinfei said.

"I come."




Four or five in a row, they were all princes of the ancient Qin imperial clan. Moreover, the cultivation base just reached the early stage of foundation building. They all came to power without believing in evil, but even Ji Xinfei couldn’t take it with a single sword. Zhanfei went out.

At this moment, let alone the princes of the ancient Qin clan, even the old emperor looked a little ugly.

In fact, as a member of the ancient Qin imperial clan, their prince was in the same realm and couldn't take the attack of this 18-year-old girl like Ji Xinfei with a single move. It was really embarrassing.

"Ancient Qin imperial family, is there no one else?" Ji Xinfei shook his head with disappointment, "Really too weak."

Then, he looked in the direction of the Xiao and Zhou clan, "I don't know, any prince of the Xiao and Zhou clan came to power?"


Although there are many princes of the Xiao and Dazhou clan, and there are more than a dozen who have reached the stage of foundation building, no one dares to take power at this time.

After seeing Ji Xinfei kill all the people on stage, no one has the confidence to take the sword of Ji Xinfei.

"Why is no one going up?"

At this time, Atari looked around and whispered, "What kind of thing is this, Xiao Huang clan, you are also masters in the foundation-building period. You can't lose the face of our boss, right?"

"..." All the members of the Xiao imperial clan were all black.

I'm free, who wants to go up and find abuse?

"Also, King Zhou, your little brothers, hurry up and ask them to go up, one by one, they are usually so arrogant. If you don't go up to win honor, let that girl be rampant on it, what is this?"

Atari looked at King Zhou again.

Zhou Wang was depressed, "You do it, you go."

He also knew very well that none of the princes of the Zhou imperial clan in the early stage of foundation construction were really Ji Xinfei's opponents.

As for him, after inheriting the position of the Emperor of the Great Zhou, he was inherited, and his cultivation had reached a realm comparable to the Golden Core Stage, and he could no longer take the stage.

Moreover, even if he can be on stage, in his capacity, it is not appropriate to be on stage.

"I think, but I am not a member of the Quartet royal family, and we are not qualified to be on stage." Atari smiled cheerfully.

This is the reason why he dared to talk nonsense at will. Anyway, no one can help him. This time it is a battle between the four royal families, and it has nothing to do with him.



However, his voice had not yet fallen, and he was suddenly wrapped in a force and thrown onto the ring.


Atari was stunned, "Who, who threw me up? I'm not a member of the Quartet royal family. I'm just watching the fun, little sister, don't hit me first, this is a misunderstanding."

After hurriedly speaking to Ji Xinfei, he turned his head and looked at Kong Shuai, "Who did it, it's Nina. I'm so tired of it that I dare to do it to me."

"it's me."

Xiao Zhengjing stood up, his face was elegant, and he smiled and said, "Atali, you are a disciple of Xiao Ding, the commander of our law enforcement team, and a member of my Xiao royal family. You can act on behalf of my Xiao royal family. "

"No, no, it doesn't make sense."

When Atari heard this, he shook his head quickly, "This has nothing to do with me. I'm stupid. I'm on stage on behalf of the Xiao imperial clan. I am not from the Xiao imperial clan. I am just a rich second generation. I cannot represent Xiao Huang's family, it has nothing to do with me."

"I don't know, how does Prince Xuanyuan feel?" Xiao Zhengjing ignored Atari, instead looking at the eldest prince of the Xuanyuan family.

"In the name of the leader of the Xiao imperial clan, Xiao Da, I have heard that since he is his direct disciple, he can act instead of the Xiao imperial clan." The prince smiled faintly.

He didn't believe that a small gangster who seemed to be just a slapstick could beat his sister.

You know, although his younger sister is only eighteen years old, she is extremely talented, and no one can match her peers in the same realm.

Anyway, he couldn't beat his sister, and if he refused, he wouldn't show the face of the Xiao imperial clan.

Simply be a good person.

"No, I don't agree."

Atari kept shaking his head, preferring to die. "If you lose face and promise to ruin your life's happiness, I won't do this thankless thing."


However, when his voice just fell, just when he was about to jump off the ring and leave, he heard a sword roar. On the opposite side of him, Ji Xinfei burst out with a powerful sword energy, instantly slashing out eighteen swords, and the entire ring Block it up.

"What do you mean?" Ji Xinfei glared at Atari, "You **** mean, look down on me?"

She seemed to be bullied, furious, "If you promised the emperor, you would be the husband of the emperor. How dare you say that you would ruin your life's happiness?"

"You are too much."


A sword light slashed directly towards Atari.

"Don't, I didn't mean that, I mean, I am a bohemian, it is impossible to give up the entire forest for a small grass, so, ah..."

Atari explained, but Ji Xinfei on the opposite side did not listen to him, but slashed towards him with one sword after another.

"You are too much, I really didn't volunteer to be in the ring, but you are so aggressive, don't push me."

Atari was angry and turned into a thunder, dodged and shouted, "Count three more times, if you don't stop, don't blame me for doing it."

Qiang Qiang!

In response to him, three swords in a row blocked all the void around him, leaving him nowhere to escape.


Atari furious, "Then don't blame me."

He exploded with all his strength, and the whole person exploded directly, turning into a large purple thunder, which instantly wrapped the entire ring.


In the ring, everyone could no longer see the situation inside, and could only hear a continuous roar.

Moreover, after only a dozen breaths, the Thunder dissipated, revealing the situation on the court.

At this moment, when everyone saw a scene in the field, their eyes widened.

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