The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 998: I lost my wife and broke down


"how can that be?"

"Emperor Ji Xinfei's strength should be unmatched in the early days of foundation building. Why was it restrained by this kid?"

Everyone looked at the ring with dull expressions.

At this moment, Atari was embracing his hands, holding Ji Xinfei's whole body firmly on the ground, even if Ji Xinfei kept piercing the needle, it was useless.

Even, due to the struggle, Atari had some reactions, making Ji Xinfei's face flushed, and roared, "Don't let go, you bastard, Liu Mang..."

"Sister, you have to fight me, and you will swear if you lose. It's too much."

Atari looked aggrieved, but still hugged her tightly. In fact, this chick is too sturdy. If you don't hold it hard, Atari is afraid that he will be stabbed to death by the opponent.

"Asshole, let me go."

Ji Xinfei kept struggling, but the more struggling, the more Atari caught fire, and over time, this guy's face showed an expression of enjoyment.

"This **** is too bold, right?"

Below, Kong Shuai and Zhou Wang watched this scene blankly, and they both looked to the side of the eldest prince of the Xuanyuan family.

Sure enough, seeing the eldest prince's face pale, he couldn't help but want to do it.

"Oh, Atari."

Zhou Wang hurried forward and said in a deep voice, "Since you have won, then let go of Princess Ji. Presumably, Princess Ji will also fulfill her promise. You don't have to worry about her losing or admitting it."

"What if she doesn't admit it?" Atari knew that King Zhou was trying to relieve himself, pretending to be worried, "In her capacity, if I don't admit it, I can't help it, and if I let it go Open her, she still insists on dealing with me?"

"The prince, you see, it's not a problem to be in a stalemate like this..." Zhou Wang looked at the prince Xuanyuan.

The prince, who was already angry and almost ready to act on the edge, changed his expression slightly, and said in a deep voice, "Since I have lost, I, members of the Xuanyuan family will naturally do what I say."

"Let go of my little sister, after the Sifang Royal Family Meeting, this prince will naturally preside over the wedding for you."

With that said, he waved his hand directly and flew Atari from the ring.

"I was scared to death. I finally left the ghost arena." Atari fell beside Kong Shuai and Zhou Wang, patting his heart with a frightened expression, "That little lady is so cruel. Greetings from the horrible place on my body, especially the fifth limb, Tenina, if I don’t fight back, even a man may not be able to do it now."

Judging from his appearance, it is clear that he is cheap and good-natured.

Everyone around him looked at him with weird eyes, just this livid guy, actually defeated Ji Huang Nu, and is about to become Ji Huang Nu's husband?

What kind of **** luck is this?

All those who were defeated by Ji Xinfei were very upset, and they only felt that this was really unfair.

"Big brother, he attacked me sneakily, this battle is not counted."

On the ring, after Atari was shaken off, Ji Xinfei stood up, looked at Atari below angrily, and yelled, "You get me up and fight again."

"No fight, no fight." Atari shook his head, "I have won, why do I want to fight with you? Even if I want to fight, we will fight on the bed after we get married."

" hate, bastard, Liu Mang..."

Ji Xinfei stomped her feet with anger. As the emperor of the Xuanyuan family, has she ever been molested like this?

Her body's breath was disordered, and her killing intent was directed at Atari. She almost exploded when she thought that she was very likely to be married to such a bastard.

"Big Brother..."

The eldest prince of the Xuanyuan imperial clan was also very helpless. He thought that although his younger sister was only eighteen years old and had just entered the foundation-building stage, but with a talent that surpassed her when she was young, she could never be a master in the foundation-building stage. Comparable.

Who could have imagined that Atari, a freak, should have appeared.

"Thunder type abilities, after surpassing the ninth level of abilities, they become masters in the foundation stage. According to legend, these abilities are the lucky ones given by the sky. In ancient times, they were also called If the innate gods can break through the boundaries, their future achievements will be limitless."

The two elders sitting on both sides of the ring showed their sharp eyes. After looking at each other, one of them transmitted a voice to the prince, "It is a blessing or a curse. These innate abilities break through to the foundation stage, and they will achieve extraordinary results in the future. It’s a good thing to join my Xuanyuan clan."

Hearing the words, the prince was slightly stunned, and then nodded silently.

He knew very well that the strength of these two old seniors was second, mainly because of their seniority. Even if his father came, he would be polite to these two old seniors.

He flew into the ring and said to Ji Xinfei, "Little sister, how does the father teach us on weekdays?"

"If you say it, you will do it."

Ji Xinfei's face was reluctant, but she could only respond.

"If you say it yourself, since you lose, you have to bear all the consequences. Okay, you should withdraw first. There is no room for discussion on this matter."

The prince said that he waved his hand and sent out a burst of energy to send Ji Xinfei to Ji Xinyao's side, gave Ji Xinyao a deep look, and then said, "Next, continue to compete in the arena."

"Sister Key, I'm done."

After Ji Xinfei stepped down, she looked at Ji Xinyao with a look of sadness, "You let me go on stage, but I got myself up, it's over..."

"I just asked you to go on stage to delay time, who asked you to send yourself out." Ji Xinyao also looked helpless.

She was originally to help Emperor Xiao Qing and delay the time so that Emperor Xiao Qing could rush back. Who would have thought that her clan sister was so rampant and sent herself out.

Moreover, it was a coincidence that it was Emperor Xiao Qing's person who directly defeated Ji Xinfei.

"Then what should I do?" Ji Xinfei was upset. She was only eighteen years old. Although she was an adult, it was impossible to marry such a bastard.

Thinking of the reaction of the other party when Atari was pressed on the ring, she was so angry that she wanted to kill Atari.

"Wait, after Emperor Xiao Qing comes back, I will discuss with him, if you really don't want to, this marriage will just pass." Ji Xinyao comforted.

For this, she is sure.

She has been traveling outside since she was successful in her cultivation. She is very clear about the freedom of marriage and love of modern women. Presumably, Emperor Xiao Qing will not embarrass Ji Xinfei.

"Then you have to help me, I've got myself in for you." Ji Xinfei looked pitiful.

Then, she looked at Atari not far away, but when she saw that guy was looking at her with a sullen face, Ji Xinfei became even more angry and couldn't help but speak loudly, "Wait for who Killing that **** in the ring is a reward for this emperor."


The smiling Atari was stunned.

When the princes of the ancient Qin and Xuanyuan clan heard the words, they all stared at Atari with malicious expressions. Even in the Dazhou clan, some princes looked at Atari inadvertently. , Making Atari hairy.


Atari was dumbfounded and couldn't wait to swear.

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