The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1000: Touch the bottom line of Longfei

Longfei is very upset.

The anger rolled.

I thought that I could replace Taizun, I could do whatever I wanted, and I could control all the forces in the city of God. But now... everything he imagined was broken by Gu Tongtian’s test of "testing" and won too respect, but lost. A mess.

After only a few words, he defeated the dragon.

This is the strong.

It is an old monster that has lived for more than four hundred years.

Fighting with such an old monster, Longfei's ten heads are not enough!

Who is Gutongtian?

Ancient Promise.

His younger generation is being bullied, can he bear it?

Although he was dissatisfied with the past few years, Taizun was also his pro-disciple, his disciple was killed, and he was killed in front of him. Isn’t this playing his face?

Can he make Longfei better?

Longfei said in his heart: "You are old and miscellaneous in the ancient days, you are waiting for Laozi, you must burst you."

Long Fei smiled and said: "I accept the test."


Gu Tongtian’s eyes have a pleasing color, saying: “Through the test, you are too respectful, but if you can’t pass the test...”

Long Fei asked: "How can it be passed?"

Gu Tongtian’s voice became cold and cold. He said: “If you can’t pass, you can’t just become too respectable. You are also responsible for the crimes committed by you. Killing too respectful and disturbing the order of the fairyland, this sin, be killed! ”

Longfei’s face changed slightly and said: “Do you dig a hole for Laozi to jump?”

Gutong Tiandao: "Then don't jump."

"Do you have a choice?"

"Do you have a choice for Fengyuan Business Alliance? Is there a choice for your South Tianyu? Is there a choice for your Dragon family? Longfei, you have no choice, understand? I am not too respectful, my means are also It’s not too respectable for such a soft and arrogant person to come up with.” The voice of Gu Tongtian sounded in the sea of ​​Longfei’s knowledge.

Very dull.

The plainness did not cause a trace of waves in the dragon's knowledge of the sea.

This is the super strong!

Longfei’s eyes glanced, “Do you threaten me?”

Gu Tongtian smiled faintly: "You can use this as a threat, or you can use my words as a motivation. You can only move forward according to the track I made. Otherwise, everything will be lost. I said it all." To!"

"You moved Nantian?"

Longfei’s eyes glanced.

The nerves are tight.

Nothing else can be ignored, but the family of Nantianyu, whoever has to die!

Longfei will spare everything to fight hard.

The moment of speaking.

Longfei’s idea is connected to ‘Xianling Lingshi’ and is ready to release ‘Yanlonghua’s power.’

Gu Tongtian smiled lightly and said: "South Tianyu is still in the South Tianyu, Longjia is still a dragon family, your brother, your family, are also your family, but if you are not obedient, then they will all disappear. ”

Either don't do it.

Do it if you want to do it!

Gu Tongtian is such a person.

From Longfei to Xianyuan, he is preparing.

After the Dragon War, he has been paying attention to the Dragon Family. Longfei is the first person to enter the Emperor Academy in addition to the Dragon Wars. He will not be the son of prophecy. He was not sure before, now...he It is certain that Longfei is the son of prophecy.

He must be able to open the dragon domain.

Longfei’s eyes glanced and said: “Gutongtian, you give me a clear statement.”

"In the end, did you move my family?"

Gu Tongtian smiled faintly: "It depends on you. If you don't obey, they will disappear. If you are obedient, I promise that they will be safe. Your grandfather, the dragon, the madman, the leopard, The three sisters of Liuluoxi, your four King Kong brothers, I promise that they will not have anything, provided that you are obedient, obedient, understand?"



The joints banged, the fists clenched, and the anger of Longfei’s heart continued to erupt, and the killing in the mind was extremely strong.

Yan Huang’s ancestors immediately worried: “Kid, calm down!”

"They haven't had an accident yet, you have to calm down."

Longfei is not stupid.

His heart was full of anger, but he did not lose his mind.

It is extremely calm.

At that moment, Longfei’s double fists were loose, his face was smiling, and his smile was a death.

“Very good!” Gutong Tianwei smiled and said: “Be obedient, understand? Obedient, your family has nothing to do.”

"Ha ha ha..."

Gutongtian mad laughter sounded in the sea of ​​Longfei’s knowledge, and turned loudly: “Let’s expect the new Taizun to be born, hahaha...”

The laughter started.

The city of God is cheering.

Also at the same time.

Gutong Tiandao: "Elders of the Immortals listen to orders, all will be Tianwai Palace!"

"Dragon, don't let me down." Gu Tongtian reveals a full-bodied smile. What is Longfei in his eyes? Just like a chess piece, how to play if you want to play, this is the means!

Gutongtian left with many elders of the Temple.

Longfei stood still in the same place, his eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, and the killing in his eyes was extremely strong. One word and one sentence: "Move my family, die!"

at this time.

Chen Fatzi, they felt that their faces were full of excitement.

Because Longfei killed Taizun.

But when they watched Dalongfei's eyes full of killing, their looks followed.

"Boss, what happened?"

Longfei breathed a breath and said: "Nothing, go back and say!"

The plan was disrupted by the ancient days.

What about the monsters attacking the city three days later?

What about the millions of Mozu army?

All of a sudden, Longfei was in a desperate situation.

He thought that killing Taizun, everything will be solved. Now it is more serious than he imagined. It is not these things that make Longfei unhappy. It is the family of Nantianyu. He has been worried about the accident in Nantianyu, but he never thought of it. Gu Tongtian of Tongtianxian Temple started his family.

Moving his family, this is what he hates most.

The anger burns.

Crazy burning.


Longfei did not say anything.


Tianwai Palace, forbidden.

In a golden pool.

Gu Tongtian hangs in the air and his eyes are slightly combined.


There are various ancient runes in his body, and the runes such as the spirit snakes are injected into the golden pool. Then the power of a **** is poured in. Gutongtian eyes glanced and sighed with a deep voice. Condensed the body."


In this moment.

A body slowly reshapes...

Two hours later.

After the body was remodeled, the whole body was soaked in the pool, and his eyes opened slightly. He looked at the ancient Tongtian on the edge of the pond. His eyes were full of excitement and incomparable respect. He said: "Disciples, see Masters."

Too honor!


Gu Tongtian smiled lightly.


Another place.

In the middle of the night.

Shendi Mountain, halfway up the mountain.

Longfei said: "Qiu Lao, let's get started!"

"I want to enter the secret of the Emperor!"


Chapter 5, I wish you all a happy holiday!

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