The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1001: I want to explode the secrets of the gods.

Back to South Tianyu, Longfei has no time.

As long as he returns to the South Tianyu, the monster has to give up and will fail, and the fifty people of his ‘Tianwuzong’ will be wiped out.

He can't leave.

Moreover, Gu Tongtian will not let him leave easily.

Stay in the Emperor's College to resist monsters and the Mozu army?

Long Fei’s current cultivation is that the current level is really too weak. If it is really the power of one person, he can’t resist it.

There are still three days.

The only thing he can do is to upgrade as much as possible and break through.

Longfei was forced to death.

In the midst of desperation, he has no choice at all.

"Qiu Lao, here is the fairy root of the two realms of the Yuan Dynasty. You hold it." Long Fei took out the root of the sacred body that was smashed out of the body. He left one by himself and then said: "I will stay in it." For three days, you will let Yanshan sister prepare as much as possible."

After that, Longfei turned and entered the secret of the Emperor.

The body was swallowed by the halo, and the dragon flew into the secret.


Tianwai Palace, in the Shenchi.

Taizong's physical remodeling, repair did not restore the peak, he slowly recovered in the Shenchi, his **** was absorbed by the ancient heaven, did not enter the reincarnation after death, do not directly into the pool of God.

and so.

What happened after his death, his gods know.

"Master, when did you send someone to Nantian?" Taizun has some doubts.

Gu Tongtian has been practicing in the forbidden land. He has no time to send people to Nantianyu. Moreover, the elders in the Tongtianxian Temple are very clear and have not left.

Gu Tongtian smiled faintly: "South Tianyu? I have not sent anyone."


Too stern, after a few seconds of silence, suddenly realized, "Teacher is a tall man, so if you fly, you will think that you have held up his family. He will do things according to your instructions, just like controlling the dragon battle." Like a beggar, the master is brilliant."

"Ha ha ha..."

Gu Tongtian proudly laughed and said: "Wu force is important, but the means is more important. In addition, although I did not send people to Nantian, but ... Nantianyu has already had an accident, I believe Longfei also sensed, It is because of this that he will be subject to me, just like this, just let me use him."

He did not send people to Nantian.

of course.

He also did not look at Nan Tianyu at all.

As long as he is willing, the Nantian domain can be crushed in minutes.

Taizhao glanced at the road and said: "You didn't send someone to Nantianyu? Which... How can Nantianyu have an accident? The five major domains of Xianyu, is it difficult to have other forces that can't make a fuss about Nantian? Will it be Song Qiancheng in the dark domain?"

Very strange.

Xianyu is close to the South Tianyu. Since Gutongtian did not shoot, how did Nantianyu have an accident?

Gutongtian micro-channel: "Tianwu mainland, five major domains, five great artifacts, the dragon knives of the southern celestial sphere, the swords of the fairy tales, the **** of the dark domain, the dragon guns of the dragon domain, and... there are still unknowns Domain, what is the artifact of the wilderness domain?"

The wilderness has been unknown.

It can be said that it rarely appears in the eyes of everyone.

Few people are involved in the wilderness.

It is like the absence of Tianwu.

Gu Tongtian asked this question, too respectful, because he did not know what the artifacts of the wilderness were. Over the years, the five artifacts have disappeared for millions of years.

The Dragon Slayer also appeared because of the appearance of Longfei.

Gods sword?

It broke out after it broke.

As for the darkness, the **** round is millions, and it has not appeared in tens of millions of years.

The five artifacts are still a legend.

As for the artifacts of the wilderness, no one has mentioned it, and no one remembers it.

Too respected: "I have never stopped talking about the artifacts of the wilderness. Master, what is it?"

Gutongtian eyes are tight and faint: "The artifact of the wilderness is a door!"

Taizun asked: "A door? What artifact is that?"

Gutong Tiandao: "That is a portal. In the transmission, the door is connected to another plane. It is an artifact that has been guarded for thousands of years. There are few people who know this. Nantianyu is the accident. I am not a ghost in the wild, I am not sure."

"If the wild Lord really opens the door, the foreign powerhouse enters, maybe..."

Gu Tongtian did not continue to speak.


He doesn't care much about these things. He only cares about when Longfei can open the Dragon Field. This is his concern.

As for the life and death of Nantianyu?

It’s a shame.

He just used Southern Tianyu to control Longfei, it was as simple as that.

"You are back to strength as soon as possible, I have something for you to do." Gu Tongtian ordered a tone of voice.

The reason why I saved Taizun is because of his strength.

Chengxian one product.

As a top powerhouse, there are many things that Gutong uses to get him.

Taizun immediately said: "The disciples obey."

"Masters, adults, millions of demons, the army, really want to let Longfei alone to resist?"

Gutong Tiandao: "Of course, he will inevitably fail. He will not be able to become too respectful of the Heavenly Temple. He will understand how weak he is. Then I am using Nantianyu to marry him. I am sure that he will be able to If the potential is forced out, you will be able to find the tomb of the Dragon."

"The potential of people is infinite."

"The potential of the Dragon family is even more infinite and huge!"

He is trying to force the full potential of Longfei.


Only then can he find the dragon field!


In the secret of the gods.


“Do you integrate Tianzhu Xiangen?”


The first thing that Longfei stepped into the secret of the Emperor was the integration of Xiangen.


The strongest of these gods in the mysterious world is the starting point of his rank. The higher his rank, the stronger the stronger, and the more experience, which is the key point.

Longfei needs experience and requires a lot of experience to upgrade.

Three days.

He must make himself become extremely powerful. He is now a golden fairy. If he is alone, he will only be abused if he meets the power of the realm of immortality. Even if he is now immersed in blood, it is the same.

If it weren't for the outbreak of Galen and Knock, he couldn't kill too much.

To get stronger power, the upgrade breakthrough is the only way!



“Congratulations to the player ‘Longfei’ is a fusion of Singen’s success.”

At this moment, the accumulated experience in the Longfei experience tank is like a flood that turns on the gate, pouring out.



Four consecutive prompts sounded.


“Congratulations to the player’s “Dragon Flight” upgrade”.

"More than three billion years of experience only rose to the fourth level, I rub." Long Fei secretly snorted, double-handedly heavy, looked at the tomb of the powerful world, "I want to explode the gods secret!"


Chapter One,

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