The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1002: Or live, or die!

The mystery of the gods is a very special secret.

It is carried out around the rules of being strong and weak, and weak and weak.

The last time Longfei was just a virtual fairyland, so the strongest out of the tomb is also the starting point of the virtual fairyland.

The tomb of the **** in the mysterious state of the gods is now back in place.

Just like the system update, Longfei's current level is Yuanxian four products, then the strong ones come out from the Yuanxian four products.

God's secret.

If you can't break it in one time, it will refresh again!


The tomb of the strong was smashed, and a strong man rushed out. The realm was the same as that of Longfei. The four elements of Yuanxian, Longfei screamed, "Sure enough, I think."


The dragon knives in the hands of Longfei slammed up.

After a few tricks.

Was killed by the dragon fly, the system sounded a tone.


“Congratulations to the player ‘Longfei’ killing ‘strong’ and gaining 35,000 points, 50 points, and 1 energy.”


“Congratulations to the player’s “Dragon Flying” triggering ‘opening the mission of the gods’ secrets’”

Mission: Get through the secrets of the Emperor

Level: ss level

Reward: Level +1, all skill levels +1, Xianli value + 1 million, points + 100,000, get ‘special power’ reward.

Time: once (cannot enter repeatedly)

Punishment: You can't get through the secrets of the Emperor and never go out.

Or raw.

Or... die!

Longfei did not hesitate, said: "Accept!"

Desperate once again in a desperate situation, does he have a choice?


If you want to break through the shackles, if you want to rush out of the desperate situation, there is only one way to go, that is to crush all of this!


"Gravity Troll!"

"Come out!"

"Rumble..." Gravity trolls took a huge chain of chains and walked out of the void, kneeling down, saying: "Master!"

Longfeidao: "Give me all these tombs."

When the gravity troll immediately said: "Follow, you want to crush the grave to release those strong creatures, or let me kill them."

"Use your gravity to crush these graves."

Longfei ordered.

Gravity troll's gravity system and special, his power can make the surrounding loss of gravity, but also can increase thousands of times, thousands of times of gravity.


Gravity trolls eyebrows, the gravity of the body began to burn, "100,000 times gravity, give me a drive!"


A force arrogant shock wave was shot out, and the line of sight came, so the graves were all cracked apart, and one strong man struck out and stood in a hover. In less than half a minute, the sky was full of people.

All are better than Longfei.

"Well and other juniors, even dare to swear by the curtain of the gods, quickly leave, spare you a small life." A strong man said loudly.

Long Fei mouth corner said: "Do not talk nonsense, open it!"

"court death!"

The strong man was angry and sipped, "Crush him to me!"

"Hey, hey, hehe..."

Countless strongmen rushed to Longfei, dense and overwhelming.

Longfei's hands clasped the Dragon Slayer's knife, and there was no retreat. It was also madly rushed up. On his side, the gravity trolls protected Longfei, and followed the pace of Longfei and rushed out unscrupulously.

"Ray Devil!"


A thunder tumbling.

At the moment when the strong people were all surrounded by Longfei, the Thunder came out of the void, and laughed with excitement. "It’s finally my turn to be a demon, hahaha..."

"Laugh at your sister."

Longfei leaped a violent knock on the top of the thunderbolt and sipped, saying: "Hurry up and give me a bang."

Lei Mo’s head swollen with a big bag, and his mouth screamed painfully. “I can’t do it. I’m not easy to unlock the **** of the earth. Now I’m unscrupulous, I think it’s... ..."

Don't wait for him to finish.

Longfei has a violent knock, and it is extremely accurate to knock on the bag just above, and the big bag is swollen again with a small bag, which is extremely hard.

"Master, I am not allowed to die, I am not allowed."

"I am going to fight, I will go to the bomb!"

Lei De's face is hard.

The trolls and the demons gloated in the disaster, almost at the same time saying: "Live it!"

Longfei sipped, "All give me a little more serious, whoever dares to win, I broke his little jj."

The three magic chrysanthemums are tight and dare not say a word.

"Come on me!"

Longfei's eyebrows are wrinkled, and the attacks of those strong ones will soon be weakened. If they are not killed, then the dragon is flying!

Lei Mo did not dare to care about this time, his body tumbling, the whole body was covered with lightning, and he screamed and said: "Right!"



The body of the Thunder Demon sinks, and the power of lightning in the body is like a light beam. It pops out from his chest, like a halo, can't resist it. At this moment, time is like banned, those rushing The strong man who came up was fixed in the air.


"Oh la la..."

"Oh la la..."

A series of popping sounds.

The whole body was swept by the lightning bolt, and it was split in half!

The strong people within a few hundred meters of the square have not survived, all of them are killed!

Thousands of strong people.

Instantly being spiked.

Longfei looked at this scene and had to say that his scalp was a little numb and he was also very excited. "Hang up."

The seal is untied.

The **** of the Thunderbolt disappeared.


During this time, his power has become more powerful through special transformation.

The system prompts the sound to explode. In general, Longfei's eardrums are shattered by the shock, and they say: "Shuang, this rhythm, give me a blast!"


"Boss, am I thundering?"

The Thunder devil got up again.

Waiting for him to finish, the devil dismissed: "What? Now the seal is untied, right? Boss, let me go out, let this glimpse see my strength!"

Lei Mo quickly said: "The devil, give me a face, I just played, at least let me cool again?"

"I still have big tricks that are not used."

The devil said: "Just your strength is also a big move? Don't take it out and throw it away, look at me."

The rod in the hand of the troll shook, saying: "Do you know what the earth is?"

Earth Devil:...

He can restrain the Thunder, but he is very afraid of the gravity troll, his earth power will become nothing because of gravity, the devil has no words: "Well, you hang big, you first."

Longfei drank and said: "You are less nonsense with me, three together, and release all your big moves and strengths to me."


"Boss, I can't wait any longer."

"Ha ha ha..."



Chapter two,.

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