The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1010: The strongest blow, spike!

The glimmering light on the magical monument made Longfei’s heart tighten.

What is the magic monument?

The weapon to suppress droughts and floods.

If the mystery of the gods is a battle for the marshes, then the magic monument is the place where the eyes are, and the strongest force. As long as the power of it is fully exerted, it will be able to turn over the drought.

One thing drops one thing.

This is true of everything in the world.

The marmot is also a melting pot in the world, and there is the power of his fear.



The life value of Longfei’s deity is too low, and even the pressure of the drought and flood can’t stand it.

Hair redness.

The magic flame burns.

The black bones on the body pierce the body, and the appearance of the demon is unrecognizable and ugly. This is the aftereffect of practicing the taboos of the celestial bones, but...when it becomes a monster for strength, what about it?

In an instant.

A thousand points disappeared, and Longfei became the devil.

Also at this moment.

The dragon flies, the scarlet and the magic flame burned wildly. "The bones are taboo, the eighth layer, give me a drive!"


The bones on the body become thicker, and the power in the body is more than wanting to break through the body of the demon. It is powerful and incomparably powerful. Longfei can clearly sense the strange strength of the body.

Tianzhu taboo, the eighth layer!

Power is on!

The back of the demon body, the bones madly condensed, the back of the blood rushed out, a few seconds later, so the black bones condensed together, turned into a pair of huge wings, black bone wings.

With a magic flame.

With death arrogance.

It also carries the kind of horrible taboo!

Imitation like...

The wings of the Lord of Hell, Lucifer!

The marmot glimpsed a little, staring at the black bone wing on the back of Longfei, muttering: "This power... seems to have seen it. The time is too long, I can't remember it for a while, but... The pattern of your little garbage is really quite a lot. It is also a dragon for the gods. Now it has become a demon. What is the use of these things? Don’t be in vain, I said, you will be my seal. The first person to kill, you should be thankful."

No matter what the dragon fly into, the drought and flood are not in the eye.



Longfei is not qualified at all.

He also did not put the low-level plane of Tianwu mainland in his eyes. After he killed Longfei, he would make Tianwu mainland a dead plane, except for death!

Eight layers of taboos, black bone wings.

Longfei’s body is faint, revealing sharp teeth, and grinning with excitement. “I feel that you should be glad, because... This is the first time I have used the magic body to kill people since I entered Xianyuan. You are the first. One!"


After Longfei entered Xianyuan, he did not use the body of the demon to kill people. He always used the space of the demon to practice the skill.


The dragon fly is stronger, and the body of the demon is also getting stronger.

The ability to practice the bones of the Tianzhu again and again, the higher the number of layers, the body of the demon becomes extremely powerful, and ... the reason why Longfei did not use the body of the demon, not because he is not strong, but because This is his last line of defense.


This is the figure that the magic monument gives him.

After Longfei became the incarnation of the demon, he felt that the faint power of the body was connected with a force on the magical monument, perfect integration, and the two forces were incomparably skilled, just like relatives.

Long-lost relatives are generally.

Is the power of the devil?

Or is it the power of the taboo?

What exactly is the magic monument?

What is the hidden power inside him?

The fusion is perfect.


Longfei didn't have time to think so much, he didn't have time.

It is already dawning now.

In other words.

At the end of three days, the monster siege of the Emperor City has begun.

If you can't kill the drought and rush out of the mysterious world now, then the city of the gods will fall, and he and the eight King Kong, as well as more than forty people around him will be wiped out!


Longfei roared, and the idea entered the body of the magical monument from the crack of the magical monument. He said: "I don't care what power you are, and why you are so perfect with all the power of taboos, since you are suppressing Drought, then please release the strongest force."


"I beg you!"

One word at a time.

The sound of the magical monument, the silver-green light suddenly burst.

Also at this moment.

The power in the demon body began to move, the raging spray started, the **** eyes stared at the drought, and said: "Come on!!"

"I must **** you!"

The drought and the eyes are tight. At this time, even if he is calm, he can't stand it for a long time. The reason is that he is not because he is stronger than the force that suppressed him at that time, but...

Drought and water still do not bother.

Shen Shendao: "I don't believe that you can control the power on the magical monument. Even if I can't control the power of the stone, you can't!"

The magic monument, named Tianbei Stone!

It is the same strength as the celestial bone.

Their power belongs to the sky!

Whatever his stone, stone, and dragon fly, no matter what the drought is saying, the pace is heavy, and the wings are suddenly unfolding, "Hey!"

Break through the void.

too fast.

The power of the taboo of the sacred bones and the power of the celestial stone are integrated into one, and the body of Longfei is surging wildly.

The marmots have a look.

At first, Longfei couldn't see his movement track. Now he can't see the movement track of Longfei. His eyes become extraordinarily gloomy and he screams. "Red flames burn the sky, no matter what power you are, all give I am mad at me!"


The void burns.

It is like burning in the sky.

The whole god's secrets are burning, which excites the horrible domain beast and madly devours everything in the secret.

The strongest trick.

Longfei has no time.

If you don't kill the drought, he will die here.

The Emperor City also streams blood into a river.

The monsters can't resist the siege, and there are millions of Mozu army. By that time... the Xian domain is cracked, and the South Tianyu is hard to avoid.

"do my best!"

Longfei’s heart sank, “I’m going to rush out even if I die!”

There is no choice.

There is no room for Longfei to choose a little.

At this moment.

Longfei once again, "Tianzhu taboo, the ninth floor, give me a drive!!"


The bird slammed into a huge, extremely long, and the dragon flew back on the back and suddenly grew four wings. His body became a cockroach, like a dried corpse, so the power was on the black bone wing.

Six wings!

Black angel!

The black blood is sprayed in the dragon's mouth, and the force in his body will break out, only a little bit.

It is the opening of the tenth layer of taboos.

Also in this moment.

Longfei’s thoughts moved directly to lift the huge incomparable stone tablets in the deep pit.

Between the flashes.

Longfei took the Tianbei stone with both hands, and the power of the six wings moved. The bones of the heavens were taboo. The power of the Tianbei stone erupted most powerfully. He slammed against the head of the drought and the river, and roared, "ah..."

The drought and the water screamed.

He can't react at all.

The monument of stone fell, the long blood trough on his head, bottom!


The system also sounds a tone!



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