The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1011: 10,000-level war pet

The wonderful system prompts the sound, and Longfei’s thoughts move immediately: “Release the violent energy value.”


“Congratulations to the player ‘Longfei’ killing ‘drought 魃’ and gaining an experience of 2.3 billion, gaining 1 million points of Xianli and an energy value of 10 points.”

“Congratulations to the player ‘Long Fei’ to get the war ‘drought 魃’!”

The system prompt tone ends here.

Longfei waited for a moment, his eyes were blinded. "I rely on, system, do you play me? The ultimate boss in the mysterious secrets, or what another super-superpower in the high plane, you will give me a special outbreak." A war pet?"

"You are coming out!"

"System, your uncle, get out of Laozi, I promise not to kill you."

"There is something like this?"

"Is there any Wang Fa? Is there any reason? Is there anybody in charge, your sister?" Longfei’s heart is hard to force, and from the crossing to the present, the first burst of violent energy When the value starts, every violent violent thing is more than the current explosion.

A purple gold boss only burst out a war pet?

This is the life of the dragon to fly.

The killing of his life, but finally... but this is the result, Longfei wants to die.

"It’s too pitted!"

Complaining complains, but the reality is still to face, Longfei opened the war pet system, the idea said: "Activate the drought and the war pets, I will see how powerful this pet is, if it is not powerful... I will discard it myself, let it out again Kill once."

The drought and flood war pets were activated.

Battle pet: drought

Level: 10,000

Shentong: the power of drought, burning red flames.

Fighting power: 100 stars (full)

Loyalty: 0.00001 (extremely unstable, the probability of rebellion is extremely high.)

Strength play: 0.00001 (repressed for hundreds of millions of years, repaired for recovery, strength will be stronger.)

Description: The marmot is the super strongman of the upper realm, and the seal is here.

Description 2: The 10,000-level drought and flood, exerting one-tenth of the strength, is affected by loyalty, and it is difficult to fully exert its strength.

Description 3: Be careful when using the process, because the loyalty is too low, the chance of renegade is 99.99%, the higher the loyalty, the more it will not betray.


Look at the attributes of the war pet.

Longfei was excited all over again. When he saw the grade of the drought, it was completely boiling. "Nima, 10,000, this, this, this is going against the sky, it’s too bullish, this It is the killing of the beast, what is the existence of the sacred beast 10,000 miles."

Longfei is a bit uncontrollable.

The language is incoherent.

Fighting pets.

Under normal circumstances, all of them are zero-grade, and they are slowly cultivated from the zero-level. However, this drought is directly 10,000, and it is a mess.

What is the concept of 10,000?

Estimated to be the strongest level!

This is not what is going to be against the sky?

When he saw the degree of loyalty and strength, Longfei was not worried. He thought that he would enter the space of war and watch the dry and lying lying there quietly. He smiled slightly: "Follow me, I promise Let you cool, let you get everything you want, and promise to bring you back to your original world."

The words fell.

The drought and the flooded eyes glanced and sipped, "Is it by you? Also let me be your younger brother? Hey!"

"Don't dream, kid!"

Longfei is also a temper, saying: "May, drought, in my battle pet space, you still have to fight with me? Believe it or not, I will kill you directly? Ah? I will let me see if I don't deserve it."

This is his territory.

If you can't even do your own land, then you still have a fart.

Longfei’s heart was extremely unhappy, saying: “Either you are obedient, I will let you fly up, or... you will slowly decay in my battle pet space, even if I die, I will not summon you. of."


Then he has to summon the drought to bring him a chance to rebel.

Laozi is not giving you a chance to play a little, how do you betray?

Can't control your own pets?

The droughts and floods are even more unpleasant, and the two eyes are out of flames staring at Longfei, sinking and saying: "Kid, don't be too arrogant."


"Sorry, I am so arrogant, how to drop? Come out and bite me, can you turn it over once, I will be able to turn you over for the second time, believe it?" Longfei looked proud, the power of the spike was just the power of the spike. It’s too fierce.

of course.

He also paid a lot of pain.

The body seems to be drained, and the back has six wings and black bones, which is extremely painful.

The energy in his body is getting stronger and stronger. As long as he opens the tenth layer of the taboo of the celestial bones, the power will break through. When is he... is he? I really don't know, what is the strongest force of the Tianzhu taboo?

Will it be won by that force?

Longfei is worried.

Other than that.

The reason why Longfei can strike a second kill is not only the strength of the Tianzhu taboo, but also the power in the Tianbei Stone. It has the restraining power to absolutely suppress the drought and the flood, and it is also because Longfei can make a spike.

Otherwise, 100,000 dragons are not opponents.

The dry and suffocating trembles, I really want to rush out and crush the dragon fly.


Does not!

He is now the flying pet of Longfei. Without the call of Longfei, he can't go out and is completely controlled by Longfei.

Longfei grinned and laughed. "It’s fascinating, then give the old man a sorrow, drought, you are not very capable? Are you a super powerhouse in the gods? Come and come to Laozi A look."

Drought and phlegm should vomit blood.

When was it so humiliated?

Who dares to talk to him like this?

Really upset.

But he has no way at all.

Longfeidao: "I honestly follow me, I promise you will live very well, but if you like to do things, oh... then I will let you stay in my fight forever, than the emperor The time spent in the secret is still long."

The two eyes of the drought and the death are flying with dragons.

Longfei ignored it and said: "You should think about it yourself!"


“Congratulations to the player ‘Longfei’ to complete the ss-level mission ‘open the gods’ secrets!’”

“Congratulations to the player ‘Long Fei’ to get a level +1, all skill levels +1, Xianli value + 1 million, points +100,000, get ‘special power’ reward.”


“Congratulations to the player ‘Longfei’ has gained special strength, Tianbei Stone (the power of the sacred heaven)!”


“Congratulations to the player ‘Long Fei’ to get through the secrets of the Emperor and get the secrets of the Emperor’s Secrets!”

"The secret of the gods: the mysterious passage connecting the extraterrestrial palace, the Tianwai Palace, the shuttle ship in the outer domain, and the occupation of the Tianwai Palace can gain control of the heavenly ship."

This is the secret of the gods' secrets.

The Tianwai Palace appeared since the birth of Tianwu.


In the years of countless years, it has been buried in the ground. With the changes of the Tianwu continent, the crustal movement, the dragons entered the Tianwu continent after the first catastrophe, the Tianwai Palace began to appear, after the first catastrophe of the Dragon family, the sky The palace emerged completely, suspended in the sky, and absorbed the rich spiritual source of Tianwu continent as energy.

"I rub!"

"The secrets of Tianwu Mainland are really many."

"The Temple of Heaven, the Skyship?"

"Oops..." Longfei thought tightly, thinking of a very important thing, the monster siege has begun...


Chapter One,

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