The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1023: Arrogant

The three trolls are incomparably powerful.

Just like Super God of War, standing beside Longfei, the momentum is extremely fierce, and the flames are lingering.

The entire city of the gods is silent.

The people in the Temple of Heaven are also in vain.

"The troll... is the troll that broke through the seal, isn't it... Longfei is the one who helped them open the seal?"

"Is he also a demon?"

"We have been looking for the demon, but... but did not expect that Longfei is the devil."

They were shocked by the appearance of three trolls.

Finding a demon is like a joke.

Zhou Lie was also shocked.

He did not think that Longfei could summon three super trolls, they are the devil!

This is the first time that Longfei has released three trolls to the public.

The first time was so unscrupulous, regardless of the consequences.

He was worried before.

Worried that he will be deceived as a demon, worried about being killed, but he found that he is wrong, this world power is king, as long as you are strong enough, even if the massacre will be respected and worshipped.

"I rub!"

"Weiwu domineering."

"Boss, it's too powerful."

"Hahaha... This is the boss." Chen Fatzi and the knife screamed at them, and the three trolls summoned by Longfei shook.

Zhou Lie's face became hard to look.


Long Fei smiled coldly and said: "Is the qualification enough?"

“Is it not qualified enough?”

"I will give you more powerful qualifications."

"Fourteen dragons, give me out!"


A loud noise, a roar of Longfei’s body sounded, followed by a roar of dragons in the sky, “Black Dragon ancestors, out!”


The black dragon ancestor rushed out from the dragon knife, the huge body, the black dragon scale shines with dazzling light, and the dragon that broke out of the body is shocking, and the huge body blocks the sky.

The black dragon ancestors screamed and said: "Boss!"

"Sea Dragon King, give it to me!"


The arrogant and overbearing sea dragon king rushed out of the body and screamed, "Move me the boss, die!"

"Qinglong ancestors!"



Another cyan dragon rushed out of the body, hanging behind the dragon fly, a heavy voice, "Boss!"

"Eight Golden Dragon, out!"

"Ghost dragon ancestors, out!"

"Blood dragon ancestors, out!"

"Poison Dragon ancestors, out!"

"Boom, bang, bang!" A loud bang smashed the entire Emperor City. The fourteen dragons stood quietly behind Longfei, and then sang together with the three trolls. "Boss! !"

The sound is soaring, the mighty domineering mess.

It’s too windy.

The entire Emperor City, the entire Xianyu, the entire Tianwu continent is shaking for the dragon at this moment.

Longfei summoned them all for the first time.

Looking at Zhou Lie with a cold eyes, he smiled: "Qualification, is it enough?"

The sound is like a blockbuster blasting in Zhou Lie’s heart, and also exploding in the entire Emperor City. In a flash, the dragons are crushed and killed, and even millions of people who are too late to breathe. Thousands of people breathe a sigh of relief.

I have never seen such a scene!

there has never been!

This kind of shock will not be forgotten in their lives.

"Oh my God!"

"Longfei,,, Longfei, who is it?"

"Too, too, too strong."

"We all say that he is arrogant and arrogant. This Nima has such a powerful force that his previous ones are simply low-key."

"Zhou Lie, the Lord of the Devil looks like a joke."


The shock caused by the three trolls is very strong.

The emergence of the Fourteenth Dragon ancestors made this soul tremble to the highest point, unparalleled.

Zhou Lie’s face was incomparably ugly, just like a few slaps of a slap in the face. He didn’t think that Longfei had such a powerful force. The troll listened to his call, but even Longzu listened to him. call!

This, this, this qualification is too strong!

Tongtianxian Temple is also amazed.

Gu Tongtian's eyebrows, the appearance of the fourteen dragons, he did not have much shock, these he already knows, but the emergence of the three big trolls, he was shocked: "Dragon, who are you?"

"Dragon ancestors have appeared?"

"So, is Longfei really the son of prophecy?"

"Only he can find a dragon field that has disappeared more than six million years?"

"It's really too fierce!"

Their heart is also a cold, because of the strength of Longfei!

"This is really a bad thing."

"Longzu can be summoned, who can resist the footsteps of the entire Xianyu?"

Many elders look to the ancient days.

Gu Tongtian’s face is full of smiles, smug smiles, and laughs very strangely...


God City.

The millions of Mozu army are shaking and are afraid.

Zhou Lie’s heart was also trembled, unable to withstand the 14-year-old dragon’s Longwei crushing, and his heart was uncomfortable.

Longfei smiled and said: "Is it still qualified?"

Zhou Lie said nothing.

Although he is the young demon of the Western Region Mozu, he is a descendant of the Devil's ancestors, but compared with the current Longfei, he is not even a fart, who can compare with Longzu?

What kind of existence did the Dragons once exist?


Absolute overlord!

Zhou Lie didn't talk, and Longfei's mouth was hooked, showing a death-like smile. His eyes slammed and he said, "Let you know what it means to be qualified."


Suddenly an explosion broke out.

Longfei’s thoughts moved, and the fourteen dragon ancestors roared and moved wildly.




The roar of the surrounding people continued, and the army of the millions of demons was disintegrated in a few seconds, and was slaughtered. The fourteen dragon ancestors were unstoppable, and the millions of the army of the Mozu were trampled like ants.

One minute time!

Just a minute.

The Mozu million army, only a few people around Zhou Lie.

All are spiked!

Also at this moment.

The sound of the sound in the system of Longfei is enough to blow a mountain into a flat land.

The experience value is madly stacked.

Soared to 15 billion!

Longfei is not eager to upgrade.

The blood is like a flood, and it is filled with the streets of the Imperial City. The streets become rivers.

Longfei didn't even blink, and stared at Zhou Lie, who was trembling, and asked coldly, "Qualification, is it enough?"

Zhou Lie’s face turned white.

Both legs are shaking and standing is unstable.

It’s too uncomfortable!

The army of millions of demons was spiked in an instant. Who can resist?

Extremely terrifying.

Zhou Lie swallowed a lot of saliva, and the voice shook a little: "Dragon, you, you, if you dare to move me, I, I, I will let you never see them, I said Zhou Lie ""

This is his last trump card.

Sign up for the card!

He didn't think that he wanted to make the dragon fly out, but it turned out to be so miserable.

It was at this time.

Yan Huang's ancestors said: "The sinister has succeeded!"


third chapter,

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