The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1024: What do you think of a hair!

The sound of Yan Huang’s ancestors sounded.

Longfei smiled slightly and said: "I will never see?"

"Look at that!"

Yuner and Fu Xishan slowly came up from not far away.

Zhou Lie’s face changed and said: “How can they...”

The last trump card is gone.

The fear in Zhou Lie’s heart was even stronger. Long Fei slammed forward and said: “Continue, what brand do you have now? All of them are played out.”

The anger is venting.

Zhou Lie repeatedly regressed and said: "Long Fei, you won."


"You are not dead, how can I win?" Longfei said with a full smile: "Are you not very proud of it? Isn't it screaming to let me kneel down? It is not that I am not qualified to fight with you, not qualified. Can you grab a woman with you?"

Longfei stepped on again.

Zhou Lie regressed and said: "Long Fei, you should not be too much. Who am I? You should be very clear."

"I am so excessive."

"How to drop? Bite me!" Longfei is full of domineering, today he is very unhappy, the indifference of the Emperor City makes him unhappy, the ancient means of the day makes him unhappy, now Zhou Lie also caught Yuner and Fu Xishan, this Just make him more unhappy!

If there are no sinister soldiers who are always staring at Zhou Lie, they will definitely have to waste some time.

Zhou Lie constantly retreated, saying: "Dragon, don't be too arrogant, in front of me, you are the last..."

"My most **** egg!"


Longfei stepped out in one step, and the dragon sword in his hand moved. As soon as the black dragon ancestors followed, the black dragon flaming on the dragon knife smashed down.

"I am arrogant, it is mad!"

"How can you drop!"

The speed is raised to the limit. Under the heavy pressure of the Dragon Slayer, he squats on Zhou Lie’s shoulder. "Give me a slap!"

Zhou Liecuo was not able to prevent it.

As the shoulders sank, the legs slammed and slammed down.



The knee bone cracked and the blood burst out. The painful Zhou Lie made a scream. "Ah... the hidden magic, the black robe protects the law, kills him for me!"


The void blew.

The hidden magic rushed out of the void.

The black robe protection method is also instantaneous.

Surprise attack!

Zhou Lie’s sweat was full of sweat and roared: “Long Fei, give me four!”


Longfei stood still and did not move.

In an instant.

Chen Tianfei stepped forward. At the moment of Longfei's move, he was always ready to sense the fluctuation of power in the void. He didn't even wait for the hidden magic to rush out, and he rushed out and was on the side of Longfei.

The **** of the body is moving, and he screams, "Hey!"

The sound is like a bell.

Chen Tianfei screamed coldly: "Want to hurt my boss? Let me pass this level!"

at the same time.

The black knife moves, the blue dragon in the hand is facing the hidden magic, the knife is moving, the **** is smashing, the power is broken!


An attack sound, a defensive sound at the same time.

The black robe protection method was blocked back. Chen Tianfei stood still in the same place, and the body of the gods defended the anomaly, and the mighty might not be like the general.

The black knife is even more fierce.

A knife and a knife directly smashed the hidden magic into two halves.


The black robe protection method was also spurted by the powerful anti-injury force to the shock, and the face was white.

Longfei smiled coldly, "Continue?"

The 100,000 kilograms of the Dragon Slayer also crushed Zhou Lie’s shoulders. The sneak attack failed. Zhou Lie’s face was even more ugly. He said: “Long Fei, I am wrong, I am wrong, I should not follow. You fight, I shouldn’t have robbed you thousands of times, I am wrong, I apologize to you, you spare me a dog, I will never come to provoke you again, I swear to him."


Really scared.

He is not alone now, the army of the million Mozu is killed, the black robe is seriously injured, and the hidden evil is killed. There are tens of millions of kilometers away from the Western Mozu territory. No one will save him. No one can save him. It’s too late for his ancestors’ ancestors!

This is the reason he is afraid.


at this time.

The ancient day in the Temple of Heavenly Heaven disappeared!

"Do you know it wrong now?"


Longfei did not hesitate in the slightest, saying: "It’s late!"

The voice fell.

Longfei once again raised the dragon knife, and angered: "Move me, die!"

A knife down.

In this moment.

The sky sank, the boundless power was crushed down, and roared, "Longfei, stop!"


The Thunder rolled, as if the sky would split.

Unbeatable and powerful.

At the same time, Longfei’s knife was dragged by a powerful force and could not continue.

In the sky.

Gu Tongtian’s huge face was printed in the air, and his eyes stared at the dragon and screamed and said: “Long Fei, I let you stop, you didn’t hear it?”


Longfei screamed and said: "You are finally out!"

Hate breeds.

Killing breeds.

The heart of the murder is boiling.

Three days after he disappeared, Chen’s family was destroyed, Fuxishan’s 100,000 dead soldiers were killed, and Song Qianqian’s people were killed. All that was heard at Longfei’s moment, the anger in his heart was not extinguished. Now that Gutongtian appears, Longfei does not hide the killing in his heart.

Gutong said coldly and coldly: "What? You still want to fight with me?"


"You'd better be obedient. If you don't, then all of you now have to die, understand?" Gutongtian's words reveal scorn, disdain, he is the strongest in the realm of Feixian, under the flying fairy !

Even if you are in the realm of immortality, you can't move the half of the hair of Feixiang.

This is the gap in power.


The most annoying thing about Longfei is that others threaten him.


Still use the brothers around him, relatives threaten him.

Longfei laughed coldly and said: "Threats Laozi?"

Gu Tongtian’s eyes are gloomy, “I claim to be Laozi in front of me?”


A lightning-like Thunder crushed down, and Longfei's body sank, almost squatting on the ground, his face was unusually uncomfortable.

Also at this moment.

Fourteen dragons moved.

Longfei sipped and said: "This is my business, don't move!"


The joints of Longfei were smashed, and the internal organs were displaced. It was extremely uncomfortable. This is just a small space in the realm of Feixiang. It can't be in a small pressure. It can be like a mountain crushed on the shoulder. The same, very heavy.

"You let me not kill, right?"

"Ha ha ha..."

"Ha ha ha..."

Longfei’s mad laughter, holding the dragon knife in his hand, staring at Zhou Lie, screaming and screaming, “I’m going to kill him in front of you, you’re a damn, you have Let me bite me!"


Longfei’s heart burst, “Nine-level unparalleled, open!”

"Old ancestors!!"

Yanhuang ancestors said: "Understand!"

The power of Yanhuang's ancestors directly reduced the ancient Tongtian's crush to the dragon's body, and Longfei's body recovered freely. Against Zhou Lie's head, he went down and "give me death!!"


Chapter Four,

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