The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1062: Old ancestors, save me!

It all happened in an instant.

Longfei hit the hall.

Knock, Galen summoned.

The dragon slaughter was on the ground, the fire was splashing, the mind was moving, the power of the Super Saiyan was brought to the limit, and the dragon sword slammed into shock. "Boom!"

The whole wild city is shaking.

The scorpio that got up from the ground did not react, and a hurricane swept through.


Scorpio looked angry and shouted: "Dragon, it depends on you?"

It was useless when the hurricane hit.


The hurricane was only used to interfere with the sight of the Scorpio, and the body of Longfei disappeared. "The hegemonic impact!"


In the hurricane, Longfei's body with a powerful gravity shock directly sent the Scorpio to the earthquake, and the Dragon Slayer slashed and danced instantly. "Slaughter Dragon Mania!!"

The whirlwind started.

Knife dances wildly.

The entire hall was full of knives, sweeping freely, all the places where the knife gas went to be powdered, and half of the hall was turned up by Longfei.

Dancing wildly in midair.

"The sixth hundred and thirty-seven!"

"The eighth hundred and ninety-six!"

"The first thousand!!"

"Give me down!"

At the last glimpse, a slash of the scorpion slammed the scorpion on the ground.

The ground pulled out a deep pit, and Scorpio said disdainfully: "Do you have this power? Can you bear this point? Hahaha..."

"Not enough to see!"

The blood of Scorpio is also extremely terrifying, reaching as much as 4.8 billion! !

The Dragon Sword is a collection!

Longfei’s thoughts moved, and the mysterious stone fell out. “Jiansheng Eighty-one Sword, give me a bang!”



The stunned swordsmanship broke out, and the sword in the mysterious stone scorpion flew out, like the wrath of the Thunder, and the heavy bombardment of the top of the Scorpio.

"Give me a slap!"

A sword is fiercer than a sword, and a sword is sharper than a sword.

With a powerful penetration.

The Scorpio, who had to get up, was once again smashed, watching the amount of blood floating above his head, and more than a thousand combos, Longfei thought.


When Ray Dragon Ball moved, Mayfair rushed out with a staff.

A low voice.

Thunderstorms in the sky, lightning flashing, all the lightning is condensed in one place, just like a laser beam, violently slamming against the top of Scorpio.

"Boom, bang, bang!"

"Boom, bang, bang!"

The hair was scattered, and the heavy ones were on the ground, and even the head could not lift.

Very fierce.

Mayfair has evolved so much for so long. Her attack can be a group attack or a single attack. This single attack is even more intense.

"Scorpio, cool?"

"Move my brother? Engage my family, I will ask you if you are upset?" Longfei hysterical roar, the anger in his heart madly vented.

The scorpio was furious and was crushed by the dragon's continuous stroke.

He can't release it now.

After half a minute.

The blood on the top of Scorpio is less than half of the blood. The whole body is bleeding, the hair is broken, the face is black, and there are many wolverines.

Feier energy is released.

The virtual shadow flashed into the dragon.

The lightning disappeared, and the Scorpio stood up in an instant, rushing straight up, and a powerful force was released, trying to fly the dragon out.


In this moment.

A stick slammed down.

With a million times the gravity.


Instantly blasted him back to the original place.

The gravity troll holds a giant stick and sneers at the scorpio in the deep pit. He said, "You will give me the boss's awkward ground, and don't think about it in this life."

The voice fell.

The giant rods on the gravity trolls are madly bombarded.

Thunder magic moves.

Lightning bombardment.

The powerful force of the earth's devils binds the scorpio to the ground and can't move.


"I told you that the people who moved Laozi didn't end well." Longfei said, looking at the blood on the top of Tianzhu's head: "Give me a blow, give me a death!"

at this time.

Another place.


"It looks like it started."

The black robe was too sneer at the corner of his mouth, saying: "It’s my turn to play now."


The strong is good, the weak is good.

Fighting is a truth.


You are not afraid of death, you can scare to death.

You don't want to kill, you can scare those who are terrible.

You can seize the opportunity for a moment, even if the martial arts master will be bombarded by your chaos.

Longfei is like eating a dazzling Mai. It can't stop at all. The move is a move and then a move. "You have a lot of blood, and there are many moves for you. You won't take a heavy sample for hours!"

"It depends on how much blood you can consume!"

The blood volume of 4.8 billion is indeed too much. Longfei can only continue to bombard with the practice method.

Can only be consumed this way.

He has no moves that can cause hundreds of millions of damages. This is the most urgent force he is currently in. He feels that his strength has reached the limit.

Even if he breaks through the realm of Feixian, his power will not be able to make a big breakthrough.

Hard to cause spikes!

The strongest of these flying fairy realms will be hundreds of millions, billions, and billions of blood. If there is no powerful force to cause damage to the land, the road behind Longfei will be very difficult.

after all.

Tongtianxian Temple is now contacting the superpowers of Tianwu Mainland to form a super league and deal with him!

Open the dragon domain, imminent!

Longfei must demand more powerful power.

When the Emperor City was working on the ancient sky, Longfei deeply realized his weak attack.

just now.

In the face of Scorpio, it is still like this.

Must get more powerful power.

The power of the dragon is his only choice!


Even if it is hard to kill the boss, Longfei will die with him in the end. Facing the Scorpio in the deep pit, Longfei jumps up and moves, and the idea moves. "Da Baojian, give me a fall!"

Dema big move, bombarded against the sky.

Continuous bombardment.

Longfei’s right hand moved and grabbed a Pangu open axe. “The guillotine!!”


"Not dead yet?"

"I see how long you can support?"

Longfei double fists burst, the strength of the arms in the arms of Jin Gang roaring, facing the scorpio in the deep pit, double fists surge, like a storm and bombardment.


"Millions of combos!"

"I don't believe that you will not die!"

"How about the blood of 4.8 billion? As long as Lao Tzu can break your defense, even if one trillion of blood, I can smash you into slag!" Longfei smashed, and the fists screamed at the sky. boom.




The sound is so loud that the people around are stupid.

Is this Nima still a human?

It’s a madman at all, or a madman who is walking away.

Scorpio was finally scared, and the chill came out and shouted at the void. "Old ancestors, save me, save me..."


Chapter two,

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