The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1063: Incarnation

Feixian eight products realm!

The pinnacle of this world exists.


There is no backhand power to be played by Longfei.

Called the ancestors.

What is fierce, this is fierce!

The amount of blood on the top of Scorpio is getting less and less, and the overbearing power of Hunshan Boxing is fully released. Every time the bombardment of King Kong is roaring, it is roaring.

The feeling of being alone in the nine days and ten places.

Longfei rides on the body of Tianzhu, and said in a madness: "Calling ancestors? It is useless to call your ancestors in the 18th generation. I am going to kill you today!!"

"Old ancestors..."

"Save me, save me!"

"Save me!"

The voice of Scorpio keeps ringing, and he is really scared.

The whole body is shaking.

Longfei is too fierce, and it is not a human at all. He can easily crush Longfei with his Feixian eight products, but now...he is completely crushed.

Even he himself did not know how he was crushed.


In an instant.

When the void moves, a cloud of black fog floats on the sky above the head of Longfei, and the sound of the sound is heard. "Longfei, enough!"

Long Fei didn't look at it, and he said: "Enough to your uncle, you count a wool thing, you enough to say enough?"

"I haven't got enough!"

In the face of the boss, facing the boss with only one-tenth of the blood, Longfei could not let go!


In this moment.

The face of Tianling changed, his eyes sank, and the black mist in the sky suddenly shot. "Ah... I want to kill you!!"

He is familiar with this voice.

The sound that will never be forgotten, this is the voice he heard in his mother's womb, this is the voice that killed his mother! !


"just you?"

There was anger in the sound of the black fog, and the heavenly spirit that came up from the impact was not put in the eye. A force formed a pressure and was crushed out.



Not waiting for the closeness of the spirit, it was directly blasted to the ground, and a deep pit was pulled out on the ground, just like a meteorite impact.



Li Yuanba and Luo Han shouted at the same time.

Longfei is also a tight-eyed person. He doesn't know why Tianling is awkward, but... It is a heavenly home, and it must be related to his life.

He has promised his mother that he will take care of him.


Also promised to pass the spirit, will certainly help him revenge!

Now the enemy of the heavens has appeared!

Longfei’s eyes lifted slightly, and his heart was even shocked. “Wow, Nima... This is the ultimate boss of the wild city.”

Purple light glare!

Super boss!

Tianjia ancestors?


The idea of ​​the strong man in the chaos world, if it is the latter, the powerhouse in the chaos is terrible.

Even a mind is a purple-level boss, then what level of boss is his deity?

This is a bad boss.


Longfei’s heart drank and drank a word, and suddenly he was not interested in the scorpio under his body.

He thought that Scorpio was the ultimate boss of the wild city, but... he was wrong, compared with the purple light on the black fog, Scorpio didn't even count a fart.


Scorpio has only 300 million points of blood left, and then give him a few minutes to be killed.

do not miss it!

Longfei snorted and said: "First kill you and say it!"


Longfei's double fists kept on, and it continued to bombard.

The black mist was extremely furious, as if his own majesty was trampled on, and the thick voice came again, and he sipped, "I let you stop, you didn't hear it?"


"I see you are really tired."

In an instant!

The black mist came out with a force, and it was directly crushed down. Longfei’s heart sank, and the source of strength in the sea seemed to be drained.

Instantly crushed.

The body of Yuanlong and the head of Yuanlong also flashed out. "Boy, you can't do it in the end. If you can't, let me come."

"You go and go!"

Longfei roared, and the double fists continued to bombard the Scorpio. He was about to die soon, and he was about to die. Longfei died without letting go!


Another power is coming out.

Longfei’s body sank, and the power of King’s roar on his arms was crushed and disappeared.

Longfei is now uncomfortable.

His fist has no power at all.

The damage caused by the blast is all miss, the power is crushed, and it can't be released completely.

More critical is.

At this moment, a black shadow falls high, and he is very familiar with people, too respectful! !

Longfei was stunned and his eyes were shocked. "You are not dead?"


The system clearly blasted him, how could it not die?

Longfei couldn’t understand.

But... this time is not the time to think about it, what Longfei is going to do now is to kill the sky and explode him.

Too smug the corner of the mouth, cold and cold smiled: "I didn't think of it?"

"Ha ha ha..."

"I am very surprised? However, you can rest assured that this time I came to the wild city is not looking for you, but looking for him." Taizun with a sneer sneer.

"Master of the city, how was your proposal last time?"

This time, it can be said that it is the most critical time.

Waiting for Scorpio to speak, too respectful and said: "I didn't think about it? I didn't think about it, then you think about it again, I am not in a hurry."


Scorpio stood quietly and looked at Longfeidao: "You continue!"

at this time.

After a short coma, the spirit woke up and rushed up again. It was completely a violent walk, screaming: "I want to kill you!!"


Not waiting for him to approach, he was once again bombed.

Not an opponent at all.

Even if he integrates the power of the Holy Spirit, he is not an opponent.

Longfei was also crushed, he couldn’t release any power now, and the bite of the teeth rang out. "I **** your ancestors!!"

Scorpio laughed excitedly and said: "Longfei, the heavens are our ancestors, the super strong in the chaos world, there is a kind of you going up, hahaha..."

"Now you are a dead dog!"

There is no fairy power.

No power can be released.

The mind was crushed, the sea was crushed, and all the power of the dragon was crushed.

In this case, it is impossible for Longfei to kill the dead.

It is only possible to kill the Scorpio by breaking through the crushing in the body, as long as the ancestors of Tianjian are killed!

Longfei’s eyes sank, and the idea link ‘仙爆灵石’, and he screamed, “Activate!”


“Congratulations to the player ‘Dragon’’ to activate ‘仙爆灵石’, the current number of activations is four times!”

One million cents is released.

In this moment.

Longfei screamed, "Dragons turn to magic, open to me!!"


The body of Longfei suddenly changed. At this moment, his heart was full of sighs. "Forty-six dragon ancestors, give it to me, and swallow this black mist for me!"



third chapter,

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