The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1111: Target lock!

"Want, right?"

"Have a come!"

Longfei’s thoughts moved and took Long Hao out.

to be frank.

Longfei does not know how to use it. This main artifact has no instructions and no more description. Is he an attacking master artifact?

Still defensive?

Longfei does not know.


He only knows that this is his only post-attack.

Looking at the dragons that Longfei took out, the virtual shadow looked a little, and the whole person became excited. "Good power."

"Ha ha ha..."

"The breath of the main artifact, now he is mine."

The clouds of the sky are violently surging, and the sky is dim.

The shadow of the giant face becomes extraordinarily violent, excited, and watching the dragon is like getting the whole world.

at the same time.

Like the influence of ‘龙棺’, the catastrophe over the Longtian area of ​​Nantianyu has accelerated its operation and is about to come.

On nine days, Ray was raging.

Layer by layer blasting, the entire Tianwu continent can feel the impact of this powerful catastrophe power, this time is more ferocious than the previous two catastrophe forces.

More powerful than the last two additions.

"Ha ha ha..."

"Longfei, your dragon domain is about to be destroyed. Now you hand over the things, maybe you still have time to go back to see your loved ones." The virtual shadow said with a big smile.

For him, Longfei was just the meat on the cutting board and could not escape.

Longfei brows tightly locked, still looking at the system description of Long Hao, "Five-piece domain treasure can start, how to start the law?"

“Is it really putting things in the coffin?”

The virtual shadow giant sneer: "You want to start the main artifact? Do you know how to use it? Do you know what the main artifact is? Kid, come over, the main artifact is not something that you can afford."

The main artifact.

If you don't know how to use it, then it is not as good as a coffin.

"Oh shit!"

"I can't see anyone arrogant in front of me, do you like it? Is it true that Laozi doesn't understand the main artifact? That Laozi lets you know what the main artifact is." Longfei screamed in his heart, "The old man went out!"

Dragons are open.

Longfei's right hand turned over, and the hell's wheel was thrown out of the coffin.


In an instant.

There was a roar in the coffin, like a terrible steel behemoth.

A shadowy face.

He obviously felt that the strength of the dragon had become stronger, but there was no tendency to break out. He laughed loudly. "Are you a pig with the main artifact? Need feeding?"

"Ha ha ha..."

"Laugh me, the low-level garbage is rubbish, actually use the things to feed the main artifact, my mother must laugh."

Longfei looked at the virtual shadow and looked at the smirk and held a fire.

Also at this time.


"The main artifact is filled with energy, the first layer is finished!"

Longfei was shocked. He heard the sound of the system prompting the corner of his mouth and smiled coldly. He said, "Laughter? Just look at when you can laugh."


The second domain treasure, the wild land portal.


The strength of Long Hao has increased by one point.


"The main artifact is filled with energy, and the second layer is finished!"

The virtual shadow giant face is still laughing, saying: "Boy, you special, this is a funny ratio, absolutely come to be funny, the main artifact is not like this."


The third domain treasure, the fairy **** sword!


The dragon swayed gently, and its power increased by one point.


"The main artifact is filled with energy, and the third layer is finished!"

After the third system prompts the sound, a slight change is found on the dragon's owl, and there is a true dragon pattern on the dragon's owl that has nothing.

The real dragon is licking the whole dragon, like living.

The shadow of the virtual shadow has changed slightly. At this time, he did not continue to laugh. He said in his heart: "What is the real dragon? What is this main artifact?"

He doesn't know either.

He only knows that this is a main artifact, any use?

He does not understand.

But he certainly is not feeding with something!

Seeing the appearance of the real dragon, his expression is a bit abnormal.


The fourth thing, the South Tianyu Tu Longdao.


"The main artifact is filled with energy, and the fourth layer is finished!"

The real dragon rolled and moved on the dragon's dragonfly, and it became abnormal.

The last one.

Longfei took out the Tianlong Gun and took a look at it. He said: "He burns the sky, I don't know what will happen if you throw you away, but..."

Burning the sky, haha ​​smiled: "Boss, if you say this, you will see it. You can rest assured that I will burn the sky and live forever. You can rest assured."

What are the consequences?

Longfei didn't know, burning the sky didn't know.

After all, it is the main artifact, they have never encountered it.

Can Longfei have no choice.

Longfei screamed, "Go!"


The fifth thing, the Dragon Field Burning Dragon Gun.


A strong ray of dragons screamed out, and the colorful light shone over all the forces on the Tianwu continent, just as the sun was hanging high in the air.


"The main artifact is filled with energy, the fifth layer is finished!"


"The main **** gun energy is filled, is it released?"


"Please player choose the target!"

The system prompts the sound continuously, and the dragon and the double fists are heavy and heavy, and the heart is shocked: "The main **** cannon? The dragon is the main **** cannon?"


Longfei’s idea was to directly target the virtual face.


"Target lock, is it released?"


The shadow of the huge face is arrogant, the two faces are aggressive, the three faces are still aggressive, and the two eyes are moving and watching the dragon fly, slightly said: "Impossible, you can not know the usage of the main artifact, absolutely impossible things!"

"I don't even know, how can you know?"

"Kid, who are you?"

"Boy, what are you hiding?"

Under the muzzle, the voice of the shadowy face became a little trembling.

Just like the death sickle is on his neck, he can drag him into **** with a knife.

He is afraid.

Longfei smiled and said: "Do you not like to laugh?"

"Let's laugh at Laozi."

"Isn't it ridiculing that I don't understand the main artifact? You **** to Laozi." Longfei squatted and looked like a fierce god.

The shadow of the shadowy face screamed: "Kid, don't be too arrogant, even if you activate the main artifact, what can you do? Do you know how to let it release the power of the Lord God?"

"Even if you know."

"This is just a thought of mine. I can still make a thousand words and thousands of ideas. When I don't believe you can't kill you."

His words just finished.

Longfei thought about it and snarled: "Then your mother will kill me now."


When the dragon slammed, the main artillery shelled and went out...


Chapter One,

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