The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1112: Piercing through the void

Take care of him.

What plane, what illusion, idea.

Don't say anything.

Let me blast you first!

The real dragon on the dragon's dragonfly surging, and a force bombarded it.

Like a laser beam!

The shadow of the giant shadow looked at the powerful beam, and he laughed wildly. "Ha ha ha... The power of the main artifact is powerful."

He felt the unstoppable force in the beam.

In the face of such power, he did not defend at all, because any defense in front of the main artifact is a chicken, and the instantaneous cracking exists.

No one in this world can resist the power of the main artifact!

Unless it is the master of the main artifact.

The shadow of the shadow can not resist, he did not resist, but the excitement of a face, because he saw the power of the main artifact, feel the unparalleled power, and feel the excitement of this power.


The shadow of the giant face is only a kind of his thoughts, and his deity already knows all this.

It doesn't matter if a thought is dead.


His deity will come in person, and he will not give Longfei the opportunity to use Long Yao.

The virtual shadow smiled loudly and said: "Kid, wait for you, hahaha... The main artifact is mine, and you kill is just one of my ideas."

"The moment when my deity comes, it is the death of your dragon, and the day of your dragon's demise."

Longfei swears: "Is it still arrogant? I can **** you once, you can..."

The words are not finished.

Longfei stopped and blew a swearing out. "I am fucking, what is the situation of Nima?"

The beam did not penetrate the shadow giant face.

Just staring at his side and shooting it out, shooting into the void.

Longfei is stupid.

"Can this Nima be shot?"

"What is this **** master artifact?"

"Is it fake?"

"I am **** your uncle, do you want to hang up like this?" Longfei is really forced, and the shadowy face occupies half of the sky, so can it be shot?

This is called the main **** cannon?

Even if you go out with a fart, you won't be biased.

"Ha ha ha..."

"Ha ha ha..." The shadow of the shadowy face is crazy, and it’s going to laugh out. "Kid, I’m 100% sure that you’re a teasing."

"Ha ha ha..."


Everything is a virtual shadow, so you can shoot it. You have to say that this main **** cannon is too arrogant, and people can't understand it.

Long Fei can't wait to ruin the dragon's cockroaches, if you can.


At this moment, his mind was connected to the main artillery shell that had just blasted out, and he looked at it. "Through the chaos..."

"Through the Shura world..."


“Can you cross the plane?”

"This is how far I can play."

"What does he want to do?" Longfei didn't understand a bit. He did shoot far, broke through the Tianwu continent, wore the chaotic world, and wore the Shura world...

There is nothing to resist it wherever he goes.

Even the plane law can't.


What is the use of this?

Killing undead, even if there is a bird in the distance.


Longfei’s heart is tight, “going into the upper realm...”

In the chaotic world, just wearing the void does not enter the chaos world. It is the same in the Shura world. The planes that are worn out are the same, but it suddenly enters the upper realm.

The energy is running out, is it going to fall?



Longfei shook his head vigorously, and the whole person began to be inexplicably excited and muttered: "This, this is... Is this the deity who rushed to the shadow of the giant face?"


Longfei once again forced it.


The virtual shadow is shaking and screaming, "Boy, what do you want to do, what are you going to do? You, you,,,"

His deity felt a powerful force rushing toward him.

It is the power of the main **** cannon that was launched in Tianwu.

A huge cave house.

An old man was so tired that he had an excited smile on his face one second before, and this time he felt that death had come.

"No, no, no..."

"Not like this, it can't be like this."


The main **** shells penetrated a huge mountain range and rushed out, directly slamming into the cave house where he was, and the sky sank.

The entire upper realm is shaking.


Countless strong men came out of the void, and they were awakened by this powerful force.

"The power of the main artifact!"

"The power of the main artifact!"

"Who, who, who got this master artifact?"

"Is the ancient **** war to be opened?"

"It is the cave of the gods, but he is the superpower of the gods. Why does the power of the main artifact attack him?"

"Where does the power of the main artifact come from?"

"What did God do in the end?"

"He seems to be one of the people who launched the war against the dragons in the past. Is it difficult to... the people of the dragons come back for revenge? Or does the dragon really have a master artifact?"


The whole upper gods blasted the pot.

Also at this time.

The powerful main artillery blasted on the head of the gods.




The powerful force covers tens of millions of kilometers, and a super shock wave is ejected. The entire fascinating mountain range stretches tens of millions of kilometers and becomes flat in this moment! !

All creatures within this range are all killed in an instant.

No one has to respond urgently.

Whether it is human or beast, it is the same.

The power of this main artifact destroys the earth.

The power of terror.

The gods of heaven are directly turned into slag, the body is smashed, the gods are broken, the mind, the mind, the sea of ​​knowledge are all cracked, and the thousands of ideas that he derived are truly broken.




Tianwu mainland.

The virtual shadow is shaking and groaning, "Don't, don't, don't."


Longfei looked awkward and completely stupid. Looking at the dragons around him, he couldn’t say a word that was shocked by it. The dragon in his heart was like a sly dragon.

Too fierce!

Lock your mind and directly bombard the deity.

And the damage done...

I can't describe it with the word '猛'.

Longfei looked at the trembling phantom and smiled: "Are you not able to derive thousands of ideas? Are you not arrogant? Are you a superpower in the gods?"

"Can you be awkward again?"

"Can you?"


Longfei snarled in a word, the whole person was completely caught in the excitement of a drug, and the virtual face was shrinking, and his heart became more and more excited.

The **** of heaven.

The strongest in the gods.

What is the strength of this boss?

What can it break out?

I am looking forward to it!


Chapter two,

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