The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1132: Wow, BOSS!

"How can I get out of here?"

Long Fei asked.

He does not want to stay in this iron cage.

Niu Dashan said: "There are no living people who can go out from here. There is only one kind of person who wants to go out, dead."

This is the fate of slaves.

Once you have branded your slave, you can't get rid of it all your life.

Longfei’s chest is marked with a slave mark.

They can only be the object of other people's play, the human sandbags, only the dead will be thrown into the mass graves like them by the garbage, and they will be torn by the wild dogs.

Longfeidao: "Have you tried it?"

Niu Dashan smiled bitterly: "The people who tried are dead, who dares to try?"

It was at this time.

A strong ray of light came in the iron cage.

A man with a big belly walked down step by step.

In the darkness, he is like a big lantern, glittering.

In this moment.

Longfei’s eyes suddenly tightened, and the color of excitement flashed, “Wow, boss!”


“Congratulations to the player ‘Dragon’’ triggered the mission.”

Mission: Lead the slave to escape from here.

Level: b

Time: ten days

Reward: Three thousand experience points, three hundred spirit source, get a special item.


"Whether to accept?"

Longfei didn't even think about it. He immediately said, "Accept, of course accept it."

Niu Dashan looked at the excitement of Longfei’s eyes and immediately whispered: "Boss, what are you excited about?"

Longfeidao: "I am excited."

Niu Dashan continued: "Boss, don't stare at him. The boss hates people staring at his face. Boss, don't watch."

Longfei did not regain his gaze, or stared at the slave owner, his eyes flashed with brilliance, and his heart was excited. "The first boss in the chaos world, still not let me have a look?"

It was at this time.

A man on the side of the slave snorted and slammed out a force in his hand.


When Niu Dashan saw it, he did not know why, and blocked it up in front of him, blocking it in front of Longfei.


Niu Dashan's body exploded and slammed into the thick iron wall, and the iron wall was sunken. The chest of the Niu Dashan was shattered and the blood could not be controlled.

Long Fei brows slightly tight, "Is it okay?"

Niu Dashan wiped the blood from his mouth and said, "Nothing."

Longfei’s eyes stared at the man who had just shot, his eyes sinking slightly.

The man sipped, "What do you see?"

Longfei smiled coldly: "Don't look at anything, just want to remember what you look like."

The man looked cold and said, "Remember what I look like?"

Longfeidao: "Yes, when I am afraid of killing the wrong person."


"Are you looking for death?" The man's eyes were angered, and the strength of his hand jerked, and he would fly to the dragon.

It was at this time.

The slave owner said coldly, "Stop!"

The man around him immediately took up the power and did not dare to fail.

The slave owner stared at Longfei and said: "The kid, there is a big beast after three days. If you can survive from the venue, you and these people can live well."


"If you are dead, hey!"

The slave owner showed a gloomy smile and said: "The fat man behind you, and the garbage around you are going to die."

A slave immediately said: "The beast will be extremely dangerous. You can let 009 die. Why do you want to bring us? We don't want to die."

"Boss, 009 is a waste. If he goes, he will die."

"The boss begged you, you killed him directly."

"009, you don't want to hurt us. If I were you, I would kill it."

Want to survive from the beast?

Still a slave?

This is simply impossible. No one will let the slaves survive from the beast.

The audience will not agree.

Even if the audience agrees, the gladiators in the Colosseum will not agree, and the monsters will not agree, and the chances of the slaves surviving at the beast will be zero.

From the founding of the Colosseum to the present, no slave has survived.

Who is going to die?

Longfei simply can't come back alive.

It was at this time.

Niu Dashan double-handedly regained his grip and said: "The boss, let him go instead, my cultivation is stronger than him, I can be..."

Don't wait for him to finish.

The eyes of the slave owner glimpsed a little.

The man beside him was rushing out with a force.


It’s lightning fast.

Longfei simply did not react. Niu Dashan is also the same. There are too many gaps in the level of the level. It is not at a level at all. It is not an opponent at all.


Niu Dashan was once again bombarded and slammed into the iron wall of the original depression.

This time the injury is heavier.

The chest ribs were broken several times, and the face was pale as thin paper, and several blood was continuously sprayed.

The slave owner smiled coldly and said: "Well, now you are seriously injured, should you not participate?"

"Ha ha ha..."

The slave owner sneered aloud.

Two eyes stared at Longfei and said: "Kid, if someone is not named for you to play, you are dead now!"


"Three days later, you die, these people follow you to die."



The slave owner sneered a few times and turned and left.

The master man looked at Longfei with a cold look, showing a sneer of contempt and followed him out.

All the people looked at Longfei.

The eyes are full of hate.

"009, kill yourself."

"Yes, only if you die, the boss will let us live."

Longfei did not pay attention.

He knows that everyone wants to live, even if he lives in such a place where life is not as good as death, he wants to live and die, so he did not say anything.

See Longfei is not moving.

A slave snorted again and said, "Waste, Lao Tzu is talking to you? Are you blind?"

Don't wait for him to finish.


Longfei rushed out in one step, and his right hand grabbed his throat in an instant, slammed, and took a shot. He directly put the man on the fence and lifted it to the air. He said, "Let me hear the waste again." 'Two words, I will kill you, understand?'


The slave was trembling, the urine droplets flowed down in the crotch, and he quickly nodded his head, his voice shivering: "Ming,, understand, understand."

The dragon is flying loose.

The man fell on the ground and scared almost to cry.

Longfei’s eyes swept away, and there was no more sound in the entire iron prison.

Longfei walked to the side of Niu Dashan and said: "I will use his life to compensate for these two palms!"

Niu Dashan Road: "Boss, don't be impulsive, that person is strong, the slave owner is stronger, and... the beast will be worried after three days..."

He did not go on.


Longfei will die in the Colosseum.

Longfei smiled lightly and said: "Don't worry, I will definitely explode here!"


Longfei opened the space ring and said slightly: "This upgrade is upgraded!"


Chapter two,

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