The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1133: Eat experience Dan upgrade, cool!

The things of Tianwu mainland.

Weapons, medicinal herbs, and celestial crystals are basically waste products here.


These things are also limited by the law, even in the space ring, into the world becomes a waste, just like the realm of Longfei.

If he can cross back to Tianwu, he is still the peak of Feixianjiu.

But in the new plane, the more advanced plane, the power of the law is different, the dragon fly after the baptism of the heavens has to start all over again, just like returning to the new village.

actually not.

The power of Longfei has not changed, and the law of this plane has changed.

The power of Feixian Jiu Pin enters into the chaos and is the lowest level of existence.

Of course, there are some special things that are not limited by the plane law, just like the main artifact dragon, it comes from a higher plane.

For example, the tears of the goddess.

It has no change.

Another example.

It belongs to this chaotic world.

For example, experience Dan! !

Bimon swept the black box of the heavenly man in the secret world and gave it to Yan Huang's ancestors, but he had always stayed with him.

It has been useless.

It is not bound by the law of planes.

Looking at the accumulated experience in the space ring, Longfei’s mouth smirked.

The idea is moving!



“Congratulations to the player ‘Longfei’ swallowed experience Dan and gained 100 points!”

"I rub!"

"Only 100 points of experience, engage in your sister." Longfei suddenly feel uncomfortable, how to say that those who are heavenly are also people in the chaos world, even if it is not a strong person, there is only a hundred points of experience?

This time the system did not give any explanation.

A hundred points of experience are not many, but now for Longfei, mosquitoes are small and meat, and he has no choice at all.

"I have recognized him."

"Come back!"

Longfei is also an idea, swallowing an experience Dan.


“Congratulations to the player ‘Longfei’ swallowed experience Dan and gained 100 points.”


“Congratulations to the player ‘Longfei’ swallowed experience Dan and gained 100 points.”


The fifth system prompts to sound.

The experience value of Longfei directly reaches 100%, and the system sounds an upgrade tone.


“Congratulations to the player’s “Longfei” upgrade, the current level of yellow grade one!”


“Congratulations to the player’s ‘Longfei’ upgrade, and receive special rewards. Is the reward item “Aeolus Legs” cultivated?”


"unexpected surprise?"

When the dragon flies, he immediately said: "Cultivate!"


“Congratulations to the player ‘Dragon’’ practiced the ‘Fengshen Leg’ and gained 10 special rewards.”

Practice: Fengshen legs

Grade: nine products

Consumption: 10 points source

Description: One leg out, the wind is shocked.

Longfei’s practice column finally has the first practice!

at this time.

Longfei checked out the personal attributes.

Player: Longfei

Grade: Yellow grade one product (yellow, mysterious, purple, spiritual, Japanese, moon, star, Chen (one to nine products, above the eight realms are three emperors, heaven, earth, three emperors!))

Lingyuan: 100 points

Practice: Fengshen legs

Lucky value: 10

Rage value: 100

Battle pet: no!


Longfei glanced a little and said: "Continue!"

And began to madly devour the experience Dan.

The swallowing of one piece and one piece of dragonfly has rapidly improved the experience of Longfei.

ten minutes later.

The level of Longfei has increased again.

Yellow grade two!


Like a madman, Longfei constantly devours the experience of Dan in the space ring.

Another fifteen minutes passed.


“Congratulations to the player’s ‘Longfei’ upgrade, the current grade of the third grade!”

“Congratulations to the player ‘Dragon’ received an upgrade award ‘The best cure Dan’.”

Longfei took out the medicinal herbs and walked to the side of Niu Dashan. He said: "You will take this remedy."

Niu Dashan glanced, "This, this, this is the cure for Dan."

The sound fell.

The slaves in the entire iron prison were surrounded by a bee, all staring at the healing Dan in the hands of Longfei, one by one like staring at a monster.

The eyes don't take a look, and many people swallow their mouths.

"Isn't it a cure for Dan? Is it necessary to do this?" Longfei snorted, and he saw the property of Healing Dan, which is Sanpin.

There is no other use than the therapeutic effect.


Its quality is enough to make any warrior in Hongcheng feel excited.

Three products cure Dan not long.

The best three-level cure for Dan is even rarer.

Say someone to give away?

Too arrogant!

Niu Dashan has a feeling of being flattered. He quickly said: "Boss, I can't, I can't, cure Dan Tai is precious, boss, you have to participate in the beast, you have more life on this body." Hope, keep it yourself."

Long Fei shouted: "When you eat it, you eat it. Is the mother-in-law still like a man?"


Longfei pressed a hand on the head of Niu Dashan.

His first palm was resisted by Longfei. Even if this medicinal medicine is precious, Longfei will not hesitate to give him.

Niu Dashan was moved by a mess, and tears came out.

Long Feidao: "You take a hand for me, this remedy should be yours."

at this time.

The slaves around me are all regretting, and if they can bear a cure for Dan, they will be willing to bear ten palms.

Longfei continued to swallow experience Dan after dropping the drug.

after an hour.


“Congratulations to the player’s ‘Longfei’ upgrade, which is currently rated at the Yellow Level.”

"Upgraded again."

Every liter of dragonfly feels the change of the body and the change of strength.

At the same time that Longfei upgraded, the power seed in his body also absorbed a powerful force, slowly becoming stronger and changing bit by bit.


"carry on!"

Long Fei took a deep breath and looked at the remaining experience Dan in the space ring. "I don't know if I can raise another level."

One and one experience Dan swallowed down.

The experience slot is very slow, and now it takes nearly 100,000 experience points to be one thousand experience points.


"Twenty percent."

"It’s another wave of experience Dan swallowed in."

"98 percent."

When the experience value reached 99.99%, Longfei looked at the last experience Dan in his hand. As long as the medicinal drug was taken down, he could upgrade immediately.


Longfei did not do this.

What does the upgrade mean?

It almost means resurrection in situ, and he wants to stay at the most critical moment.

This is his advantage.

"The beast will be an opportunity!" Longfei double-handedly clenched his hand and took the experience to Dan. Then he asked Niu Dashan about some things about the Colosseum.


There is an escape plan in the mind of Longfei.

“No one can live out?”

“No slaves can survive on the battlefield?”

"I can!"

"Because Laozi is called Longfei!"


third chapter,

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