The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1141: The unknown series of the universe, the fish!

The system prompts to sound.

100 points level violent energy value disappears!


“Congratulations to the player ‘Longfei’ killing the ‘Slave Lord’ and gaining 5000 points of experience, with a source value of 470 and an energy value of 10.”

“Congratulations to the player ‘Longfei’ to get the 'Hell Token’”

“Congratulations to the player ‘Long Fei’ to get ‘一品疗伤丹’”

“Congratulations to the player ‘Longfei’ got...”

It’s all garbage.

The explosion was very bad, Longfei was somewhat disappointed, but the slave owner was just a small boss and couldn't make any good things. Longfei was also prepared.

He now only cares about the outbreak of violent attributes.


“Congratulations to the player ‘Longfei’ to release the violent energy value, get the violent special items, the domain treasure series, the Hong sacred treasure series, the heaven series, the game series, the Weiman series, the anime series, the myth series, the universe unknown series...”

"please choose!"

Longfei squatted and swallowed, and his heart was a little excited. Looking at this series of series, Longfei once again fell into the fear of choice. "What do you choose?"


"The next time Laozi must get him an energy value of 80,000, I will use this as a lottery."

So the series has some descriptions.

In addition to a series, the universe series!

All he showed were question marks.

Longfei muttered: "I am killing the boss. It is reasonable to say that the violent energy value should be able to explode some good things. If this is the case..."


"Choose the unknown series of the universe!"

Longfei’s idea was moved and confirmed.


"The player confirms the selection of 'The Unknown Series of the Universe.'"


“Congratulations to the player ‘Long Fei’ triggers a level of violent energy to get a 'unknown fish 竿’ pair!”


"Unknown fish?"

"Fishing fish?"

"What the hell?"

Longfei was a little fierce and muttered: "I have never heard of it, the system, your uncle, you don't play cards according to the routine, what do you think of Laozi's fish?"


This unknown fish is still made of bamboo.

Just like the fishing rod in ancient times.

"This, this Nima is an unknown series of the universe? I am not your uncle, I am your grandmother!" Longfei roared, really unhappy.

He also thought that the unknown series of the universe is some future technology, or something super dark technology, dark matter and so on.


This Nima is a broken fish, and I think that Longfei feels mad.

Is there such a pothole?

Longfei sighed with sigh, and then followed the idea to see the attributes of ‘unknown fish.’

Item: Unknown fish

grade:? ?

Description: This fishing rod can be thrown into the unknown void, and you can catch everything in the world through time and space!

"Hunt up everything in the world?"

"The big hang of Laozi can also smash everything in the world. A broken fishing rod also hangs everything in the world?" Longfei was a little disdainful, and then his thoughts moved: "I will see how you catch everything in the world."

The mind controls the ‘unknown fish 竿’ and slams it.

As the article describes, the long line on the rod is thrown into the endless void, and the void is like a huge lake 叮咚.

The hook fell into the void.

Then it will be silent.

Long Fei waited for a few seconds and there was no reaction on the fishing rod.

"I bother!"

"What **** is unknown to the fish, you will be bored." Long Fei's contempt, at this time his side changed back to its original appearance.


His body is as weak as it is, and it is extremely uncomfortable.

"Call...when..." Longfei breathed out two breaths, then stood up and looked at the sky. "This place should not be left for a long time, first complete the mission."

He made the Colosseum like that, the people of the whole city are all looking for him, and if they are caught, then it is estimated that they don’t want to leave alive.

Longfei quickly moved to the backyard dungeon.

As for the ‘unknown fish 竿’, Longfei has forgotten behind.

I didn't think about it at all.


If you think about it, he estimates that he has to give greetings to the women in the system at home. A violent chance is wasted, so fucking.

Really annoying.

Longfei is an impatient person.

He entered here, and when he came up, he used the energy liquid of ‘Invincible Hulk’ and directly killed him. If he could solve it by punch, he would never use the second punch.

Fishing needs patience to wait, and Longfei is not suitable.


With this lesson, killing him will not easily choose the unknown series of the universe, too pitted!



"He actually went back there?"

"it is good!"

"Tell me to order, and immediately send all the guards to the past." Shen Tianhe's eyes are cold, "Boy, today I want you to be robbed!"

The Hongcheng guards quickly assembled and quickly surrounded the place where the dragon flew.

at the same time.

Wang Shanhe also received news.

It was also quickly mobilizing the disciples in the direction of the yard where Longfei was located.


"Miss, we..."

"Elders, elders, are we really going to pick up this drowning water?" A Nuo snorted with a small mouth, one hundred unwilling, said: "Shen Tianhe will certainly not let him live alive."

"With Shen Tianhe's cultivation, one hundred yellow-grade five products are not his opponents. I think we are still forgetting."

Yang Yu suddenly stopped, and her eyes turned out a burst of light. "Yes, if we saved him, wouldn't he be grateful to me?"

"In that case... he will definitely go with me, hahaha... I am a genius."

Anu’s forehead had eight black lines on his forehead and he didn’t want to talk to Yang Yu anymore.

Yang Yu is completely intoxicated in her own world. "I must get him. I want those brothers to prove that not only can they find genius disciples, but I can!"


"Anu, hurry up!"

Yang Yu urged it.

Her pace is accelerating.


The iron fist opened, and Longfei stood in front of the prison and smiled and said: "I said I will come to save you."

Niu Dashan was covered by the whole person. He looked at Longfei with a look of worship. "Boss, are you too fierce?"

"What are you waiting for?"

"Go away!"

I can't believe what's going on. Many people think that they are dreaming in the cage. Will there be people in the world who will save them?

Longfei urged the voice to let them recover, all of them were grateful to zero, one by one out of the cage.

When they all walked out of the dungeon into the yard.

The system sounds a tone.


“Congratulations to the player ‘Longfei’ to complete the mission to receive a reward of 3000 experience, 300 spirits, and get a special item.”


“Congratulations to the player ‘Longfei’ for a special item ‘double experience card’!”


Longfei blinked and laughed. "Double experience card, hahaha... this thing is arrogant!"

Also at this time.

A voice passed into the backyard.

"The people inside are listening, you are already surrounded."


Chapter One,

Thanks to the ‘9 days, Dragon Shadow, really small villain,’ monthly ticket support, thank you brothers for their monthly ticket support, thank you!

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