The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1142: Two words, killing!

"The people inside are listening, you are already surrounded!"

"I will immediately lay down my arms and come out and surrender."


These two words sounded, and Longfei was a little embarrassed. "I wipe, police film?"

Immediately, he screamed, "It’s really fast to come."

Can this blame others?

The Hulk exploded and directly alerted the people in half of the city. Can this still be hidden?

Niu Dashan immediately asked: "Boss, what is the situation?"

Everyone also looked at Longfei.

They simply don't know what happened today, and they don't know who is surrounded them. They think they are slave owners in their hearts.

Longfei grinned in his mind about how to use the ‘double experience card’. As for who surrounded them, he said casually: “It’s estimated that it’s the people of the city’s government and the family of the royal family.”

"who cares."

He said an understatement, but the people around him listened like a thunder, and their eyes became different.

"The guard of the city seat?"

"Shen Tianhe's people? He, he, he is a disciple of Yuan Zhenzong."

“How come you get to the people in the city seat?”

"There are people in the palace, what is going on?"

"Is there any misunderstanding?"

All are a little scared.

Because they all know what kind of person Shen Tianhe is, what kind of identity he is, and in Hongcheng, it is tantamount to provoke death.

It’s all about finding death.

Longfei is still indifferent, saying: "There is nothing wrong with killing Wang Tai, and the Colosseum is going to waste it. He grabbed all the monsters and put them out. Those monsters estimated to kill. Not killing people."

"How do you use it?"

"Use killing, or killing monsters?"

He is now full of ideas about how to use the ‘double experience card’.

This special item is so tempting!

Good use, the upgrade is like a rocket.


At this time, the faces of those who followed him from the dungeon completely changed, except for the Niu Dashan, all of them retreated and the dragon flew away.

Niu Dashan sighed and said: "What are you doing? It is the boss who saved us and was surrounded by the people of the city government. Now we should unite and kill, afraid of awkwardness."


"Niu Dashan, you are so powerful that you will kill him with him, we don't want to die."

"The guards of the main city of Light City can't cope with it, and there are the elite disciples of the Wang family. Niu Dashan, you are not afraid of death. We are afraid of death. We are willing to live in the dungeon for a few more days than to go to death with this madman."

"Well said!"

"He is a madman."

"I see him save us, but also want us to be a cannon fodder for him?"

One by one, the face changed instantly.

The heart is separated from the belly, you never know what others are thinking.

Even if you saved him the last second, he might not recognize you in the next second.

Niu Dashan yelled: "What kind of **** are you talking about?"

Long Fei smiled and said: "Don't care, people and I will save them. The task is also completed. As for the things behind them."

If it is not for the task, the people will not be saved except for the Niu Dashan.

The task is now complete.

The lives and deaths of these people have nothing to do with his half-money.

Long Fei didn't want to pay attention.


Some people just like to be guilty. If you don't **** his mother, he doesn't know that you are him.

A few people sneered and said: "009, don't be so great as you said, you will save us for no reason? Do you dare say that you have no selfishness?"

"If we want to be cannon fodder, just say it."


"What do we think of us? Do you really think you are awesome?"

"I thank you just now, but can you thank us for this kind of person?"

"What are you counting?"


One by one pointing at the dragon fly.

Long Fei mouth corner slightly hooked, staring at the slave who had just spoken, the figure moved, one step came and fell in front of him, one hand grabbed his throat, said coldly: "Do my cannon fodder? You even do me There is no qualification for cannon fodder, understand?"

The power in your hand is moving.


The neck is broken.


"Congratulations to the player..."

The system sounds a beep.

Longfei’s eyes swept away and said coldly: “Go away!”

The yellow grade five products are enough to crush these slaves!

The slaves immediately dispersed, and did not dare to put a half fart out again. People are like this. Once they are afraid, they will not dare to let go.


When they are scattered.

The back door of the yard was broken, and a large group of guards wearing armor rushed in. "One is not allowed to let go."

Another place.

In the main entrance, Wang’s disciples also broke into the door and flew in. Longfei and more than a dozen slaves were blocked in the backyard.

The entire backyard is crowded with people.

Longfei has roughly calculated, "Dozens of ah, if you match the double experience card, then you should be able to upgrade one level?"


Longfei showed a smile of excitement.

There is a killing in the smile.

The slaves immediately fell to the ground and asked for mercy: "Adults, we have nothing to do, they are all, they are all, we have never done anything."

"Let the adults be forgiven."

Longfei feels a little funny because of the servility of these people.

The head of a bodyguard led up and looked at Longfei and Niu Dashan with a cold look. "In addition to the two of them, they all killed!"

"Adult, forgive me."

"Adult, we are brothers with 009, don't kill us."

"Boss, save us, save us."

At this time, Longfei did not look at them.

Because they are no longer qualified to let Longfei take a look.



Blood splattered, screaming contiguous, less than a blink of an eye, more than a dozen slaves were killed, those guards looked cold, killing people like killing chicken, even a brow did not wrinkle.

In their eyes, slaves are not human at all.

The same is true for Longfei and Niu Dashan.

Human life is like a mustard, and the life of a slave is even worse than a mustard. ,

What kind of world is this?

Longfei knows more clearly.

Chaos, a world full of blood, is more of a world he likes.

The leader said coldly: "Dog slave, are you going with us? Or do you want me?"

"I would advise you to give me a shot, otherwise you will only have half a life."

Very crazy.

Don't put Longfei in his eyes, the kind of high-spirited eyes with cold and contempt.

Dragon fly is not good!

Niu Dashan slightly approached the dragon to fly a half point, whispered a sentence, said: "Boss, what to do?"

Longfei's idea is a move, click on the ‘double experience card’.


“Congratulations to the player ‘Longfei’ to activate the double experience card for one hour!”


Longfei mouth corner with a smile like a death, said: "Two words, kill light!"


Chapter two,

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