The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1151: wait for me!

The voice fell.

Longfei’s heart is even more sinking.

If it wasn't for Yang Yu's destiny, I am afraid that they are now dead in Hongcheng.

It does not support the time to catch the king.


More importantly, Yang Yu is helping his dragon with his own life. This is the most unsatisfactory place in Longfei's heart.

"Destiny Dan!"

"Two hours!"

Longfei’s heart tightened and immediately asked: “Do you know the refining formula of Tianming Dan? What kind of grass is needed?”

Anu smiled and said: "How can you know? Can you still make alchemy? Even if you can make alchemy, do you think that Tianming Dan is a junk medicine? What alchemy teacher can refine it?"

"Don't leave it alone."

"Do you have a grass?"

"Do you have thousands of sacred crystals? Are you Tianyuanhua? Do you have a spiritual vine? Do you have it? If not, don't say alchemy."

"Do you know how much these spirits are worth?"

"Do you know that a Tianming Dan can buy ten cities like Hongcheng? Do you know?"

"You don't know anything at all!"

The value of Tianming Dan can be said to be priceless.

at least.

For the current Longfei, it is an unattainable existence, and he has never heard of these spirits.

Not to mention refining.


In the chaotic world, he did not practice alchemy at all, and even if he was given him, he could not refine it.

Longfei was slightly changed by Anu’s face.


He didn't know anything, which made his heart more uncomfortable.

My heart is not a taste.

There is no way at all.

Yang Yu gently pulled A's clothes and coughed. "Anu, this is my life. It is also my own choice. I don't blame anyone."

"I should have died long ago."

Yang Yu’s face showed a bitter smile.

The smile is so helpless.

Longfei looked distressed.

Anudao: "Miss, are you still maintaining this time? If it wasn't for him, you wouldn't have these things at all."

"I told you all, let you leave them alone."

"What are these two slaves worth making for you to make such a big sacrifice?"

"They are just two slaves."

Niu Dashan refused to accept: "What happened to the slave? Isn't the slave a human? Also, you said that I can, but I can't say my boss."

Anu cold smiled: "Is it a slave? You know very well that the life of a slave in this world is not as high as the value of a monster."

"If you say something ugly, your life is not as good as a dog."

Niu Dashan immediately angered: "Your life is not as good as a dog. Do you want to fight?"

Anu is also angry, said: "I will fight if I fight, I am afraid that you will not be a slave?"



Long Fei and Yang Yu both shouted.

The two were silent.

Anu turned to look at Yang Yu and said: "Miss, let's go, let's go home, I will bring you back, sure...

Yang Yu struggled, shaking her head and said: "Anu, useless, too far, useless."

Longfei also said: "Yuan Yuzong is too far away from here. Even if you fly two hours, you can't fly back. You will make her body wither faster."

Anu cried: "I don't care how far I have to fight."

Regardless of Yang Yu’s struggle, Yang Yu will be on his back.

Anu’s spiritual source was exhausted. He had just ran all the way, and his spiritual source had not recovered. He simply couldn’t go back because of her cultivation.


She is also very weak.

Still not taking two steps, plus Yang Yu's struggle, the two fell to the ground.

Anu quickly hugged Yang Yudao: "Miss, you are fine, you blame Anu, blame Anu is useless, not taking care of you, Miss Sorry, sorry."

Yang Yu smiled and said: "Anu, no matter what you do."

"Anu, we can't go back."

"You help me up."

Anu did it and helped Yang Yu.

Yang Yu looked at Longfei, and his voice was a little floating. He said: "I am the daughter of an elder of Yuanzong. Now, in addition to things, Yuan Zhenzong needs some very talented disciples. Can you go to Yuanzong?"

very serious.

This is also the purpose of her secretly going down the mountain.

She did not want her father to look sad all day long.

Niu Dashan was shocked and secretly said: "My God, it is really Yuanzong, a million-kilometer-long super-class gate of the 18th city."

Longfei did not have any accidents.

Because he already guessed their identity.

Yang Yu saw Long Fei not talking, and said again: "Can you go to Yuan Zhenzong?"

Anu whispered: "Miss, they are two slaves, they can't change Yuan Zhenzong, and their identity is not qualified for Yuan Zhenzong's assessment."

Slave, humble identity.

No sect will be hired, and even the qualifications for the assessment will not be given.

Yang Yu looked at Longfei very seriously. She knew that as long as Longfei was willing, his potential would definitely pass the assessment.

In this chaotic world.

What Longfei wants to do is to blow up everything.

He wants to use the chaotic world as a springboard to enter the upper realm!

He has to overthrow the main temple.

He has to step on the foot, this is what he wants to do.

Enter Zongmen...

He did not think about it!


Now he owes Yang Yu and owes her life!

Longfei nodded and said: "Well, I promise you, but... I will not let you die, it will not!"

Yang Yu smiled softly and said: "You promise me enough, my life is no longer important."


"Hey, I found a super genius for you, Yuan Zhenzong was saved, hey, you don't have to frown again."

The voice is getting lower and lower.

At the moment that Longfei promised, she smiled.

I don't know why.

She believes in Longfei and believes that he can help Yuan Zhenzong out of the predicament.

must be able to!

Anu shouted, "Miss, Miss, Miss..."

Longfei also stepped forward, watching Yang Yu's face appear wrinkles quickly, the body quickly aging, the whole person also fainted.

The simple easiness of their faces also fell, and the black hair turned into white silk.

In just half a minute, it turned into an old lady with a ruin, and it made people feel trembled.

"There must be a way!"

"There must be a way!"

"There will be a way." Longfei is a little panicked. He rarely has this kind of time when he is not calm. When Yang Yu becomes this appearance, he is really panicked.

"What should I do?"

"What should I do?"

"Tian Ming Dan, Tian Ming Dan..."


"I have a redemption system!"

Longfei immediately opened the ‘exchange system’. On the system shelf, he saw ‘Tianming Dan’. He was ecstatic, just... Looking at the points needed to redeem it, Longfei’s heart sank.

Two hours!

"Two hours!"

Long Fei looked at Yang Yu, who was in a coma, and said slightly: "Wait for me, I will definitely come back!"


third chapter,

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